Contemporary Fiction Drama

I am a businessman aged 34. I had received a message from club STROMBOLI asking me to join. I discussed with my wife and she said “They call it the weight watchers paradise. It seems to be quite popular. The New Year is soon. Let us make weight watching our resolution.”

I said “STROMBOLI in only for the rich. See the amount they charge. 50 thousand rupees as donation at the outset. There’re only 100 members and if I register and am accepted I would have to pay what they call late fees. I’m 166 on the list. I don’t know how much more I would‘ve to pay to join.”

She said “The members all seem to be from WHO’S WHO. All bigwigs. You can join. My friend Irene and her husband Rex are members.”

I said “Rex has a lot of money as he was in the Indian foreign service and was posted in several countries. His wife is a medico and was able to work in several stations making money. They can afford to join STROMBOLI where a cup of coffee costs fifty rupees when one can buy an equally good cup outside for between 10 to 20. However considering the overheads there, the price could be reasonable.”

“Since the club is nearby our maid said her husband has been made a security staff. You will freeze if I told you his salary.”

I said “I won’t. I saw the cars at the car park and the valet parking fee there and was stunned. I’m already a member of a gym where valet parking is free. Of course I don’t go to the gym.”

“Look at the prestige of becoming a member of STROMBOLI.” I was silent. She said “You’re a rich guy but are overly stingy. You make enough money but own a small car. You’ve often said you would like to save on petrol and buy an electric vehicle. Left to yourself you might even choose to walk to office as it is nearby or even use a bicycle. I asked you to allow me to drive our car but you didn’t allow it saying I was a rash driver and so it was dangerous.”

“You’ve met Chellaram who owns the business next to mine. He uses a three wheeler autorickshaw which is available on hire. He says it’s economical and convenient. And you know the several businesses he controls.”

“Whatever it is, you’re a curmudgeon who won’t let me live a good life.”

“If I’m profligate in spending I can save some money. How could I have picked up your bill to vacation in Europe if I had been a spendthrift?”

“You could’ve gone with me, but didn’t saying the trip would be a waste of money.  At least now you could join STROMBOLI as a member.”

“You mean I pay the donations and late fees? That means I would’ve to pick up the thousand rupee charge for dinner every Friday there for the two of us.”

“I would love it but you won’t allow it. At least why don’t you become a member as a start? Your weight reduction could be our New Year resolution.”

Seeing how peeved she was I went the next day to STROMBOLI and paid all dues which added up to quite a large sum including a lump sum to a Klara. I asked who Klara was and was told she was the wife of Gyorgy Kaldor, the club’s manager, and was the chief instructor to help members get used to the exercise machines. I was asked to come and meet Gyorgy Kaldor the next day. I went with my wife. Kaldor was very nice to talk to and while talking gave me a very heavy coffee table book giving details about STROMBOLI. He said it cost nearly one thousand five hundred rupees but was being given to me for eight hundred rupees as I had become a member. He said “The cost has been included in your dues which have been paid for.” He said to my wife “Madam you should also join the club. We’re arranging several programs to suit ladies. I’m sure after experiencing membership, your husband would persuade you to join and become one of us. I look forward to it.”

He rang a bell and a young lady came in. Kaldor said “Maria, please take these two people and introduce them to Klara.”

We went with Maria and met Klara. She was a young woman with a splendid form, dressed in a white blouse over shorts covering half the length of her thigh. She said “I must first measure you up and enter the details in my computer.”

She thereupon measured me and said I was out of shape and required exercise. I was sure my wife didn’t approve of Klara measuring me! That over she said “That is one of the machines on which you would’ve to start working out.” Now an attractive young lady came in and said “Klara, I’ve bent 50 times. Can I continue tomorrow.?”

“Of course, dear.”

Before she left she gave me a smile which my wife noticed. The formalities were over and I was to start working out from next day. As we were going home my wife said “That was film star Shilpa who came in while you were talking to Klara.”

I said “I’m not familiar with the film world. I understand a number of stars have joined STROMBOLI.”

She said sternly “I would like to be with you when you exercise.”

The two of us would go to STROMBOLI and Klara who was very strong and agile would almost lift me off my feet to get me into shape for exercise, something which irritated my wife. I know she also kept watching out to see if the likes of Shilpa came to make my acquaintance! Some months passed. STROMBOLI announced a trip to Stromboli in Italy, and members were invited to join. The costs were also listed. I hadn’t been abroad and thought this would give me the chance. My wife said “I don’t want you to go and mix up with those film stars and so on.”

I said “You’ll be going with me.”

“I don’t like this crowd and won’t join you if you decide to go.”

 There were still 6 weeks to decide on the trip when STROMBOLI was closed. The management had been charged with allowing use of drugs and with illegitimate financial dealings due to which a large sum had been siphoned off. Before action was taken, Klara and husband had fled to Budapest in Hungary. However the Indian director of STROMBOLI by name Gupta had been taken into police custody. Media alleged that Gupta had mounted such an operation elsewhere which had failed.

I told my wife “See the extent of loss we face. I’ve lost the returnable deposit of one hundred thousand rupees with the club. My total loss comes to over three times that amount.”

She said “Okay. I’m also happy that STROMBOLI is closed. I didn’t like the company there particularly Klara handling you as if you were a child. Write off the loss in your account. We’re wiser.”

The New Year came soon afterwards and I said to my wife “Would we think of my weight reduction as our resolution?”

She said “Certainly not. We’ll disavow joining schemes such as STROMBOLI and look for something new. Give me some time to think.”


January 04, 2021 14:05

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