
This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, yet Gerald didn’t feel the slightest bit of joy. Gerald couldn’t help but glare at the poor girl who attempted to fix his tie. He didn’t want to get married to someone he didn’t know nor love. Marriages were arranged before a child’s birth by the Prophetess. She was the one who decided fated pairs in the Empire. Opposing the marriage, divorcing later on, or having an affair resulted in death. Loyalty was everything, after all.

Alone in the room now, Gerald wanted nothing more than return to Noel’s side. Noel was the true love of his life. He was the man Gerald wanted to betroth. 

Gerald first met the other boy under an apple tree in the palace’s courtyard. The young prince had been reading an embroidered book under the shade when Gerald laid eyes upon him. And he was by far a million times prettier and more handsome than all the boys and girls combined. Thump! Thump! Gerald could feel his heart racing wildly within his chest as if it was about to explode any second now.

“Gerald!” Gerald turned at the sound of his father’s voice. Right, he was supposed to meet the emperor, but he had wandered off on his own - his feet moving on their own accord, bewitched.

Looking around, Gerald found himself at a loss. He didn’t know how to get back to the palace front. His father’s voice sounded far in the distance. He must’ve unconsciously walked quite far without knowing where he was going. Gerald knew his father was going to scold him when he returned - if he ever did, that is.

“Are you lost, by chance?” a voice queried from behind. His tone was elegant but not haughty like how Gerald imagined. The boy was softspoken, like a dove declaring peace in the world.

Gerald turned back to face the other boy. “Uh, yeah.” Gerald wanted to slap himself. He was in the presence of royalty, but he couldn’t even speak the lingo properly. “I came here with my father. He’s the palace’s new doctor starting from today.”

The other hummed in response, seemingly lost in his own world for a moment. 

Then, a shy smile stretched across his Cupid’s bow. Gerald felt as if Cupid shot his heart a trillion times over.

“If you’d like, I can lead you back,” the prince offered, holding his hand out in offering.

Gerald snapped out of his stupor, taking the other boy’s hand in his. “I’d like that. Thank you.”

And with their hands intertwined, the pair slowly made their way back to where their fathers were waiting for them.

“I see you’ve met Noel,” the emperor stated coldly. His eyes flicked down to their hands, but he didn’t say anything about it.

Gerald could feel his father hugging him, but he was too focused on the king. Even though his outward appearance was cold, Gerald could see a hidden warmth in the king’s eyes.

After the whole ordeal, Gerald and Noel became fast friends under the watchful eyes of the emperor. They did everything together. They slept on the same bed, ate the same meals, read together in the grandeur of the garden, and at times, bathed together when the nanny was feeling lenient.

Gerald had always thought of himself as a troublemaker, but Noel was on a whole different level of trouble. Noel had a knack for running away from everyone and hiding until dusk. Gerald later found out that the day he met Noel, the prince had run away from his nanny, throwing the palace in an uproar - not like Gerald noticed because he was too enraptured by Noel.

One day, Noel had gone missing, and Gerald decided to take a walk along the garden pathway when he heard his name from somewhere. Looking around, Gerald didn’t see anybody. About to shrug it off as a hallucination, the voice came again, but clearly from above. Gerald tilted his head up, spotting Noel high in the trees. 

“Noel?! How did you get up there?” Gerald asked, panic filling his body. “Hold on. I’ll go get someone to help you down!”

“Wait!” Noel called, stopping Gerald in his tracks.

“Catch me!” Gerald flew to the base of the tree, his arms outstretched. His knees scraped painfully against the cobblestone, but his arms were full with a joyful Noel. Gerald couldn’t help but laugh with him - whether it was because of the absurdity of the situation or the fact that both of them were alive.

Of course, the two were found shortly after by the guards - in which Noel blamed Gerald for laughing too loudly. Both of them were scolded profusely, especially by Gerald’s father, as he bandaged Gerald’s knees and the scratches on Noel’s face and hands.

Afterward, both of them were left alone. 

“Gerald?” Noel voiced from where he sat on his side of the bed.

Gerald hummed in response, turning to face Noel, so the latter knew he had his attention.

“When we grow up, can we get married?” 

Shocked, Gerald could only stare. Honestly, he was beyond thrilled.

“Of course, Noel,” Gerald answered, sitting up. They were close enough to where their knees touched.

“Then, in the future, when we get older, we’ll get married,” Noel stated, holding his pinky out. “Pinky promise?”

“Pinky promise,” Gerald affirmed, locking their pinkies together.

That night they fell asleep facing each other, their pinkies held tightly together.

Ever since then, Gerald had been looking forward to the day when he and Noel would get married. Until:

“Good news, Gerald. You’re getting married!”

And it was to someone else.

Fate be damned! Gerald ran out of the waiting room, barreling past servants in his haste. He shouldered past a bewildered guard, racing down the church steps and towards the palace. 

“Get him!” Heavy steps bellowed behind him as the guards shook themselves out of their stupor to chase him. 

Adrenaline pumped through Gerald’s veins, pulsing loudly in his ears. The scenery blurred past, but Gerald only had one thought in his mind. Noel. He had to get to Noel and declare his true feelings. 

Gerald vaulted over the palace gates, landing safely on the other side. His legs propelled him into the garden where he first met the love of his life. 

It was as if his past was playing itself all over again. Noel was sitting beneath the very same apple tree, looking as beautiful as he did back then. 

“Noel!” Gerald shouted, catching the latter’s attention. Gerald could feel his heart soar as they made eye contact. Sapphires and emeralds.

“Gerald?” Noel answered, understandably confused. “What are you doing here? I thought you were getting-”

“You! I love you!” Gerald declared, stopping short in front of the other male. Gerald cupped Noel’s face, enveloping red cheeks with his hands. “I love you, Noel. I’ve always loved you.”

Gerald leaned in to kiss him-


- but by then, it was too late.

November 19, 2020 15:55

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