Two Cities Tale

Written in response to: Write a story titled 'A Tale of Two Cities'.... view prompt

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Black Fiction Indigenous

That was how I had viewed my village this past weekend. I went back there for village matters. I am not sure if it even qualified to be called that name anymore in the sense that colonial masters left those words to us a long time ago. Do the math yourself and see things from your own perspective. Villages in the sense the British left it for us isn't what we are witnessing here this century, things have inverted, inverted and still inverting.

Checkout what I have been able to see without straining my eyes, or any part of me. They were all there in their nakedness for any interested party to see. The light there is a sure thing of 11 hours each day, not that they are in their 'anyhow' form like we have gotten used to at the other side. When they are there, they are there in their usefulness not in their destructiveness. I belong to that generation that believed as the British intended that what village had become should be what town should be, it was so while they were the overlords, was so for a decade when they handed over to local overlords, then, everything started subtly to go kaput. 

I had a pressing need that sent me to the village in the middle of last week, and I noticed that the dread that accompanies returning there in the past decades has almost gone. Some people are still on the other side because their shops are there and nothing more. That side has more population and more glorified amenities like: dredged seas, dual roads, population and airports. Like I hinted, I went there in the middle of the last week, and I found myself forced by the visible forces of goodness to stay till Sunday evening when I reluctantly found my way back to this hole I narrate these things from.

Man, one intelligent fellow from the Far East said if you want a year of progress, plant corn, if you want a hundred years of progress, plant trees, if you want a lifetime of progress educate people. He is right in my opinion. What we are doing on the other side is totally opposite of what they said and I wonder why some people are wondering what is wrong with Africa and those inside it. The thing is that we only plant corn and most of the trees standing are hundred years old and not planted by us still walking the land. Educating people is what 95% believes should be treated in the format of "To your tent o Israel '' educating people that percentage believed should be the headache of those that gave birth to them. And that wisdom is what we are witnessing today. We don't plant trees, don't educate people, our questions are irrelevant to education, we preach black magic not science, not education, we laugh at bullshit and sucka shits and consider it wisdom. It's plain madness that even the blinds have seen isn't wisdom afterall. 

To think that many from the other side they call the city have tried and are still trying to import nonsense back to the villages to contaminate it is too appalling. They have introduced black markets for everything from what I can see. I was sitting beside one former foreign land returnee, a lost soul that nature sent to the village to redeem but were fighting it from what I can see. He was glorifying all manners of vice and with the way he is talking, his kinds are swarming in the villages and need to be kept eyes over. "I have done this and that and you need heart to do what I have done, if you believe it's easy to do, try and see why I am a strong man" one look at this lost soul, I knew if something isn't done very fast, he will be lost physically and spiritually. Such souls contaminate villages believing they can make a city out of it and it still retains its moniker. 

But the fact is that it's not the village that needed tampering but humans inside it. They are yet to see the wisdom in going for not only corns, and trees, they needed to go beyond corn and trees and look inwards. They are the ones that needed educating. They are ones that need to know that glittering objects deceive, they are never gold. They are ones that needed to know that although no knowledge is waste, an organized one trump all others from family education, farms and local markets and stream education. They need to know and understand the wisdom behind living for today, worrying selfishly about themselves and entrusting the future like the saying goes to the future people and "let them carry their load" like they say.  Their loads? Ha, the question is: who forwarded the load in the first place and call it future people's load? They will be carrying our loads not theirs if village people don't start looking beyond the corn and trees our ancestor planted centuries back and go refine themselves and children alongside those corns and trees, that is the future generation and what we should handover to them.

The cities are no longer what they were. The people over there have turned it into one funny enclave I don' t recognize its name. The population far exceeds the infrastructures, buildings there and many sleeps in the disappearing parks, under bridges and markets being redesigned illegally to accommodate some people that should not be there in the first place. It's disheartening to tell you that since the first of this year, we are yet to witness 40 minutes of steady light in the same city enclave. Daily activities of 90 percent depend on the same electricity to have any hope of survival. 

Personal and public hygiene don't  exist anymore, hospitals and churches are the two most lucrative businesses anyone with a modicum of intelligence runs into, they pay like crude oil. To think that they are crude in their operations will tell you how certain coincidences are indicators. People in these so-called cities can't just help themselves anymore, they have surrendered to the unfriendly and unsupportive forces they battle with each day and turned to dreaming of next life, graves and sickness. 

They run after dreams, and hope that is not activated by any positive actions but daydreaming, fake laughter and getting themselves drunk. It's hopeless enclave few utilizes the hopelessness and level playing field of many to enrich themselves year after year. Enclave some earn their daily bread by being an obstacle to the collective good and don't care if those many kept kowtowing to them to have food on their table each day.

White men handed over water corporations, electricity companies, roads, hospitals, transportations all at their best in the cities and today, none, not one still functions. The fashion now is to budget for boreholes while budgeting for any building. The six largest oil exporters in the world and permanent candidate in the list of the poorest nations. Roads full of carbon monoxide emitting cars, air quality almost zero. 

Tell me how all these don't have ignorance as its base? Why do we plant crops each year and never educate ourselves? Tell me how many have benefited from living by that bread alone since you started observing things?

April 27, 2024 18:47

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1 comment

Mary Bendickson
18:41 Apr 28, 2024

You certainly have your fingers on the pulse of your nation. Now how to keep it breathing?


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