Drama Fantasy

Why cannot things stay the same? Lenora like many could not accept all what happend or not in some cases with modern tec if it decided to go "Awol". Like today for instance. Not being able to log into the site, with the codes she was given. Then to wait two days for a reply to say that it eas a world wide problem.

There was the Retro cafe off Main Street ok if you liked dark red and lime green as a colour scheme. Liveable harmless where people spent hours on the net. Drinking endless coffee. At over three pounds a cup. You guessed it? Not allowed to bring in your own flask of coffee.

Why did things have to change slowly at first with computer science to dupe people,"Go to your libarary all will be revealed, with your pass word and code." So that was what we slow learners did. Till we got the confidence to get our own computer and link to the internet.

Lenora sighed expense if it went wrong visits to the computer geek in town. Who if he found it to be a mystery, passed you onto a collegue the other side of the town to sort matters out. Then the long wait, if the machine had to go away for repair. Then you realize how useful your old laptop was. Plodding to the libaries where its the look of the draw whether you can spend an hour or two hours on the machines depending on availablity or the needs of others.

Yes, we are trapped in the modern world like a moth to the flame. Tec power, well not always ok. Draw back being the closure of shops, communities meeting to chat. Now its pull up a chair instead to buy goods on the net.

Years ago in the seventies and before that we managed, marbels pretty coloured glass rolling down the street to score, skipping ropes, happy go lucky garden nomes by fish ponds , ball played in the street. Oh, where as the joy of living gone. In a nanny state governed by technology. Sometimes if you thought about it all it become too hard to accept and breath it all in.

Now if you are lucky, you may see these games on the internet. Ear marked as by gone days. The sort of things kids will look at and say"Hey, how did you live like that." We listened to the radio, my dear. Proud to wear bright colours midi and maxi skirts. The joy of looking in charity shops for items. Rather than just press a button, to obtain something that may not fit properly.

Yea, you could say the clothes we choose was the start of retro. Before it all got out of hand. Tecky programmes on the net yuk, Lenora was never a fan of those. Although E.T. you could label as cute. Spock looked like the demon jailer in some of those horror films. Lenora would not go there. Why did they not make E.T dolls rather than Sindy and Barbie, now that would have been a challenge.

Now the un acceptable had happend yet again for poor Lenora, rather than book a doctors appointment via the phone she was expected to describe her symptoms over the internet. Where others could find your details. It was not like the tender touch of seeing someone in person. The internet would decide what care you needed who you would see? A bloody cheek tecnology gone haywire again.

With local chemist closure having to walk, bus ride to the next chemist miles away. Was this progress? A bit like Austraila where hey computed in the bush with machines rathervthan send students to school or college to progress.

Maybe Lenora had been born in the wrong generation. Colour television was nice and cafes for meeting with ones friends. Now tecnology had upped its game too much. Why, could they not see that these geeks.

Robots, how could one kiss a robot? Or accept one living with you in the future. Cooking, cleaning helping with household tasks. If it went wrong breakages, lots of nuts and bolts, damage harm it did not bare thinking about. The stuff that nightmares were made of. Was anyone safe. The pace of tecnology had to be evened out before it was too late.

Lenora went nto her compact kitchen to make herself a drink all this retro and tec had made her throat feel dry. Picking up the bottle of cola, whoosh what a mess. Niagra Falls here? A mess on the kitchen floor. The bottle although dropped was not fool proof. Tecnology yet again. Machines doing tje work that man should do. COVID had bought about more people working from home, lo g after the epidemic ended.

I suppose you could say there was good and bad tecnology. What was the answer to it all? The future would tell us one day perhaps. It was getting dark outside, that was ond thing that tecnology could not control, the weather although it was not from want of trying.

Nature and the element, nature often played these nerds, buffs, tecs at their own game. Was it nature alive and well? Or god telling us not to meddle too much with changing life and the univese from how it should be. With his anger came floods, lose of life, famine. Bad weather if we sent too many aircraft into space. It was worth thinking about how often had weather predictions been wrong taking us completly by surprize. It all had to hold a meaning. Why with tecnology simple things could be made so difficult to follow through. If the experts did not know the answers, stating its a world wide problem, how could we mortals know the anwers. Lenora was getting tired, tomorrow woyld be another day. She so hoped it woyld not be one of machines fighting back. Web not working, having to start over again or go for help.

February 02, 2024 20:29

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Christine LW
19:13 Feb 15, 2024

Thank You


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Morgan Aloia
12:57 Feb 15, 2024

Hey hi! We got matched for the critique circle. I’ll share my first impressions, but please let me know if there’s anything I can help to clarify or if you’re looking for feedback on any specific points. The grammar throughout this piece was fairly rough, lots of general errors. The most common issue I found was that many of the sentences in this piece are written in the passive voice, ie placing the action or object before the subject. It leaves the piece as a whole feeling somewhat stilted. Consider combing back through sentence by senten...


Christine LW
00:32 Feb 18, 2024

It is a memory, that the person would like to remove , but cannot. Hence it being a bit stilted, sorry about the confusion. Sometimes bad things can make one bitter. Like acid in the mouth.


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