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Drama Science Fiction Adventure

Project Genesis

Josh's heart raced as he stared at the photograph in his hands—a picture of himself dressed in an astronaut jumpsuit, standing next to his Aunt at NASA. He couldn't wrap his head around it. He had not been to NASA since his Aunt passed away years ago. How could this be possible? His mind was spinning with questions and confusion.

Josh felt a chill run down his spine as he examined the photo more closely. His younger wand seemed so proud of him. Both of them were smiling at the camera. But Josh couldn't remember anything about this moment; it was like it had never happened.

He knew he had to solve this mystery. Josh did some digging, starting with the date on the back of the photo. It was dated one month before his Aunt died, adding to his confusion. How could this photo have been taken at that time? Aunt Rose had been so sick by then. 

He called up his cousin, Sarah, who had also been close to Aunt Rose. Maybe she would have some answers. Sarah was just as taken aback by the photo as Josh was. She reminded Josh about how strange things got near the end. Aunt Rose worked for NASA for several years. But the last few months were weird. Sarah reminded Josh of the times they toured the NASA facilities with Aunt Rose and how, all of a sudden, she stopped taking them to see her work. After she got sick, she never spoke about her work. She seemed different. Sarah reminded Josh of their conversation years ago when they noticed how secretive she became about her work. 

But none of that could explain this photo. Josh was now more determined than ever to discover what had happened that day. He reached out to friends at NASA, hoping they could shed some light on the situation. They refused to even meet with him. Frustrated and confused, Josh turned to the one person who could help him—his Aunt's old friend, Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson had been Rose's closest friend for as long as he could remember. When Josh explained the situation to Mrs. Thompson, she looked at him with a knowing glint. She knew something, he could tell. She hesitated momentarily before finally saying, "We were never certain you would remember."  

Josh's heart skipped a beat. What did Mrs. Thompson mean by that? He begged her to tell him. Mrs.Thompson explained that Aunt Rose had been working on a secret project at NASA called Project Genesis. Mrs. Thompson told Josh his Aunt wanted him to participate in her research. She brought you in several times because. She knew about your dream of going out there. The day the picture was taken was the last time any of us saw you until the funeral. It was so top-secret that even Josh's memories had been tampered with, against Rose's wishes. She wanted him to remember. But someone else didn't.

Josh was dumbfounded. His Aunt Rose was involved in a secret NASA project, and his memories were tampered with—it was all too much to take in. Mrs. Thompson handed him a file with documents and photographs detailing his Aunt's involvement in a groundbreaking NASA project. Mrs. Thompson stressed that he had to burn the files and that photo once he had read everything. As Josh delved deeper into the files, he learned more about the project and Aunt Rose's efforts to send civilians into space. She wanted Josh to join her in the first mission to colonize the moon, Rose Colony One. However, government officials wanted the mission to remain hidden from the public eye, and she was forced to report directly to her superiors with all of her research.

The revelation shook Josh. Aunt Rose had always inspired him, but he never knew how much she had accomplished in her lifetime. He wondered what could have become of her work and research. As he scoured through the papers, Josh found a letter from Aunt Rose on the date the photograph was taken. She explained that NASA would use her research to put a military base on the moon. She had to go and leave him and all she ever knew behind. This was why his memories had been tampered with. She wanted to protect him from the dangers of her work, to keep him safe from knowing what she was involved in. 

Josh's eyes welled up as he continued reading the letter. What does this mean? Was Aunt Rose gone? She had always been there for him, looking out for him, but in the last couple of years, before she died, she became so distant. 

Before Mrs. Thompson left, he had to ask her one final question. His voice shaking, he asked, "Is my aunt really dead?" 

Mrs.Thompson replied, "No, but to us, she is. None of us will ever see her again."

Josh felt rage and sadness all at once. Mrs. Thompson explained that she had no choice. If she wanted to continue her work, she would have to agree to go and never come back. Mourning her death was the only way. No one knew about Project Genesis. NASA made her a promise. If you finish your training and agree to the conditions, you can join the Rose Colony Two Mission and join her. She reached out and held his shaking hands. Mrs. Thompson told Josh of the price he would have to pay. His Aunt wanted him to find that photo. She knew it would trigger Josh's memory. 

Rose wanted him to have the one thing she didn't have: a choice. However, Josh would also have to fake his death.

If Josh decides to go, his training will start immediately. Within a year, he would have to announce that he is sick and has little time left, just as his Aunt did. Josh needed to think about what that would mean to his family. But he had to find a way to honor his Aunt and make his lifelong dream come true. 

Josh thanked Mrs. Thompson and told her he would be calling again soon. Mrs. Thompson smiled and gave him a wink. Josh read through all the information and threw it in the fireplace. As he sat there, watching the flames, he heard a knock on the door. It was his cousin Sarah. He had texted her, asking her to come over. Josh wanted to explain everything to Sarah and tell her what he had decided to do. 

As Josh explained the picture and told Sarah his decision, she cried, knowing she would miss him so much. She wished she could join them or make this information public one day. Then Josh asked Sarah to go with him to the NASA facility for one last time. He told Sarah to make sure she was ready to have her picture taken. Sarah was puzzled but then realized that Josh was about to give her the same opportunity Aunt Rose had given him. She hugged him tight and said, "Let's go."

Josh and Sarah went with Mrs. Thompson to visit NASA. Josh wanted to honor his Aunt's memory and legacy. They were given a VIP tour and saw all Aunt Rose had accomplished. As Josh walked through the halls of the facility, he felt a sense of awe and wonder at the magnitude of the work done there.

Josh stood before a display dedicated to Aunt Rose's work on Project Genesis; he knew he would never forget her impact on his life. He vowed to ensure everyone would know his Aunt's work one day. Josh wanted to ensure her legacy and make her proud. As he stood there, he saw Sarah's reflection behind him. She was in an astronaut jumpsuit and ready to have her picture taken with Josh. She vowed to him that one day when she found this photo, she would be reunited with them or find a way to make all of Aunt Rose's work and their sacrifice known to the public. Mrs. Thompson stood by as their picture was taken in the same spot where Josh and his Aunt once stood for their photo. Sarah knew her memory would be erased. She smiled big as she saw the camera flash go off.

That evening, as Josh and Sarah walked towards the car, they looked up at the stars above and smiled, knowing that Aunt Rose was watching over them and guiding Josh on his journey. He wondered if the world would ever know that his Aunt helped build the first Lunar Colony. He stared at the moon and wondered what they would be doing now. He knew the public may never know the answer to that question. Then, he smiled at Sarah as she reminded him how hungry she was. She had no recollection of her visit and all of the research she saw that day at NASA. As he drove away, he felt a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that soon he would be joining his Aunt Rose on the lunar surface. He ensured Sarah would find her picture one day and hoped that NASA would be ready to share his Aunt's work with the world by then. 

April 02, 2024 23:31

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1 comment

Annie Blackwell
21:22 Apr 10, 2024

Reviewer: Well done Nancy. It's an interesting story with believable and unbelievable interwoven. I suggest to improve your future writing, you focus on 'show not tell'. It takes a while to understand and there are several blogs and lesson where you can find guidance. When you master it your story telling will be stunning. Good luck.


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