Crime Drama Suspense

Murderer's delight

Mistress Gayle as she was known as developed a certain lifestyle that required her to invent methods to maintain it. The woman understood the importance of keeping a job as she was taught by her elders. Because she engaged in activities that she could not afford by legal means, Mistress Gayle exploited other people to suppliment her life style. She would steal from the elderly people whose homes she worked at as a caregiver. When tragedy struck her family, she learned to offer her family members a place to live in her home in order to exploit them for their money. When her niece was misbehaving and her sister was not a good mother, Mistress Gayle housed her in her home. The young girl's father paid the exploiter to let his daughter live with the Mistress of darkness. Exploitation was something that she became an expert at due to her troubled childhood.

As a young girl who was sexually abused by her father Barbara learned early that she could get paid to keep her mouth shut. Since the adults in her life didn't believe the account that she gave the first time that her uncle exposed himself to her, she often would take the money that he offered her to keep quiet. The violence and sexual exploitations that was experience by Gayle forever changed her soul. She became angry, violent and grew up with a darkness in her that no amount of light could change. When her parents would have alcohol in the home Gayle and her siblings would consume it as an escape from the trauma of living in an abusive home. By the time that she was 18 the antagonist had become an alcoholic.

In November of 1980 the death of Lillian Adler, Gayle's mother contributed to her already damaged psyche. Her other siblings had also been abused by the patriarch of the Adler family, but Gayle fooled herself into believing that she was the only one. Although one of her younger sisters had begged her not to leave her and the youngest one alone with their father, 23 year old could not feel any empathy for them. Even at the young age of 23 she already had lost her since of compassion or mercy for others. Mistress Gayle had become her abuser. She developed a God complex and told herself that the world owed her everything. This complex caused her to hate anyone who told her no. The downward spiral into madness made her become spiteful.

Abuse and trauma untreated causes an individual to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. When faced when a situation that is beyond the individual's control, the person feels a need to control others and whatever situation he or she is in at the moment. Mistress Gayle loved to be in the company of violent men because she had developed a soul tie to them. Whenever other females came around she would see them as a threat. She didn't have too many female friends love to control other women even in their own homes. On a cold winter's night Mistress Gayle found herself at the home of one of her male friends. The other people that were there were men only and they were all drinking. Gayle thought that she could trust her friend Eugene but soon found out that was not the case. The men ended up gang raping her and they paid Eugene to allow it to happen to Mistress Gayle. This traumatic event was the final straw for her and she soon became a psychopath.

Mistress Gayle had a brother who was what one could describe as a whimpy man. He was easy to influence and never wanted to be in control of his own life. Since they were raised in a dysfunctional home, Henry never developed a sense of self worth. He wasn't taught how to be an independent man standing on his own feet. Henry learned to depend on his sister and the females in his family. They allowed him to live in their homes, cooked for him, paid his bills and shopped for him whenever he needed clothing. This codependency was an opportunity to be exploited by Mistress Gayle his now psychopathic sister. January of 1991 came around and Henry needed new clothes. He gave his sister money to purchase him a new wardrobe. Wanting to keep some of the money for herself to maintain her alcohol addiction, Mistress Gayle returned home with no receipt verifying how much money she had actually spent on her brother's clothing. The only time that Henry would stand up for himself was when he was full of liquid courage. When the two siblings became engaged in an argument about the brother's change, it lead to the sister going to the hospital via ambulance. While they were arguing Mistress Gayle didn't see the huge empty bottle of liquor that her brother hit her with.

Head injuries causes a change of an individual's personality. With all of the previous drama in her life, there was no way that the main character of this story could be a descent person again. She spent the rest of her life causing trouble and mayhem to anyone in her life. Although her brother was remorseful for what he had done to her, Gayle used the injury that she sustained as a way to gain even more control of her brother. When others would attempt to hold her accountable for her actions, he would defend her. She continued to exploit any situation that she could and when opportunity presented itself, she figured that she could kill two birds with one stone. The father of the family retired after so many years of working as a farmer. He moved into a retirement building.

Harry Adler was a man who couldnt control his own fleshly desires. Not only did he molest his own daughters,drink, and use drugs, he had a gambling monkey on his back. This lifestyle started to take effect on his health. He found himself with little mobility, kidney trouble and high blood pressure. Deteriating health didnt stop him from frequenting the gambling casinos of Louisiana. He learned how to utilize the bus system where he lived to get around. While he was engaging in his gambling escapes Harry also loved to dine on the buffets that the casinos offered to their patrons. The aging father of seven ate something that didnt agree with the other toxins that were already in his body. He became ill and was rushed to the hospital in Texas. Although he had signed a do not resusitate document in the event that he became ill, his troubled daughter saw this as an opportunity to get even with him and get money from his life insurance policy. Enlsting the aide of her partner in crime, Gayle developed a scheme to murder her father.

When the doctors called the family into the hospital to inform them that it was not a high probabiity that their father would live, they made the decision to take him off of life support. As the family members went in to see their father for the last time, Leonard his illigitimate son with his oldest daughter came out of his room claiming that something went wrong with his father while he was in the room with him. This turned out to be a lie because he and Mistress Gayle had decided to end his life in the event that he didnt die on his own.This attempt to get money was a waste of time because he had left his daughter Carmen as beneficiary on his life insurance policy. The policy included just enough finances to give him a proper funeral and burial. Unable to prove that her father was murdered Carmen started seeking God's justice for her father's murder. In 2016, Leonard starting losing the use of his eyes and is slowly becoming blind. Mistress Gayle has fallen down several times down a flight of stairs and is suffering with pain in her body everyday. She is living in an environment with her daughter that she cant manipulate and has to submit to her rules.

November 09, 2020 17:40

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Philip Ebuluofor
19:12 Nov 19, 2020

As you sow story. Find work.


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Philip Ebuluofor
19:12 Nov 19, 2020

As you sow story. Find work.


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Philip Ebuluofor
19:12 Nov 19, 2020

As you sow story. Find work.


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Philip Ebuluofor
19:12 Nov 19, 2020

As you sow story. Find work.


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