
 Trevor and Pam

It was Monday morning and the big news on Campus was that Trevor and Pam had broken up. Burton College was what they called a ‘community college’ and didn’t have a large student population. In fact, you probably had a nodding acquaintance with just about everyone through this friend or that one.

Everyone knew Trevor and Pam because they were popular. I had known him for a long, long time. I wasn’t sure how it worked, but we were buddies. He was tall, athletic, handsome and I was short and stubby and was lousy at sports. Just hours after their break up already the potential new girlfriends were lining up. They were jackals.

Pam was simply a beautiful girl. She had long blond hair and her face and body were sculptured. She was bright and one cool lady. They were often seen around campus holding hands or kissing. It was great to see young love.

But after over two years of courtship, they had broken up. I couldn’t believe it. Everyone was dumbfounded.

I let the dust settle for a couple of days before thinking of calling him up. However, he beat me to the punch.

“Hey, you probably already heard it’s Splitsville with Pam.”

“I heard. Sorry, do you want to go out for a beer and talk?”

He sighed.

“No, I’m good.”

“Well, if you need to talk let me know.”

“Okay, thanks bro.”

Trevor wasn’t the greatest conversationalist as you can tell.  Maybe that was the source of their breakup?  It baffled me because I had seen then just the past weekend and everything seemed fine.  Who would have thought that the most popular couple on campus was now two separate acts?

I asked myself if I should get involved. After all, he was one of my best friends and Pam always greeted me with that dynamite smile. For my birthday, the girl had baked a dozen of my favourite cookies. I thought that was really sweet.

Trevor was a standup guy.  He could also be a real jealous fish.  He didn’t like other guys hanging around Pam, unless they were buddies. Maybe that was the source of the conflict and breakup?

I agonized for a couple of days whether I should get involved or not and when I bumped into Trevor he looked lost and confused. I knew that something had to be done.

It was a simple plan.

I called up Pam. She seemed a little surprised. Although we were friends it was only through Trevor. “Hey, Pam, I am just calling to see if you are doing okay.”

“I’m fine.  It will take some time to adjust.”

“That’s understandable, if you need someone to talk to don’t hesitate.”

“Thanks, that’s nice. Time heels wounds.”

“Anyway, since you are now out on the free agent market, I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring.”

“Oh, really?”

“Absolutely, so I will pick you up at seven sharp on Friday and we are going to the movies. There is this new flick I want to see. You’ll like it. See you then.”

“I’m sorry but-

I hung up. I was sweating buckets. You hav no idea how hard it was for someone that was super shy to approach someone like Pamela and be so dominant.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Then I called up Trevor.

“How’s it going buddy?”

“I’m fine.”

“Good, glad to hear it.  Look, since you and Pam are no longer an item, I’ve decided to date her. We’re going out on Friday. See ya, Trevor.”

I hung up real fast. Then, I just sat back and let nature take its course.

It didn’t take long. I later learnt that he had called her right away and the next day they met in some secret place. The conversation went like this:

“Trevor, I think that we really need to seriously evaluate where we both are in this relationship.”

“I hear you’re moving on.”

“Who told you that?”

“I hear you have a date on Friday night.”

“Well, I was going to cancel that. How did you know I had a date on Friday night?”

“Your date told me. He called up last night around eight o’clock and-

“Oh, that little monkey.”

“What are you talking about Pamela?”

“Don’t you see it, he’s playing us.”

“I’ll kill him.”

“No, you won’t. It wouldn’t be a fair fight. But, I have a plan.”

“Does it involve me killing him?”

“No, no physical violence, Trevor,” she looked at him a little disturbed.

That night, Pam called.

“Hello, there, hey look thanks for inviting me to a movie. I am not ready to get back out there right away I was wondering, why don’t you come over for supper cause I really need someone to talk to right now.”

This was not how the plan was supposed to go down.

“Well, I’m not sure.”

“I insist and I won’t take no for an answer. Be here at five sharp.”

