
Submitted into Contest #55 in response to: Write a story about a meeting of a secret society.... view prompt


Mystery Science Fiction

A typical physics class, Shailaja teacher was continuing her class on big bang theory, she wasn't much concerned whether or not the children are grasping the class. She was trying to make the class as much as interesting as possible, the backbenchers were eating mixtures and other snacks in the middle of the class. The teacher moved to the theory of singularity .' Around 21.3 million years ago the universe that we see as today was formed from a singularity and that is what we call as big ban theory.', these words seem to have interested one of them and with a biscuit in his mouth he stood up asked a question many had in their minds

'Miss, What is singularity?'

Nagarjuna was the most unfocused student in the class, he has never shown interest in anything and his sudden interest in the evolution of the universe made the teacher happy. She was happy to pique the interest of a student who was considered a lost cause by most. She ignored he was still eating his snack and answered 'It is believed that everything evolved from a single atom and singularity is called a space of time where no law of physics mattered. And Nagarjun, imposition "I won't eat snacks during the class" 100 times before the morning assembly tomorrow.'

'Miss how did the world evolve from a single atom when it was believed that it all started from nothing.' His curiosity only seems to have increased. 'From a great explosion' answered the teacher secretly hoping he would not ask anything further, she felt she would not have an answer to the questions forthcoming. And once again those adolescent hands rose slower than his question

'How? When there wasn't supposed to be anything.'.

'Hey macha! stop it da. How long are you gonna ask?',

the teacher was spared from answering any more of the questions as the bell rang and the school day came to its end. With a still confused and more questioned Nagarjuna left for his home, he neither stopped for chocolate nor said his goodbyes.

He reached home, a little too spaced out, and asked his sister about the evolution of the universe and humans. She gave a strange look and left the room only to be returned with his father. That day before dinner, before snacks or tea; father and children left the house. They drove for half an hour and their journey came to an end before a small ruined house, it was supposedly a disputed land from his family. His sister opened the door and soon after the uncles arrived with their first child, they proceeded to the basement, and through a mysterious door, full of markings they entered to what seems like an initiation room.

'What is this? Why are we here?', asked the little boy confused and scared.

'Today is your initiation day and today you will learn about our history.', said the father as his brothers and their children were lightening up the room. A second later his sister came with a rope, it was of light saffron color with designs of sun moon and trees. She made him wear that, though he was reluctant and embarrassed. 'it is ancient and smelly.' He kept complaining but gave away for the intense circumstances.

'Trillions of years ago the world wasn't always separated into continents nor did it have any live or water bodies. Something changed a long time back, something externally caused friction, and something internal made the change. We were not always on this earth. We had a very rich history but unfortunately, we were separated by the conditions of this planet. As time goes by we almost forgot about our past but around 600 years ago we were reunited by a few members from our community. The world is still speculating about their evolution but we know how this planet came to be in a vegetative state. We wanted to research in a bare land our research n other planets were unsuccessful except this one, it adapted to our works but it also matured on its own. When we tried to leave this planet something happened and our ancestors got stuck here ever since. The planet created its own protective layers. Everyone in this room belongs to our family but we are 21 families and our base is in 125 countries. Now after 600 years we have a monopoly over every segment of this society, from rich to poor. science to arts..'

'Appa are we aliens?', Nagarjuna interrupted his father, earlier he had doubts about the big bang theory and now he is bemused and excited. He felt they have gone mad but same time the idea seemed pretty cool. His response however confused others, 'the child isn't ready.' they whispered to each other. Muthaliyar, Nagarjuna's 3rd uncle was however not whispery 'How can he? His bloodlines are mixed.', he reeked of mockery and Nagarjuna became silent, he was embarrassed and looked towards his father and sister and down at his school shoes.

Venkatesh and his family have been distant for the past 15 years since he married a human. 'I doubt there are any with purebloods among us now. The earthquakes and disasters that separated the lands also separated us we wouldn't have known about this place or ourselves if it weren't for martin and brown. So just shut up.', Venkatesh was furious by this time he saw his son's embarrassed face at the unnecessary taunting by his uncle

The rest of the family agreed to Venkatesh and they decided to help him understand the purpose of their organization. They were called the Legimenanthi, they wanted to go back to their universe but they found our it has been destroyed. They have believed it to be their research that stimulated lives and mutation among the lives of earth. for years minimum knowledge has been passed down to each of their generations to blend in with the society. At some point, each thought they were the only survivors among the 21 who came to earth many have married humans and forgotten their past. The little boy struggled to grasp logic among the tales but he was part of the Legimenanthi by the end of the weekend. He had met a few others from the organization who doesn't care about his presence in one of their 550 base offices.

August 20, 2020 14:38

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22:54 Aug 26, 2020

Great job!


Mrudula Mohan
03:42 Aug 27, 2020

Glad you liked it :)


18:59 Sep 01, 2020

Thank you! And if you are having trouble with grammar then you can always try Grammarly, I have started using it and it really helps!


Mrudula Mohan
20:54 Sep 01, 2020

Yep even I have just started using it and have you read the second part yet ?


21:00 Sep 01, 2020

Nope, but I will head over there right now! Thanks for letting me know that there is a part 2!


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Keerththan 😀
04:41 Sep 03, 2020

Wonderful imagination. Great story. Actually, you may add the genre/category science fiction because it includes science terms. The first scene was a typical Indian classroom. I loved it. Nice job. Waiting for your next.... Would you mind reading my story "The adventurous tragedy?"


Mrudula Mohan
07:09 Sep 03, 2020

Thanks sure heading there. Part 2 has already been posted. You can read them.


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07:43 Aug 27, 2020

This is a fascinating story. Try to watch your grammar and punctuation. Keep writing.


Mrudula Mohan
15:55 Aug 27, 2020

Thank you Josephine, yes my grammar is indeed a big draw back of mine and it's is intact to better this minus point of mine I have started writing stories now😬. Please do read the second part of the story once it become visible.


06:46 Aug 28, 2020

You are welcome. I will read the second part, thank you.


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Mrudula Mohan
21:17 Aug 24, 2020

Hello readers, I would like to clarify something about the title. It's not a real word derived from two English words and an Indian language. I would be posting the definition and the meaning of the word in my this week post. 🙏


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