The Super Chronicles: Origin of Powers

Submitted into Contest #240 in response to: Begin your story with the sensation of a breeze brushing against a character's skin.... view prompt


Friendship Science Fiction Fantasy

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

The night sky is beautiful, a cool breeze cuts through the darkness. Subtle highlights of purple and dark blue sweeping across the abyss. Making the stars seem to be within our grasp. Billy watched himself above the Cleveland skylight in Ohio. He gasped at the beauty of the night sky. Turning sharply to cross over the bridge leaving downtown. Sharpening his focus to see through the breeze kissing his cheek. Gliding faster he looks back as if he passed a meteorite followed by a stunning green. Stopping in mid-flight still gazing back and a voice spoke out of the darkness.

 “Hey, Billy want some ground burger and bacon, dude?”

     Confused, Billy looks out into the night sky. Bewildered by the sight echoing of his best friend.

“Jeff? Uh, no bro. I don't want that shit. I'm flying. This is kick ass!” 

“Uh, more for me I guess. Right on Billy do you, dude.” 

     Just as Billy was flying around the night sky in Cleveland. A bright flash of purple and green flew right by their kitchen window. Its climax was bursting into the wall under the kitchen window and into the refrigerator. The essence from the fallen star along with its particles. Compromised some cooked ground beef, and bacon. As well as a protein shake and the fat burner supplement beside it. 

     After hearing the commotion. Jeff walked out of the back room into the kitchen. Slightly groggy, he opened the refrigerator grabbing the cooked meat. Upon placing the plate in the microwave. Jeff yawned while surveying the kitchen to find the source of the clatter. Noticing Billy passed out in the recliner. Their friend Buddha face down sprawled out on the couch. Just before the microwave beeped he walked into the living room and turned off the TV. Jeff was still high from last night so he wasn't even able to focus on what was playing on the screen. 

     Thinking of only his hunger. Voicing its disdain at the present moment. While walking back into the kitchen he grabbed a fork out of the drawer. Then began devouring the meat concoction. Silencing the hangry discomfort that tried to consume him. Re-entering the living room Jeff asked Billy if he wanted some again. Billy stirred as a response. Jeff gave a lite tap on Billy's foot and asked once more. 

“Dude, you want some, it's good. Oh, and we got to work today, too. You should prolly get up.” 

      Billy rolled to his back then sat up right, proclaiming.

“Damn it Jeff I was having a fuckin’ awesome dream. That meat smells like shit, man.”

     Jeff ignored the comment and continued eating. Jeff then asked Billy what his dream was about. Billy stood up and was completely animated. Buddha didn't even stir as Billy poured out with excitement.

“BRO! I was fucking flying, bro! The sky was pretty with purple, blue and green.” 

“Like Aurora Borealis?”

     Jeff proclaimed finishing his plate. Billy agreed, calling it the Northern Lights. Stating he was in awe of the enigmatic sight. He felt the city was in great danger. Getting ready to inflict pain on some bad guys. He reminded Jeff that he woke him up with his smelly concoction. Billy then walked by Jeff into the kitchen. Cleaning his plate in the sink. Billy went into the refrigerator grabbing his protein shake and fat burner. Jeff turned to tell Billy that his dream sounded awesome. Sighting its similarity to Bluntman & Chronic. Billy nods in agreement while he pops the fat burner, chasing it down with the protein shake. 

      They notice Buddha beginning to stir. Billy takes Jeff's empty plate and walks over to the sink. As he's doing a little bit of dishes Jeff pulls out a bag and begins breaking up the bud. Billy washes his bottle hollers out.

“Buddha you awake?”

     Jeff, rolling a joint, turned to the couch. To see for himself if Buddha in fact was.

“He might if he gets a whiff of these headies, hahaha.” 

     Jeff does a double toke and passes it to Billy. Upon his entrance in the living room. Blowing the smoke of the second puff in Buddha's direction. As Billy passes it back to Jeff. Leaning back in the recliner Billy returned the conversation back to his dream. Sighting it's been the same dream he's had since they were kids. Jeff agreed stating he's had some similar kind of dream. Jeff sitting in lotus pose on his meditation pillow. Passed the joint back to Billy and turned on the TV. It's still playing the DVD that they have of some 70s comic book cartoon TV show. Billy walks off to the side and grabs the curling bar. He starts doing a light core workout as they pass the joint back and forth. After three more passes nonchalantly Buddha woke up.

“I’m ya’s boy, an ya muhfukas be pushy, shiftless an shit. Waking me up to smoke, no good morning, nuttin’ jus’ smoke.”

      Buddha jokingly exclaimed as he took the joint from Jeff, giving him dap. Turning to Billy shaking his head as he passes him the joint. In one movement Buddha goes from sitting lazily, to lotus pose. Exhaling slowly Buddha nods to Jeff and places his hands on his knees palms up. Buddha begins to chant as Jeff and himself start to meditate.

“Billy this is ah dojo, an you always switched on ready ta put in work homie. Chill the fuck out. Jeff, ya need to learn how ta be incognito, fool. Check it fella’s ya need to feel the vibes of the universe. See ya’ll nigga’s need ta chill, and recognize there’s time an a place fa eurry thang, capisce.”

     Buddha shuts his eyes pointing to the time on the DVR. Billy sets the curling bar down and passes the joint to Jeff. Jeff takes his second hit and checks the time. Billy yelled the time, which was 10:40am.


     Jeff was rolling a blunt during Billy's rant. His response was delayed.

“What? Dude we gotta be there at 11?”

     From beyond the hallway near the bedrooms Billy yelled in agreement. Jeff promptly placed the blunt and tray on Buddha's lap. Standing and stretching asked Billy if he knew where his work polo was. Just as Jeff finished his sentence. Billy appeared tossing the polo to Jeff. Buddha passed the blunt to Jeff. Who was fumbling around the coffee table searching for his keys and wallet. Billy took the blunt from Jeff and put on his warehouse vest. Jeff gave Buddha dap given they gotta run. Billy passed the blunt back to Buddha and gave him dap upon his departure. Buddha exhaled the hit still in lotus pose.

“Peace fam’.” 

      Putting out the blunt he laid back down on the couch. Once they got out of the building Jeff tossed the keys to Billy.

“I'm breakin’ up some goodies, you're driving.”

     Billy catched the keys and they enter the car taking off through the parking lot. Billy drove sporadically with vigor. Jeff finished breaking up the bud. Began rolling it into a joint. Once finished Jeff bent down to slide the tray under the passenger seat. Billy slammed on the brakes. Prompting Jeff to smash his head into the dashboard. 

“Fuck Bill, I could've fucked up the joint, man!”

      Billy smacked the steering wheel. Citing the red light as the culprit. Jeff shook off the head smash with laughter. Lighting the joint he handed it to Billy. Ingesting the medicine calmed his anger response.

“It’s all good, no worries, man.”

     Jeff’s enlightened insight resonated throughout the car. Enjoying the buzz as Billy parked the car. Jeff leaned back and started humming Three Little Birds. They carried that energy all the way into the grocery store they worked at.

March 06, 2024 22:10

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Alexis Araneta
08:42 Mar 07, 2024

Glad to have you back. Stephen ! This was such a fresh, imaginative take on the prompt. Great job !


Stephen Laviera
19:23 Mar 07, 2024

Thank you, this isn’t my chosen profession it’s a hobby. I’m actually hyper addicted to what I do for a living.


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