She hung up before I could say anything.  The confusion was deep and overpowering. I was going to call her up, but realized that was not the thing to do. I was going to see her on Friday.

The strange thing is I didn’t see Trevor all week long. It was like he was avoiding me. We usually had lunch together at the Burger Joint, but he wasn’t there. It was really weird.

So, I showed up on Friday night at five sharp. Pam was wearing a white plunging neckline top that exposed her heaving bosoms and a pair of tight jeans that showed off her great ass. She had her in a ponytail and was smoking hot. The young woman also had just the right touch of makeup and was wearing a faint trace of perfume.

“Hey, glad you could make it.” 

She hugged me and rubbed my back sensually. Then she caressed my biceps.

“Have you been working out?”

  It made me very uncomfortable.

“No, not really,” I said. 

“Have a seat, I hope you like spaghetti and garlic bread?”

“That sounds great.”

“Good, I like a simple man. Trevor, that idiot was always complaining about my cooking and the turd couldn’t even boil water properly.”

I really didn’t know what to say.

She whacked me on the butt pretty hard before I sat down.

“Are you sure you haven’t been working out? Your buns look like they are made out of steel.”

“No, I haven’t been working out.”

“I am so over that loser. The guy was so conceited always flexing his arms and acting macho.”

“Trevor had some good points.”

“I guess so. Anyway, tell me something about yourself that I didn’t know.”

“Well, I am not sure.”

“You don’t have a girlfriend do you?”

“No, not at the moment,” I tried to smile.

“I am surprised that you don’t. I mean you are nice, good looking, smart and buns of steel. Where are my manners?  Do you want something to drink?”

“That would be fine.”

“Great, I don’t have any beer, but I have soda pop.”

She left the room making sure that I had a perfect look of that great butt.

She came back with an open can of soda and the usually graceful and well-coordinated girl, tripped and spilled soda all over me.

“Oh, my God, I can’t believe I am so clumsy.  I guess it’s the fact that I have such a handsome guy in my place.”

She ran off to get a napkin and came back trying to dry the soda and rubbing my private parts with hard, even strokes. I was a little taken aback, but didn’t know what to do.

“If you want, you can take your pants and underwear off and I’ll throw them in the dryer.”

“No, that’s okay,” I said nervously.

“You can wear one of my pairs of pants.”

Her hands were practically trying to take my pants off of me.

I finally managed to get her hands off of me.

“Honestly, Pamela, I am okay.”

“Oh, Pamela is so formal. Why don’t you call me Pam?”

“Okay, Pam it is.”

“Of course, if you don’t want to call me Pam, then you can make up a pet name like Super Love or Honey Big Guns. I’ll leave it up to you.”

That greedy smile and suggestive body language betrayed a solid reputation.

“Pam is fine.”

“I hope you’re hungry.  Supper is almost ready.”

She disappeared into the kitchen and then returned.  

“Supper is served.”

I walked into the dining room and my crotch was still wet. The lights were dimmed, there was soft, romantic music playing and the lights were dimmed. She light the candles and smiled.

We ate in silence and I was a little shocked. Was this a date?

“Anyway, I was really happy you called the other day for that movie. But, I thought it would be better to have a quiet dinner just the two of us at home.”

“Sure, it’s okay.”

“Do you want another glass of wine?”

“I’m good.”

“Trevor always complained if I had a second glass of wine. Well, the heck with him. I’ll drink as much wine as I want to. I hope if I pass out you won’t take advantage of me. Of course, if you decide to be gentle and please wear a condom.”

I choked on my spaghetti.

She was right behind me in a flash and tapped me on the back. Her breath was in my ear.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I could barely talk.

Pam went back to her seat and smiled.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Sure.” I was still trying to find my voice.

“I’m not wearing a bra or panties. I am completely commando.”

I almost swallowed my fork.

“Does that turn you on?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”

“What would you do if I took my top off right now and just let them hang out?”

“Please don’t.”

She giggled. 

