Middle School

                                          My Tree House

      I got up early one Saturday morning  and went into my tree house , I met my buddy Danny in there  to look at some old comic books.

 “what’s up Danny”

“hey Eric’

 “ Hey  how’s things with your step dad Steve it been 8 months since the wedding”  flipping through comic books 

‘ I’m not sure, not very close my mom is concerned “

“ why he seems like a nice guy”.  

 “ I heard them talking he said  give him some time you can’t rush this “

“ I know I just can’t figure it out “ . I hear his truck pull up Danny said

“ really he’s a nice give just try “

“ maybe “ Eric left after his mom called him

                        Steve came up with tree with bagels,  

“You know we should roll a generator out here with a really big extension cord we could hook a small tv and your Xbox”.  I shook my head smiling 

“a little man cave in a tree . He laughed

“definitely “

                 We ran a generator outside with a cord plugged everything in, I ran inside got my Xbox hooked It  up. I started showing him how to play some games. He stared telling me about his old video games. We started talking about where he grew up, telling me about his family life   

 “I grew up two towns over , my dad walked out on me and my mom and left a note why he left “ geez I am sorry

 “thanks “he smiled .

 “what about your dad Eric:” it was the same thing  he left a note also

“yeah your mom told me “ My mom had married Steve 8 months ago I wasn’t too friendly to Steve , but in those few minutes I felt a little closer to him.

“ so, Steve  you like comic books “ I waited anxiously for a response

 I wanted to give him a real test to see if he is a comic book/superhero fan scratching my chin . His eyes lit up   

“I’ll be right back” he climbed down the ladder went inside’. I stared out the window. He came back with two big boxes, put them on the hoist he built on to the tree house to carry things up here . He said open it up.

 “ I was waiting for a good time to break these babies out” I was curious opening the box it

was 200 comic books my eyes lit up “ He said

“ I have the valuable one's inside”  he had marvel and DC comics alike “ . I thought to myself I’ll give him the real test

“marvel or DC.? He started to smile, open up his button-down shirt he had a green lantern shirt on” I smirk

“ that’s weak’

 “ Why”. he smiles

 “ marvel rules”

 “I read a lot of both , great storytelling

 “Very true, different but the same”

                       We started going through all of the comic books, we got lost reading for three hours Steve also bought up a bluetooth speaker were listening to music . Mom came outside 

‘boys you hungry “we both looked at each other


“Well the pizza Steve ordered arrived she sent it up on the hoist with ice and soda and cups. We read comics ate pizza . I took a break from the books

“Steve how did you feel when you found out your dad left” He paused for a second. I said

“ I’m sorry to personal”

“ no not at all it been thirty years. I felt hurt, confused , angry .I Believe it was my fault for a long time, I had to see a psychiatrist to sort out my feelings . It was a very confusing time I was about your age.

“ what about you Eric ? I thought to myself  It felt good to talk,

“ I came from a party and saw my mom sitting on the deck outside crying, looking at a letter. She did not see me come in she went for a walk . I read the letter she left on the table     

” Judy I haven’t been happy at home in a few years , I fell in love with someone else, I am leaving you both. I thought It was my fault cause I overheard a call with  mom and him . He told her he didn’t want to be tied down , he wanted freedom. , the school psychiatrist helped me to deal with this issue.” Steve just sat there speechless for a few seconds

“ you know this is the most we’ve talked in since I moved in here since me and your mom got married ‘

“ I’m sorry about’ “he sounded  a little choked up

“ no that’s fine you talk can talk to me about anything

“thanks “ I decide to take a leap of faith and felt like I could trust him.

 He said 

 “ Eric my dad issues was very similar but I had more of a support system to lean on , two uncles , aunts who helped a lot plus I found wood working as a hobby to distract me from all the negativity, maybe we can find you one to help you find your own happy place.

“ I like to draw a lot ,here look at my drawings”.  I pulled a sketch book out , we sat there for a few hours going through my sketchbook,

 “ he my dad didn’t show any interest in my drawings” . We continued to talk about all the comic book movies that were coming out and his dad issues , it felt good to share this with him.

                 I look out the window the day had flown by the sun was going down , I saw fire flies outside, We were in the tree house all day talking reading comic books. I heard mom come outside

“ah boys dinners ready “ We smiled climbed out, mom said

“ did you and Steve have a nice day? I smiled

“ we had a good time right dad”

“ yes, we did son “ mom started to cry seeing us bond sitting In tree house all day . I had dad again I felt whole. I've had that tree house for years today was the best day ever sitting in my tree house. One day in a tree house changed my outlook on life forever.


July 18, 2020 03:11

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Nico Grace
05:11 Jul 22, 2020

I think you started with a good idea of what you wanted to tell. The bonding moment over comics was a nice touch. But I think it would be wise to get some guidance on grammar, tense, point of view, and punctuation. Your story gets lost in trying to keep up with who is doing what and when. Don't let that stop you though. Keep learning, and maybe find a mentor to help you work out the language part, so it can catch up with your imagination!


Joe Joe
20:23 Jul 22, 2020

Thank you for the input every little bit helps


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Joe Joe
20:53 Jul 22, 2020

I've been trying to get advice /help but with no luck from friends or family with no luck. I'm going to see if i can hire some one here to fix the issue.


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