
My heart was hammering and my stomach tied knots around my small intestine, at this point in time I knew I .... lost, I was suspected for a muder which I knew thoroughly I didn’t committe I was bombarded with all this pressure I lost sight of the bigger smaller picture the whole forest felt sucked up by a black while taking all the colour out and vomiting out the bittersweet taste of life

the officers smashed my head on a cold hard car hood my face was dripping with blood and my ears had a tingly sound like I couldn’t hear a dog barking 2ft away from me I was petrified my heart feels likes it’s broken yet it has traces of being in my throat I was at the scenery yet I was horrified to death from what I saw as the knife piece tthough the victims skin like a fish on a rod the knife was A support rope as the mysterious seckty figure killed the victim he held them with the blade as the knife sliced through the victims skin I froze eyes bulging out determined to win a triumphant race they brang my Head up and let me go I was innocent... but for how long..?

I walked through an alley and was pumped to find out I’m innocent but in a blink of an eye another threat arose from the ashes thraweting my chances of being free they trapped my shoulders and in slow motion and it sent me to a wall only to find out my head was riped out like fabric I swing a punch at them how ever the My attempt was undeniably usless it’s was a haywire i knew the fact one of us only are going to get out alive and it was most likely not me....

an imaginary in my head arose while in concussion it was soo spectacular it was like this; ear

I could see thick brunette ropes which made a mark in the whole Scenery, swirling around trying to captivate me blinding me in this blood-curling illusionatied spiral. It was forming into multiple shapes, like in the movies as it cackled in delight, the forest was an Isolated ship full of stuff but no one to take care of it, the forest was the colour of sickness and also the colour of chocolate I could see the stones tip toeing slowly, to get out of this blood- thirsty suspiciously quite area, the trees hid in fear as the gang leader spanked them. I could taste a hint of darkness intoxicating me as I Inhaled.Also I could taste the refreshing wind, which tasted like a plainless ice pole freezing my lungs, making it impossible to breath. I could smell the cold bitter meaning of life; the true colours of nature which was very much exposed; The mud on the floor smelt like a symbol of Disgrace filling the forest with empathy, I never knew I needed but yet gotten it for no absolute reason, I could hear the depths of darkness calling my name ‘HIBAH !!!’ I felt rather happily sad, I could hear the wind whistling in fear as it morphed into a pillow of cotton candy and swept away as quickly as a painless death,I could hear the unknown ocean boiling as hot as the fire ball. The sky was as sapphire as seas, I could almost touch the distant stars, as they are shining so brightly dim, tattooed in the sky.

this is some rubbish

I have no idea how much it is but it is soo much better tho but it is still good quality but I think I have a few more options for my iPhone to download google google maps to play with the other internet apps I can get ur cuz ur bored plz plz fix this plz plz add more levels please plz plz fix it plz thx plz plz fix it cuz it plz fix it plz thx thx for the update please fix this cuz it plz thx thx plz thx for the new bathroom update and I can’t even play this one plz plz thx plz fix plz thx thx for ur free plz thx thx for the new bathroom update and I

Didn’t know what yeteyeyeyeyey I think it’s a little mix and I think I should have internet and I have to get a few more sick ones to do with the new ones I have no internet for the one that I’ve ever seen and it was like I was talking to my friends I was like a little mix of it and it stinks that cuz it plz thx plz fix it plz thx thx plz thx for the new bathroom plz plz thx thx bye it’s ok bye I’ll try to download this song on google google plz thx thx bye ur cuz plz thx thx bye plz thx thx for ur cuz ur a pic of the new update please update it soo I love it soo much I love it plz plz update please plz thx thx plz plz update plz thx thx for ur cuz plz plz update plz plz please help me fix this please plz plz update it plz fix it plz thx plz update please update it soo I dont it and soo and it stinks cuz plz thx thx bye cuz ur soo much plz thx thx bye ur phone please fix this cuz plz thx thx bye bye love it soo much I love it soo plz plz thx bye bye plz plz thx bye love plz plz update please update plz plz fix it plz thx thx bye bye ur soo much I love it soo much I much love it cuz I love it soo I love it soo much I love it soo soo many of I love it soo much I love it cuz plz thx thx bye I eat poo

November 09, 2020 17:49

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