“To us and the great possibilities,” raising her glass and slugging back the wine in one gulp. Then the wily woman wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. It was very unladylike and I was a little shocked. Pam never acted like that.

We managed to get through supper. We cleared the table.

“Don’t worry about the dishes, I’ll do them later. Let’s go sit down and talk.”

I turned around and she smacked me hard on the ass.

“You got a really nice ass, you know that?”

“No, but thanks for telling me.”

I was just about to sit on the couch when she jumped up.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I really need to change into something more comfortable. Besides, I spilled a little wine on my white blouse.”

It was right over her massive right boob.

“Could you be a dear and get a napkin to wipe it?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”

“How about if I just take off my top and make it easier for you?”

“No, that’s okay.”

“I’ll be right back.”

She returned dressed in a pink nightie. The girl was all smiles. A second later, Pam had her hand on my thigh.

“I am done with long-term relationships. I want to sew some wild oats.”

“Is that right?”

“It is. Look, sorry I didn’t have dessert tonight, but why don’t you take all of your clothes off and go into the bedroom and slip underneath the sheets. I’ll be there your dessert.”

“Beg your pardon?”

She flashed that radiant smile.

“Well, don’t be shy. After all, you’re the one that started all this. You called me up for a date and obviously have some kind of sexual interest in me.  Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

She laughed.

“Look, Pamela, I-

Someone buzzed the intercom.

“Who could that be?”

She got up and walked up to the intercom.


“Hey, it’s Trevor, I’m here to pick up my stuff.”

“Oh, my God, it’s Trevor.  If he finds you in here, he’ll kill both of us.”

“But you guys are broken up.”

“We are, but he’s such a jellyfish that he’ll go berserk. You have to hide.”

There was a solid knock on the door.

“Hey, it’s Trevor, open up.”

“Go and hide,” she hissed at me. 

So I ran and hid in the bathroom.

She opened the door and he walked in.

“Okay, where is he?”

“Where is who?”

“The guy you have here?”

He brushed past her.

“Where is he?”

“Trevor, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

He ran to the bedroom and then to the bathroom. She was right behind him. I was hiding in the bathtub. He pulled the shower curtains.

“Well, all of the two-faced, scumbag losers you are going to be in a world of hurt.”

“Trevor don’t you dare hit him.”

“I am going to tear him apart.”

He yanked me out of the bathtub and she tried to hold him back.

“I never thought I would have to punch out one of my best buddies.”

I closed my eyes and waited for oblivion to hit me like a nuclear bomb.

All of a sudden they started to laugh.


I opened my eyes and they were in stitches.

“Hey, what’s up/“

“What’s up? What were you trying to pull calling me for a date?” Pam looked offended.

“Yeah, what were you doing hitting on my girl?”

“I wasn’t trying to hit on your girl and wasn’t trying to insult you. It’s just that you’re my best friend and I have always adored you in a strictly platonic way. I was really hurt when you broke up. So, I decided to try and get you two back together. I think you make the nicest couple.”

She pulled his hand away from me.

They looked at each other.

“That is really sweet.”

“Yeah, it is really cool.”

“You really had me scared there for a while. I mean you were coming on to me and-

“You were?” He smiled at her.

“What can I say, I am a wonderful actress.”

“Anyway, you two probably have a lot to talk about. Goodbye, thanks for supper and thanks for not killing me.”

They walked behind me while I put my shoes on and left.

A year or so later, they were married.  While Pam was giving her speech she laughed.

“So Trevor and I broke up for a few days. We hit a rough patch in our relationship. But, there was one person who believed in us and would not give up. He did one of the sweetest things that anyone has ever done for me and us. Come on up.”

I didn’t want to, but I did.

She was the most beautiful bride. I stood between them and she smiled that dazzling smile.

“Please a round of applause for this guy or today would have never happened.”

Everyone applauded and I turned fifty shades of red when she kissed me on the cheek. Trevor, the goofball, also kissed me on the cheek.  

February 20, 2021 00:00

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