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Submitted into Contest #40 in response to: Write a story about friends who wind up on a misadventure.... view prompt



"Don't jump! You have so much to live for!" shouted my friend Rico.

"Jumping into a two thousand foot gorge with a raging river at the bottom isn't exactly what i'd choose to do." I quipped back. I'd never thought that when i signed up for a superhero themed mystery box that i'd be kidnapped by probably rabid monkeys. I looked back and saw my friends Rico, Victor and Jorge tied together to a thick tree, surrounded by monkeys wielding bananas. Those things hurt more than you'd thing.

It all started on the last day of Middle School. Rico, Frank, Ron, and I had made plans to visit the local arcade to celebrate. When we arrived,we each went to our favorites parts of the arcades, Victor went to Street Fighter 2089: Mega Future Battle of Death. Jorge went to the skeeball zone where they had a limited edition Alien Fighter skeeball machine. I went to my favorite game, Indiana Jones Pinball, and Rico's favorite part was the pizza buffet. I don't know for sure if Rico has ever actually played any games there. After we were finished, I saw a sign on the window advertising a Superhero themed mystery box. Now i love my superheroes, so of course i subscribed. Two weeks went by and i had kinda forgot about it, then fateful one day my mom called me downstairs because i had a package. It had arrived. I opened it and inside was no superhero stuff, but an old letter and a map. I showed it to the guys.

"Did you read it?" Victor asked.

"No, it could be haunted." i replied.

"Please, letters can't be haunted. Only bananas." Jorge replied.

"WHAT!?" cried Rico.

"Never mind that, lets check it out." Victor stated, pulling the letter out of the box. It read,

"Reader, there is so much you must know. I cannot tell you anything for your own safety. Go to the Hidden Temples of Slappadoon."

"What?" Rico started, "That doesn't make any since?"

" does." I said, staring at the paper, "We're going on an adventure."

It wasn't hard to find the hidden temples, because the map to find them was two blocks down in the local museum in Chookaloco. We hopped on our bikes and peddled there as fast as we possibly could. When we arrived, we asked the curator, "Um, Senior? Could we please the map for the Hidden Temples of Slappadoon?"

"Si. They're over to the right?" he mumbled motioning towards a stack of pamphlets. We did the best we could to follow the maps.

We arrived at the Temples about mid-afternoon, thirsty and ready for action. The Temples were huge. Victor looked at the sun, then made a weird symbol with his hands.

"Amigos," he began, "We must go into this temple."

"No, that's the wrong one. The map says," Jorge corrected.

"Don't tell me about the map. I learned this in Vaquero Scouts. I can use the sun to find supernatural objects." Victor explained.

"But...the book with the letter had a map which started at the temple to our right. To our right, not the one you said." I said.

"NO! Trust me, we want this one."

We did not want that one. I hated it from the beginning when we entered the temple and there was a picture of a man decapitated head on a stick, etched into the wall. That right there, that was messed up. Then, we entered the passageway which Victor said was, "alluding to greatness," It had poison darts...Jorge was knocked out cold. We left him there. Just kidding, we exited the Temple and left him with our bikes.

Inside the Temple that the map said to use was a giant corn cob in the shape of a monkey. Along the walls were inscriptions of monkeys. Rico was able to translate, "Death to those who enter." We knew we were in the right place. We entered the passage way. No booby-traps. We entered the main guards. We stole a golden monkey head. A giant boulder starting chasing us. It was terrifying. I think Rico peed his pants. There we were running from a giant boulder, and then it stopped. We turned around and the boulder wasn't there. Of course we celebrated, however our cheers felt hollow. We exited the temple and then we saw Jorge all tied up. We turned around and then we saw monkeys, eyes red, wielding spears, walking towards us. At that point i'm Rico peed his pants. We ran as fast as we could, but the monkeys stopped us by blocking our path. We were defeated. They tied us up and then lead us through the jungle.

"Don't jump! You have so much to live for!" shouted my friend Rico.

It felt really cliche when i responded, "Jumping into a two thousand foot gorge with a raging river at the bottom isn't exactly what i'd choose to do." However, i still had to jump. I slowly picked up my foot and raised it over the canyon. I closed my eyes. I imagined what death would feel like. and then i leaped. Wind whipped past me. And then, i felt my chest hit something hard. It knocked the wind out of me. It was the a suspension bridge. Soon after Jorge, Victor and Rico were thrown onto the bridge also. After i regained control of my breathing i kinda laughed. The demon monkeys thought they could defeat us. HA! Boy were they wrong! Then the suspension bridge began to snap. Now i'm absolutely sure that Rico peed his pants at least twice. Now, we had seen movies so we knew not to just blindly sprint across a dangling rope bridge. So Victor and the by this point conscious Jorge slowly walked over to land. Then it came time for Rico and i to move their...and we blindly ran across the bridge. It was all well and good until i got my foot caught in a vine and face planted through the boards. It shook the bridge and sent Rico flying ten feet up in the air. Now, Rico is a pretty husky kid. Actually, he's just a circle with legs and arms. So when Rico landed on the bridge, lets just say the bridge now had a perfectly shaped hole in it. Rico was now suspended like me. How did we escape? We didn't. The rope bridge is still there and so are we. Please send help.

Please and thanks,

Deigo from my hit show Go!Deigo!Go!

May 06, 2020 15:01

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