
"Can you keep a secret?" He asked all of the sudden, startled and nodded my head not knowing what to say. Then he proceeds to say "Are you sure Emily this is a serious life or death situation so I ask you again can you keep a secret?"

"And I'm serious too Ryder just tell me I'm promise you'll feel better after you tell me I can see it's beating you up not telling me," It's true my boyfriend has never kept a secret from me before. I could tell it was serious though because my boyfriend was always so relaxed and laid back now he looks deadly serious and tense. I start to rethink myself just as he starts to speak again.

"Okay so you know how I haven't had as much time on my hands as much as I used to?" Yeah recently he's been gone more and more often I barely get to see him anymore but I still love him the same. I'm sure you're probably wondering what's going on right now let me start from the beginning.

It all started on a bright sunny morning when I was laying in bed waiting for the alarm clock to go off. Before you ask, no I didn't get any sleep that night because I was thinking of why Ryder had been so distant and why he hadn't been around lately. As if he could sense my anguish my phone started vibrating. I grabbed it and saw the caller ID and saw it was the very man himself I was thinking about not but 2 minutes ago.

I picked up not giving him a moment to spare before I started going on a rant about what was going on, why he was so distant and had so little time to spend with me. He stopped me in the middle of it and said to meet him at our spot in the woods. I reluctantly agreed, a little upset he cut me off and hung up. I got up, got ready, brushed my teeth, hair and changed out of my pajamas into different clothes. Right before I was about to touch the door handle my alarm clock went off. I rushed over, turned it off, and left my room. I walked straight out the house without even bothering to acknowledge my parents. I could tell it made them a little worried but they let it slide. I walked into the woods until I came into our spot. I looked around at the trees and formed a perfect circle and the pond that was in the middle of it. Sitting there on a log was the very person I fell in love with. Now that we're all caught up let's return back to the present.

"Okay so you know how I haven't had as much time on my hands as much as I used to?" Yeah recently he's been gone more and more often I barely get to see him anymore but I still love him the same."You also know of my certain skill yet I have right?"


"So about a week ago somebody a strange man approached me claiming he was with the FBI" he starts as I eagerly listen just wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"I didn't believe him until he proved that he was in fact, with the FBI he told me they wanted to recruit me for a project they were working on" I opened my mouth to say something but he held his hand up gesturing for me to be quiet . "Just let me finish first"


"I asked why me why did they want to recruit me and they mentioned my skill set and how I knew the person personally so I said yes and they "Anything" he replied immediately

"If things look really dangerous and like we are about to die, have you and that FBI agent come up with a planon how to pull us out or have our backs?"

"You underestimate me princess," he says in mock pain with his right hand over his chest. I merely rolled my eyes. "me and the FBI agent have already formulated already and are ready to execute it once I tell them you're in on it"

"Wait so you formulated a plan with me incorporated in it without even knowing I would agree?"

At this he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and explained "welllll because I may have convinced him that you would do it"

I narrowed my eyes at this and spoke with a very calm but frightening tone

"What exactly did you say"

"Um," now he was looking anywhere but me, it was obvious he was nervous when he spoke with a slightly shaky voice "I kinda, maybe, sorta told him that you would absolutely do it 100% no questions asked" I clenched my fist and bared my teeth trying to keep my anger in check as I took big deep breaths. He started to walk towards me in long strides and before I could tell him to stop he crushed me in a big hug. I struggled to get out of it but whatever I did he didn't let up so eventually I gave up and relaxed into his touch.

When he knew for sure I was calm he stepped away, held me in arms length as he said in a very soothing voice "I'm sorry princess but on the bright side there's a reward of $100,000,000 if we bring her in and I thought you would want to be in on the action and split the money with me”That peaked my interest and as much as I wanted to stay mad at him I couldn't and said "It's okay let's do this thing inform that FBI agent that I'm in and let's get turn in this murderer".

He smiled and exclaimed "That's my girl I knew you would want to do it know come on we've got some work to do"

We walked out of the woods with only one intention bringing our murderer of a friend in.

August 19, 2020 23:14

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