Written in response to: Write a story about somebody in love with someone from their past.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Friendship

Today is Sunday and Mary Jane is looking out her window feeling refresh having a sound sleep the night before. She thought of her upcoming birthday, she has received three greeters already his brother, his son and her cousin. Nowadays greetings all come from social media and no one must not feel lonely at all. Someone will post on your birthday and that makes you really happy. But Mary Jane has someone nobody knows but herself that someone she met on social media for more than a year is what she is expecting to greet her again. They are communicating weekly without the knowledge of her family even her husband and Mary Jane don't like that it will be known to anyone, only between them and Ronnie. Only one may have known when her aunt read her poem she posted writing about her feelings toward Ronnie but she said in her poem about her meeting with a past love and she said how high is his position now and how far he has gone and if he come back to meet her she will no longer be in the same place where they met because she is longer there " That was hard for you" said her aunt" to really remember or forget your past?" This is what mystified Mary Jane. Back in high school she was receiving hundreds of letters monthly when she put her name looking for pen friends. She was then in high school until she trimmed down those she wanted to communicate with as she is already spending most of her allowance to buy stamps. There was one special guy that she gave her attention telling her that he is a candidate to take an exam to become a member of the US Navy and he really passed then they continue writing to each other but there was one reason Mary Jane wondered why his letters stopped to come by and no more word at all until Mary Jane stopped dreaming about him that she would still hear from his pen friend Tommy. She did not give much thought anymore thinking Tommy had other pen friends until Mary Jane has this ambush wedding with her husband Peter. Yes, Peter is claiming women is running after him which is true, it's easy for him to get a woman. He could get her by hook or by crook and with Mary Jane who didn't have any experience to have an intimate relationship with any man she became an easy prey to the fast actions Peter did to Mary Jane. Once a woman is touch to be kiss to be caress to be embrace the chemistry of a physical union starts. And this is what Mary Jane tried to question why he got married to a man who took her by fast actions not the endearing words she would be expecting from a man and she had five children with him three girls and two boys. In their family Mary Jane became the breadwinner as Peter didn't seem to like his family but he is saying Mary Jane is rich and he is poor. So Peter's excuse to have a family was that he is poor and Mary Jane is rich. How come he married Mary Jane? What was his purpose. Was it to take advantage of her because she is rich. The other thing Peter is telling about Mary Jane is that she is also intelligent. And when Mary Jane is explaining to him Peter would say" do not use your logic to me" Since Mary Jane is a nurse by profession she took all the responsibilities to take care of her young children since she has the resources to do so. While Tommy was the happy go lucky guy he didn't mind rearing his children she continued to be the primary breadwinner when Peter is like taking things for granted. This made their children grew angry to their father telling Mary Jane to ignore him and separate with him until they reached their age of maturity that their children took their own ways and live on their own. Mary Jane was not bothered at all since they were able to finish their studies and they could all really live on their own. Which made Mary Jane very happy but their children were not happy as they had expected more from their parents. Now that Mary Jane is getting old she realized that what she did to her family was not enough at all and she feels her children demanded more from her. But Mary Jane kept on doing her job to be the breadwinner and she found herself to be in an online business and that's how she met Ronnie. She learned Ronnie was retired from the US Navy. and his past dream to marry a Navy Officer came back to life. Is it coincidental, destiny or fate? Is he the real one? Mary Jane is starting to dream again. To live a new life with Ronnie and she doesn't worry about her children. They know the misery their mother has suffered from the hands of Peter They even called their father a narcissist. A man who only knows himself, also a selfish man. Taking advantage of others. The worst thing that they hated was he being an inveterate liar and another thing Mary Jane imagining him to be living in denial, not in reality. His philosophical views are out of context always contrary to the truth. Whatever Mary Jane says he twist, change just to push his argument in order to win even it covers up the truth. This is what we say he can make white into black, and black into white. He can convince others with his antics but no more to his family. Since Ronnie came into the life of Mary Jane she is now thinking maybe God is showering her blessings so that she could enjoy the love of a man. The first time she cried for Ronnie when he said " I would invite you to a lunch date if you are here" And Mary Jane feels in her heart the deepest care he would share to a man. And she is saying to herself," Please Ronnie don't leave me please". The next time she cried was the red heart that there seem to be a sign of heart attack. Then Mary Jane sent him a wellness message , foods to avoid and other activities for him to do. Now Ronnie doesn't miss to send her weekly messages that Mary Jane would really answer right away. Ronnie knows Mary Jane is married but he couldn't help to stop communicating with her. Why is it like that? Does man has a tunnel vision?. Why can't Ronnie change to another woman when he knows they cannot live and talk freely because of Mary Jane's status. They cannot even express what they feel for each other. Are they also living in false reality? Can you describe what is this kind of relationship? When there is a third party involved and there are two man to one woman where is the real love?. Since there is no physical contact between Ronnie and Marry Jane, is there really a loving relationship when that love is only in the mind of both persons and the other is purely physical. Now we can say Mary Jane's love is divided in the physical and spiritual realm of relationship. Can this go on? Maybe yes, maybe not. One can let go if she/he wants to. How far can they go. So here we can find the three faces of love. Peter maybe inclined with the physical side of love while Ronnie maybe content with spiritual side of life. Still Mary Jane has more feelings for Ronnie but physically related to Tommy. In Mary Jane's mind he wish a physical contact with Ronnie but will that happen at all when they live far from each other. Her heart is crying out for love to be in the arms of Ronnie. He could also imagine the longingness of Ronnie when she read " mine endless pleasure" when Mary Jane answered "Thank you.? Mary Jane sometimes inhibit herself to develop closeness and she doesn't know what Ronnie feels when she calls him Sir for courtesy and respect to be under the boundaries of friendship not a deeper level and that would mean a loving relationship that they couldn't express for each other. Will this kind of relationship last? A love living only in the mind a long distance from the physical side of love. How Mary Jane would love to make love with Ronnie to tell all her past to him that he was the man he dreamt of came to life. That this time she will enjoy the true meaning of love because he found in him the real meaning of love unlike the physical love of Peter who took advantage of her weaknesses.. Mary Jane is waiting for Ronnie to greet her and as she's looking out the window of her room she is asking,,is this a dream to remember or a dream to forget?

March 13, 2022 03:20

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