Fear - Biggest evil of human

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Drama Friendship Horror

This story is started in st.xavier high school. St.xavier was very famous and good school for student. Not everyone get admission in this school. Only , student with some qualities get the opportunity.All the students where in the class . Students were talking with their friends in the class because their teacher was absent. He was sick and has fever . So, students were very sad because their classes were off and they make plan to meet their teacher if he not come in school next day also.

John, jack, saima, Nobi and Nia where good friend. They have their group that was famous in their high school. Everyone one has different qualities like John is good in study, jack is a singer, saima is a basketball player, Nobi likes read novels and Nia is interested in playing video games.

But, John was really afraid of Ghost and spirits. He thinks that ghost can kill people and suck their blood. His friend always try to convince him that ghost and spirits are not exists but he never listen to anyone and just because of his fear, every other students in that class makes his fun and took advantage of his fear . They always used him to complete their work and tell that if he don't do their work than they free the ghost behind him and the ghost can kill him . So, just of his fear , he always done their work . Because of John's behavior, their friend always get disappointed. They always try to do something from which John stop getting afraid of ghost. And they pray God for him because only god can help him now.

Next day, A new girl named kat, came in their class. She was very beautiful and soft hearted girl. She was a dancer and likes to play with animals and protect them. John started to like her. When their classes were end, kat invited everyone on her birthday party that was next day. Everyone said "OK", "we all come in your birthday". John was also happy . His Friends ask John that why he is smiling and John get nervous. His friend know that he likes her and they get happy for him.

Next day, They all get ready for the party and decided to met in a park to discuss about what gift they give to her. They meet in park but John was late so nia call him. John answer the call and say that he was buying gift for kat. He said that they go to the party and he came after buying gift. Everyone decides that they met him direct in party and they gone to the party. John also arrive in Kat's house's gate and feels so nervous. He finding his friends their but kat came and told him ," come in ". John feels very nervous but he wish kat, "Happy birthday" and kat said , "Thank you".

They spend sometime together and talk with eachother and kat also started liking John. They share their feelings for eachother and John propose kat but before kat reply him. Kat's mom called her ," Kat come and cut your birthday cake ". Everyone came and they clap and wish her .

After that they eat cake and have their dinner. They make plan to play a game. They plan to play truth and dare game. Everyone was happy and excited. They make a circle and put the beer bottle in middle. They started game and at first bottle stop and show to Nia. She choose truth and Nobi ask him a question that she like him? And Nia say 'yes' , I like you but you never gave me attention. Than, Nobi proposed her and ask that," will you marry me?" And Nia get confused and sure happy and she accepted that proposal.

The game was again started and bottle stopped at kat. She choose dare. Jack give her a task that she get a burning candle and go to middle of road and have to afraid at least 3 people. She accepted the dare and do the same as jack said. She completed her dare.

Again the game started and bottle stopped at saima. She choose truth and John ask her that ," Has you cheat anyone?", Saima said ,"No" I don't even love anyone than how can I cheat to anyone. I always respect every person".

Again the game started. This time bottle stopped at john and he choose dare. His friend decides to end his fear of ghost. So, they dare him that he has to go a cemetery at night and spend his whole night their in someone's graveyard. He gets afraid. Their friend tell that if he complete this dare than no one call her fool and loser and no one can used you. You have to fight with your fear. Kat tell him that ghosts and spirits were not exists and kiss him. She says that, " If you complete this dare than everyone's mouth were shut down and they started to called you brave and smart.

John thinks that, " If I could complete this dare than no one can afraid me by the name of ghosts and spirits." So, he accepts the dare and go to a cemetery. He was very afraid and nervous. Creepy sounds were coming from trees and the dark night make him more afraid. He looking at all graveyard that was there and choose a man's name "George" graveyard and try to sleep infront of that. He can't sleep their because of creepy sound and started to pray and by praying, he get sleep.

Next morning, he came to the school and tell his friends and kat that he complete his dare. He said that ," now I know that ghosts and spirits are just imagination. They do not exists. I do not afraid of any ghosts now". He also thanks to his friends and kat because they help him to fight with his fear and gave him courage. He said ," Thank you friends and thank you kat ".

May 18, 2021 11:45

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