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Horror Suspense Funny

I wake up to the buzzing of my alarm clock. I hurried around, stopped by the devil, my brother. Jake get out of the way I will be late. Mom Jake won't get out of my way. Honey let your sister by. He has work at her office. Fine go ahead Camila. I walk to the fridge and grab my yogurt, But instead it's a prank. It's sour cream and ranch. Omg, Jake seriously I bought this yesterday it's a tub of yogurt for 5 dollars. Do you have that money Jake. Because you're gonna pay me back, So you better go find a yard to mow. Alright I'm gonna go see you mom love you. Love you too. I step in my car and head to work. I get out and walk to the building. Hello Lacey, she replies hey Camila, is your brother still stupid if you don't me saying. I don't mind and yes he ruined my yogurt with ranch and sour cream. Lacey's our assistant, I walk down the hall, but just as I get to my office the power in Los Angeles goes out. Dangit! I need my computer to work. I find my phone and watch the news. They say it's a power outage and a zombie apocalypse. I scream for my boss. She walks in and screams we all call people that can help us, But everyone starts running in buildings including ours trying to find a place to hide. I call my mom and she answers Camila get home! Now! Or at least somewhere safe, do you understand! I reply yeah sure dropping my phone I see a real zombie outside terrorizing everyone. I began telling everyone to shut up and hide in offices beginning with Lacey's office. Girls and guys follow me. I lead them down past the kitchen to Lacey's meeting office. Everyone, I want 12 people here. If your family or friends stay together. If you're strangers to the people in that room and can fit in there go in there and attach metal everywhere on the walls, windows, and doors. Don't let anyone in except me. Lacey is gonna stay with y'all. The rest of yall follow me into my office and I will stay with y'all. Everyone boards the walls, doors, and windows with metal. We finally finished boarding everything down when we heard a loud bang like loud as a gun being shot right past your ear. It startles everyone including me and my boss. We wait a couple minutes before moving. As I get up I see a zombie thing well I think it's a zombie thing walking into the wall over and over like it's mental or something. I tell them to stand back until further notice. The zombie starts attacking computers and desks. I start to pull out my phone when it goes off (lollipop lollipop lolli lolli lollipop) Oh crap!! (beep turns off). Omg that was so close. I have to be more careful, I say. My boss wanders who is calling me during this apocalypse. I say it was some random number that was 918-765-7412. I get up and unlock the doors and ask them to lock it back when I leave, but open it when I'm down the hall so I don't die. They say yeah perfect. I slowly walked down the hall into the lobby where we last saw the zombie. I run past the front desk and grab water and food. But I get startled when a guy taps my shoulder. AH!! Oh sorry ma'am I was hoping I could get some food for my room with Lacey. We need the food bad Lacey is sick and my daughter is sick and some others are sick too. I need to find the zombie first. I whisper. He yells. Stop screaming you idiot. He says he is just trying to find the zombie so he can hurry back to his group. I yell and the zombie comes from the kitchen. I see an opening so me and him run for it and finally we are in the kitchen. The zombie runs to the door of the building and escapes to the outer land. We bring the food back to the groups and we All stay in the kitchen and eat. Then the electric in only our building turns on and the refrigerator turns on. I see the light across the hall turn on. I see the screen on the front desk turn on and glitch back off along with the rest of the lights to the building. Then I see more zombies go to the science lab across the street. Our janitor begins coughing and gasping for air. I immediately call Dr. Green and I hear his ringtone in the men's restroom.

I began asking the janitor if he would be fine while I went to the men's restroom to see if Dr. Green was there. He said that his mom would be happy that he is helping girls like me. I say Thank you. And walk down the hall to the men's restroom and knock on the door Dr. Green are you in there I ask. He says, Yes. I walk in and see him lying on the ground with a stapler in his back and a porcelain sword in his shoulder. I try to help him, But he says he needs someone in this scenario to help with my group's janitor. I ask him what I need to do to help the janitor. The doctor said he needed to prop his chest and head and drink plenty of water. Then he gave me a necklace thinking he was dying and cried. I told him I already took the sword out when he was talking and the stapler fell out a while ago. Then he gets up and goes to the janitor to help him. The news comes on along with the electricity to the town. The news says The town has finally been fixed, all the zombies are being buried and the town is back to it's clean, Beautiful self. We all cheer and go back to our houses to relax. And I never got tricked by my brother again. The next day I walked up to my job. Hey Lacey, How's it going. She says, Hey Camila, Your brother finally got scared didn't he. Yes he did indeed now I can eat my peach yogurt in peace.

May 05, 2021 16:02

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Arwen Dove
05:10 May 12, 2021

Wow! Amazing story!


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