Friendship Fantasy Horror

The cage was cold. Cement cool under my feet. Reese had curled in on herself, her long strawberry blonde hair veiled over her shoulders and face as he curled around her knees, sitting on the floor. 

She had been placed inside an animal cage, like those old ones circus's use to use way back when they mistreated animals way more regularly. Only, She was the spectacle this time around.

Men with large guns and foul odor walked around and talked in a foreign tongue she didnt understand. 

She watched her friend as he talked to the guards. She didnt think he would do something like this. 

Maybe he wouldnt have, before the world fell apart. Before resource guarding became a thing and large civilizations were wiped out the planet. This was now a lawless world. 

She thought since they made it out of the bombing's together maybe they had grown some sort of a blood bond with out the nasty ritual of exchanging blood. 

She stared at her friend Abel, she wondered what the conversation he was having with the soldier was going like. 

His almond eyes trembled, he looked scared. She could imagine the conversation going on. It was predictable. 

She could tell he hadnt thought this through. Since people had begun to form groups and kids were more or less left behind as adults decided not to have burdens left their kids for dead. Groups of men like this arose. They were probably perverts. 

Men who held high standing before this whole shit show started. 

As she rested her cheek on her knee she watched as Abel stiffened. 

"What do you mean youre going to kill her as sacrifice?" She plagiarized. Pretending she could hear the conversation.

"Yup. She's much too ugly to sell to any high and mighty rich people for trade of supplies. Might as well use her to fend off the hoard of dead making their way through in two weeks time."

She could see the man's shoulders bouncing as he laughed. 

Abel simply looked wide eyed in the direction of the cage. Looking away quickly when he noticed she was looking at him. 

The broad shouldered man placed a firm hand on him. Making him shift his gaze from the floor to him. Horrified. 

Abel muttered, in her imagination. "Is it going to be quick?"

The man smiled, sneering. 

"It has to be slow to lure the big ones within shooting range."

Thats the whole point of this world now. 

She hated this. She hated she trusted him. The sneaky little weasel. 

She was sold off the minute the offered him food and supplies. Maybe he was missing comfort but this wasnt it. 

She knew from comic's and enough reading about the world this wasnt going to end well for him. 

He would die. He would die if he tried to save her now, or he would die because he is actually cute. Cute, gay, nervous little thing. He didnt have any confidence in himself besides being able to be easily convinced. 

At what cost though? Youre only friend was now in a cage counting down the minutes to her demise. 

She was soon enough rattled as a man with glasses to try to conceal a large nasty looking scar over what looked like a probably blind eye passed by her cage, letting the head of his rifle tap loudly against the steel bars. 

Tap, Tap, Tap the sound went as he seemed to growl like a feral dog. 

Maybe he would rape her before she died. Maybe she could use his disgusting attraction to get out of this mess. She still had a knife. Held and bound tightly against her inner thigh. 

They only took what they could see she was carrying. Such as her gun and machete. She kept herself closed off, she glanced back over at her nervous friend as he laughed awkwardly off in the distance.

She glared at him. This was all his fault. She was going to make it out of this though. She would. She swore though, if she ever saw him again she wouldnt hesitate to slit his throat.

he looked ashamed at her. "Why did i do this?" She figured he was saying in his head right now. "The food isnt even that good."

He slowly moved off beside the group of men, jittery hands picking up a gun.

Reese's eyes went wide. He wouldnt. Thats the stupidest idea she thinks she has ever seen. She didnt know what he was doing. The small band of bandits and thugs grouped together and gathered, laughing as they began to plan something.

Hardly paying attention to the small spindly new guy they were probably going to kill later.

Her eyes widened as she flew to to lean on her palms. He wouldnt! He wouldnt! She could see him considering his options. He came near her cage. She was terrified.

He swallowed. She swallowed.

He shot at the cage lock, the loud BANG and thump as the heavy chain was busted, her arm was quickly grabbed as she was thrown out of the cage by her friend.

That idiot!

Why would he do something like that? He shoved the gun in her hand, She paused as the men began to rush over.

"Take the gun, grab the brown backpack on the 15th tent in area 3. Its full of supplies, food, ammo, and medical aid. then run! Run for the tree line!" He stated all that so fast it was hard to process.

"Youre a god damn idiot!"Reese exclaimed, hissing as she took the gun.

"Yeah. Just make it out of this alive. "He finally said. Everything clicked for her now. He threw her under the bus to gather supplies. They were on the fringes before, having not eaten for days. Now she had medical aid and food...But what was even the point.

She barely had a moment to think more on it, a bullet whizzing past her ear causing her to start to hear the heavy ringing.

She grunted, tripping as she began to flee towards where she was told to go.

Though as she looked over her shoulder she wished she didnt.

All she saw, was Abel, bloodied and limp on the dirt. The grass under their feet now stained in pink and red as he laid there still.


She cursed, sprinting now.


August 03, 2021 18:34

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