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A tall man in a suit walks into a busy building his hair is a mess and his cheeks flushed. As he walks the people around look at him with question like he doesn't belong. He walks very quickly to his destination "Wesley?" the woman at the front desk calls but the man ignores her and continuous walking towards his destination. Finally the man arrives he pushes open a huge wooden door in front of him and walks in to find a group of eight men sitting on a rectangular table. "What is the meaning of this" a man at the end of the table Says. "My my Wesley are you so desperate to join the conversation" one of the men say as those around him laugh "I will get the last laugh." Wesley says "what?" The man at the end of the table says "I said Gerald, that I will get the last laugh" the man tilts his head in confusion. "It's all wrong." "What are you talkin about" Gerald replies "The train designs they're all wrong" Wesley throws the papers under his arm on the table. The man at the end of the table walks up and picks one of the papers he looks at them with care and attention "This can't be right, we went over this it can't be right." he said as he looked at the papers "oh yes they're right every last bit of it. 500 people on that train today and they are all going to die all thanks to you. I'll say I'm impressed I'm sure it'll make news like you expected Gerald. But I'm sure you can make it if you hurry now and say..." Wes looks at his watch "20 minutes." Gerald along with the men on the table upon hearing this get up on their feet and rush out towards the door. Wesley smiles. The men burst out of the building in a bustling street there are people crowded everywhere happy, jubilant and busy Gerald has been running for quite some time his suit is messed up and his cheeks are red. He is covered in sweat everywhere. "Stop!" Gerald said "stop the train." he called out but no one hears him it is a loud City and no one is paying attention to him. In the distance there is a man in a conductors uniform. The man shouts " last call!" "No stop the train!" Gerald repeats The Man Standing on the train looks out and Squints his eyes. "Gerald?" He says "Sir we're ready to go" a young man says to the conductor no no wait a minute the man in the conductor suit walks up to Gerald and waits for him to catch up. " is there a problem." Out of breath Gerald finally said "you can't... you can't run the train." "Why not it's all fixed up ready to go the people are ready. " " No, you can't Gerald says as he pushes past the conductor and walked towards the trains engine. The other men that were sitting around the table finally cought up to the conductor also covered in sweat with their jair in a mess. "What on earth is going on the conductor asked the calculations... they're all wrong if that thing were to start moving everyone on it would die." A man said out of breath. "How hm did that come to happen?" the conductor said "we're not sure but we're glad we found out." "I'll get the engineer right away" the conductor jogs off into the train with urgency and later on returns with a man covered in soot. Two men stood near the engine and watched the comition unfold. watching as the men gather around in Frenzy one of the two men said should we tell them now?" "No" the other man replied "Wes wants to make the final bang. the man in soot walks out and smiles at the two men and then quickly hides the smile from Gerald. The man in soot got down and started unscrewing some of the gears Wesley finally catched up he looked cleaner now not flushed hair neat and tidy. "What seems to be be the problem gentlemen?" The men in suits look at Wesley with a confused expression but then turned their attention back to the engineer. "Gerald do you remember our April first tradition?" Wesley asked again but he got no response. "Well in case you forgot ill have you men know that it is indeed April 1st and I'm sure you know what happens on April 1st." He says with a smile on his face. "April Fool's Day. The man in suit says "winner winner chicken dinner" Weslie says. Gerald turns to look at Wesley "excuse me?" Gerald said "you just got pranked." The man in suit says as he stands up . "I'll say that's got to be the best one I've done yet." Wesley says. With anger in his eyes Gerald asks "could you be anymore wicked." "This was supposed to be our train Gerald." "you left first or fid you forget. You were going to steal it and keep it all for yourself." "why would I ever want to do something like that.I was a dear friend I would never do such a thing." "And yet here you are." Gerald replied. "Listen here the conductor said I don't care what kind of Child's Play you've had but whatever your problem seems to be you should never under any circumstances include the life-and-death situation of other people in it." The conductor stumped off and into the train. The fumes from his head almost visible. Gerald in disappointed walked away with a group of some of the men in suits while some of them stayed to watch the train. "So the train was never in danger then?" a short man said the rest of the men around and looked at him like he was an idiot he put his hands up in surrender. "Well I'll say that was a genius prop could've have fooled me the man said to the engineer as the train roared off in the distance the engineer pooled his eyes away from the moving train and looked down at his hands to realize he was still holding one of the gear parts the look of shock in his eyes could not be recreated by anyone else he looked at his hands again and then at the train which was now speeding up. "Is it supposed to be going that fast?" a man said. The color drained out of his face. "stop stop the train." he said his voice a mere whisper but of course no one on the trains coulf hear him. It was off in the distance now suddenly they heard a loud crash come from the Train it was going faster now. more and more and more to the point where It got off the rails and crashed into a nearby Forest and then capsided. The people who were still standing on land rushed towards the train trying to help those who were still inside. "No no!" the engineer said "stop!" but no one could hear him the world around him began to grow slow and slower and the noise from the earth had suddenly just disappeared it was quiet, dead silent and then from depts of the train came the roaring fire which couldn't be heard at first but then it was so loud it was deafening and it consumed everything around it for miles as it stretched outwards and upwards into a mushroom and that changed the 1st of April as they all knew it.

March 26, 2021 22:33

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1 comment

Rose Quartz
19:30 Apr 03, 2021

You describe the characters perfectly so we have an image of what they look like, I really enjoyed reading this. Nice work my friend :))


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