Thank you stupid Cupid

Written in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Romance

I had went to bed crying into my pillow, literally trying to smother and drown my sadness. I began sailing along in a fantastical dream, floating away from my troubles. Drifting in and out of waves I am lazily blowing bubbles. Suddenly I am caught in a whirlpool, circling out of control, I am dragged down into a hole. The hole was the opening to a well, its wondrous treasure made my heart swell. There were trinkets of all shapes and sizes, one resembled my engagement ring, which made me sad all over again as I didn’t need it any more. Far down in its cavernous depths, the well I imagine held lots of secrets but the one who right now had me in his sights was Cupid waving his arrows with delight. I thought I would not be able to breathe but now that I have found my feet, realize that I can speak and at Cupid, I shriek.

 “Keep away from me with your love potions, your poems spelling devotion. I have lately lived a relatively secure life without the restraints of being a wife, that wedding ring became tighter and tighter on my finger, now in a box it must linger.” 

“Don’t lie to me but especially not to yourself, you’re so afraid of being left on the proverbial shelf.” 

“Cupid you’re talking through your ass I adore my single status.” 

Placing his arrow to one side towards me he slowly glides. He takes my hand and waves it back and forth and to my bedroom we have been transported, involuntarily I groan as I wish I had tidied up but was not expecting any visitors. I see myself and call out to me but realize the me I am seeing, is unable in return to see me. I empathize with my other self; I am crying into a pillow hunched over like a weeping willow.

“This is how I see you every night, ever since you and your fiance had that fight. It is almost identical to the way Stephen has been sleeping, into your souls I’ve been peeping.” 

“What are you some sort of pervert, spying on men and women, Cupid in murky waters you’ve been swimming.”

“Think what you will dear, from your suspicion, I have no fear. I am a creature of servitude your eventual happiness will be my food. It is my job as you say to ‘spy’ on you.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Who do you think sent me?”

“I don’t know my mother maybe, thinks a bit of love and fairy dust can solve all of the world’s woes.”

“No, try again, someone else that has a vested interest in you getting married. Closer, to you, even than your mam.”

“Stephen… no!”

“Yes, of course Stephen, unless you have some other love on the go.”

“But …. Why?” I started to cry.

“Because he loves you and you love him unless the past four years have been a whim. He begged me to do what I could, that he had tried every avenue, he knew, to once again woo, you.”

“I have decided that love is not for me. I am meant to be solitary.”

“Oh, for flip’s sake, drama llama or what? Can we cut out the self-pitying act, the two of you both want to bite the icing on the wedding cake.”

“How dare you. You have not a clue about me and Stephen.”

“Evelyn” he lets out an exasperated sigh and looks for a moment like he no longer wants to try.

“How would you know my name? Cupid I am getting tired of this game.”

“You are tired. Think of poor me I cannot even get fired, this is the job I was created for, helping lovers forever more.”

“What do you mean? If it would get rid of you, I would be keen. Who do I report you to?”

“What I mean is you both want to a piece of the love apple, potion - whatever your heart’s desire, anything to rekindle the fire.”

“I did not call you. I would not know how to.”

“You both have without even realizing, it’s not surprising, to lose a love so deep, your wishes cried out in your disturbed sleep.”

“But I don’t even know where he is.”

“I do and he’s awaiting your kiss.”

“Are you controlling my dreams” through my body hope streams.

“I right now have the strings to both of your hearts, the two of you will decide whether to tighten or tear them apart.”

“Tighten please; I want to feel the squeeze.”

“Of to bed with you Evelyn, you will not see me again, you do not need me anymore. Your hearts I have pierced forever more and being together will never be a chore.” I go to bed with a hopeful heart, something it hasn’t been in a while, and a slight smile.

I lay down and am lost in a sweet reverie; Stephen is curled up holding me. When I wake up thinking what an absolutely crazy dream, I realize I am walking down an aisle and my dad hands me over with the biggest of smiles. Stephen whispers, “You’re beautiful; the only thing I want now and forever is you and I together, always.” I respond with tears in my eyes “Me too.”

As we walk to the wedding bells chime, I fight the urge to sing in rhyme. If I did, the words the song would contain are, “Thank you Cupid, we were both acting stupid, one silly row and we called the whole thing of. He will always be the love of my life, and I am going to make such a good wife, and hopefully a mother someday.”

We both simultaneously put our hands to our chest Cupid has passed another test. He will be losing his learner wings as we both felt the squeeze on our heartstrings. Cupid smiles down indulgently a massive grin on his face, as we both in unison say, “I do.”

August 16, 2024 16:13

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Alexis Araneta
16:39 Aug 16, 2024

Such a fun read ! All's well that ends well, I guess. Lovely work !


17:51 Aug 16, 2024

ah thanks Alexis you are always so kind glad u enjoyed x


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