
“Mom, where are we going?” Louie stopped walking and gave me an exhausted look.

“Somewhere.” I answered.

“We’ve been walking for ages!” he sat down beside an oak tree and rested his head on it. “Im tired, mom.”

“But we’re close now.” I clapped my hands excitedly, trying to convince my son to keep on going.

“You’ve said that thrice already!” Louie exclaimed.

I sighed and took a glance at my watch. It’s almost lunch time and I could already feel the sweat at my back. I should’ve thought about this. Why would I wear a sweater in the middle of a hot and sunny day.

“We will go to the beach later.” Louie’s face lit up and immediately stood. I knew summer is his favourite season, so do I.

“We’ll go swimming.” he said. It was more of a statement rather than a question. It was like I have no choice but to accept his decision whether I like it or not.

We continued on our little journey while my son keeps on blabbing about his plans for the rest of the day.

“I’ll create a sandcastle.” he said a minute later.

“You’ll create a sandcastle.” I assured him.

“And I’ll ride a jetsk-“ his lips parted in shock when he realised where we are. Louie slowly turn to face me, his eyes are full of confusion. “Is this a treehouse?” he asked.

“A treehouse, indeed.” I nodded.

Our treehouse.

“Awesome!” he immediately climbed the ladder and went up.

I let out a small laugh while shaking my head. I crossed my arms and took a good look around the area.

It’s been 25 years since the first time I saw you.

“Mom!” Louie shouted while poking his head out from a tiny window. “I’m scared.” he said in a terrified tone.

I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh while I make my way up to where he was.

“Mom, don’t give me that look!” my son hissed. He was standing in a corner, looking horrified. It looks like he was ready to jump off and leave the place whenever he might hear an unnecessary sound.

“What look?” I asked innocently.

“That look!” he pointed at my face.

“What about it?” 

“Are you making fun of me?” 

“I’m doing no such thing!” 

“Mom, you are!” Louie cried.

“I have no idea what you’re on about.”

He pouted and sat on the floor. “Can you tell me a story?”

“What story?”

“I don’t know.” he shrugged. “Is this treehouse yours?” he suddenly asked.

“Yes.” I smiled.

“That’s awesome!” Louie grinned. “Now tell me a story.”

I nodded and shifted my gaze around. The side of my lips rose as memories quickly penetrated my whole mind.

 It was a quarter past six and I could see the sun is almost rising. I was walking out in the woods when a manly figure caught my attention. He was sitting in a log while reading a book. Behind him is a treehouse made out of maple tree. I slowly took a step backward but before I could even turn my heel to leave,our eyes met. From that moment, I felt like the world suddenly stopped spinning. All I could hear was my heart beating louder than a bass drum. I don’t know how long was I standing there but before I could even notice, I already found myself staring at his ocean eyes.

“Hey.” he called.

“Hey.” I tried not to stutter but I failed.

He chuckled and pointed the log in front of him. I slowly walk towards it and sat quietly. 

“May I know your name?” he asked politely.

“Luna.” I simply answered.

“Jaxon.” he lend me his right hand and I accepted it wholeheartedly. 

“Why are you here this early in the morning?” he asked.

“I like walking around this time of the day.” I said casually.

We shared different stories for the next few hours. I didn’t know why I was still there, talking to a random stranger but all I could say was, I like being with him. I really feel safe in his company.

Everyday, I wake up early just to see him. He always makes my day complete and he was always there whenever I needed someone to talk, to make me feel better when I was feeling sad and blue.

Then it came to a point where I asked myself a tough question. 

Am I falling in love with him?

I honestly don’t know. I have no idea what love is all about. I’ve never fell in love. I wonder if I would ever be.

“A few years have past and I already found the answer to the question that keeps on bothering me every single night.” I smiled evidently. “I love him, always and forever.” 

“I love you too.” a familiar voice spoke behind me.

“Daddy!” Louie ran to his father and hugged him tightly. “I guess this treehouse is significant for the both of you.” he teased.

I nodded and gave Jaxon a kiss on his left cheek. “His father made it for him and I was really happy the day he told me I could consider it as my own property too.” I explained and Louie nodded cheerfully.

“How did you found the answer to your tough question mom?” my son asked.

Jaxon was about to speak but he stopped when he noticed I was glaring at him. He grinned and rub the back of his neck using his right hand.

“One day,I went here to talk to him but all I saw was an empty space.” I frowned. “I cried in here when I thought he left me. Then suddenly, he took me by surprise and I knew from that day up until now, I don’t want to lose him.”

“Why would you think I left you?” Jaxon asked.

“Oh come on!” my brows furrowed. “You told me you’ll move to California to earn your degree!” I scoffed.

They both laugh at me and I felt like a kid being bullied.

Just like the old times.

July 17, 2020 16:56

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