Submitted to: Contest #29

My love story

Written in response to: "Write a story about someone falling in love for the first time."


Experiencing love for the first time

What is Love-‘ a good feeling ‘for some people; ‘an emotion’ for some people; ‘a timepass’ for some people; or ‘a dream’ for someone like me. It was a dream for me to be in love, experiencing the pure feeling and having that true emotions for someone (ahighly introvert like me) which would turn myboring life to some excitement .In my school days I was a shy, under confident girl having oily hair every day and doing homework every day, (it might sound funny but yes this is the realty) and of course a topper having all that qualities. For me the only thing to do was to study study and study and of course to get highest marks nothing else would be expected by me.

For a person like me to find someone was equivalent to finding water on mars, (yeah sounds funny but that’s true), it was a very tough thing to do, also to choose a right partner at that the age (in the puberty) where you are controlled by your hormones and all your smartness and sensibility doesn’t exist at that point. It’s a point where you doesn’t understand the difference between love and infatuation. Same happened with me I got a strong infatuation for a guy which I misunderstood to be love and it was a terrible one sided thing and craziness I would say which made my life no less than hell.

But soon I realised it was a waste of time and emotions which were never there it was just a rush of hormones. Later then something real good happened to me.

During the summer vacations I was bored and to spend some fun time I went to my cousin sister nikita’s place. Soon after I came to know about her boyfriend and as I was at her place , her parents were allowing us to roam around and so we did. Everyday we would go out have some good time and as obvious she would call her boyfriend along with whom his friend also came.

Here comes our first meeting 31st march 2015 in evening when I saw a average heighted guy with bluish green eyes and silky ruffled hair and cute facial features which was like enough for me to fall for him or I would say have a desire to keep looking at him, and it happened so I just lost in looking in his deep colured eyes which I found really attractive, perhaps it wasn’t like a love at first side but a something clicked in me which I couldnot explain in words;I was kind of impressed by his personality nothing more. 

As the day passed and I didn’t even remember him even I didn’t know his name. On the another day a friend request came to me on facebook having the name BHARAT PANDYA and I came to know it’s the same guy I met a day before and I was like wow.i asked nikita about him how he is and should I accept the request and as I got green signal I accepted.

I started the conversation trying to be a cool girl and asking how he was and what he was doing and all and again our meeting got fixed all thanks to nikita and his boyfriend.but due to some reasons it got cancelled and bharat messaged me that he is sad about it,even I was kind of sad but not really. We continued to talk on facebook and he asked me if we could meet another day because nikita’s bf was going his hometown so a kind of farewell. And bharat was convincing me to come and as I rejected he got really upset and showed attitude to me didn’t talk to me and I was like how can he get upset about this small things.soon after I tried to talk to him on the call texted him but he was at no point ready to talk and finally when I said YES he replied. Strange right when a stranger becomes a part of life it’s a good feeling though.

After that we were constantly on messages talking about where we’ll go and what we would same day we went out again and met them but I was busy talking to a male friend of me who also liked me and as I didn’t respond nicely to bharat again he got angry.still I complimented him about his eyes which I was really attracted to but he didn’t respond well. After going home he texted and said thankyou and asked if I really like his eyes.o god I wasnot knowing what was happening to me I was just enjoying those cute things and being happy.

After that he started flirting me and I too joined him as I was started to like those things, he asked me to give some gift to him when we go out and his hints were to give a kiss to which even I agreed naughtily. And the day came when we met finally but tragedy came as I also asked my friend who like me to join us,and he arrived and after seeing him bharat’s expressions were like so jealous and he didn’t even looked once at me, I tried to call him but he didn’t respond. As the day was ending I was feeling bad also at the same day I have to go back home. when we were returning home I asked him what’s wrong and still he was not answering and being rude to me and I hold his hands and asked and his friend asked me to kiss him then he’ll be happy and talk to him,but I refused and he kept asking me for kiss teasing me and we left finally and reached nikita’s place . My mom was already there to pick me and bharat’s phone came and he said ‘I LOVE YOU PLEASE DON’T GO, AND SAY YES TO ME ‘.and I was totally blank and didn’t respond and I was crying as I had to leave. He was waiting a outside and followed me and my mom till home and my mood was so bad I was just hiding my tears.


After reaching home i was missing home so badly and missing our the evening nikita called me and guess what bharat was in conference I was so overwhelmed by his voice and he said crying ’Why you left me please come back I miss you and I ,love you’ and tears starting off my eyes I couldn’t control and just kept talking I text to him . He always asked for the answer and I was just avoiding and talking to him.2 days later he came to meet to for my intimating me to give answer otherwise he would never talk to me. Another day came which was my birthday and he gifted me a photo frame and asked me the last time and I didn’t reply .Finally at that night he showed me a girl and asked if she was nice or not and said that girl had proposed to him if I would not answer him he would say yes to her, i was shattered by this and was feeling really jealous and said him to go to that girl. The first time I had the feeling of possessiveness which I didn’t know was love. Another day passed and he told me that he has said yes to the girl and he would never call me or text me.

I was so helpless and shattered that I could not understand what to do .then after a day I realised to say him that I love him and did so .and I came to know he was lying and there was no girl proposed to him. I was so happy and we spent whole night talking to each other and the whole day texting each other thereby I realised what LOVE means. Today it’s been 5 years and we are happily and madly in love with each other still I remember my feeling of falling in love so deeply. Now love has become my life he is my life and will be forever.



Posted Feb 16, 2020

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6 likes 2 comments

17:09 Feb 27, 2020

Some really powerful emotions here!

I think this could really benefit from some editing. Line editing would make some of the sentences flow a little more naturally to make them easier to read. Meanwhile a big-picture edit would help you identify the key points of the story, where the conflict comes from, which parts could do with being developed and which could be cut. At the moment you have a lot of detail that might not add very much to the story, yet the final five years are covered in a single sentence!

This reminded me a little of the New York Times Modern Love column - maybe have a look at some of those essays, if you haven't already, to give you some ideas of how to structure your story and highlight the most important points?


Vrunda Sagathia
04:08 Feb 28, 2020

Thankyou for your feedback. I’ll definitely work on your suggestion and improve my writing.


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