Adventure Urban Fantasy


Dear diary,

School feels like a dystopian waste land, everyone just fighting to end up on top. The only thing that kept me out of sinking and drowning was Ted. He, he's the kind of guy that will memorise the way you speak when your anxious or underwhelmed but will hide life threatening secrets from you. "Meet me at the science room on level two." Ted shot me an unsure look, see sometimes he forgets that i have also memorized his eye movements and the way he speaks. Ever since the accident last year Ted hasn't been the same, his distance has strained our relationship, he never tells me anything anymore, until today. His nerved voice echoed in my mind. After faking some smiles and excusing myself to the bathroom i sprinted up as many stairs as my unathletic small legs could carry me. I peeped into the science room to see Ted holding a camera sitting at the edge of a desk fiddling with the lenses. "Ted?" I croaked knocking on the door surprisingly not alarming him. "I've made a discovery" He resumed looking down on his invention like a mad scientist holding its precious baby. "What is it?" I chuckled skittishly. As Ted slid over I saw on the camera footage of what seemed like walls of yellow abiss. "Is that, th- the found footage of the backrooms? wasn't that a- a, like a joke?" I fumbled gripping the desk. Ted continued staring at the camera almost like it would jump out of his hands if he didnt stop watching it. "Ted, why am i here?" After awkward silence filled the room long enough I turned to leave feeling unaccomplished. "I need you to film something for me." His deep secure voice rattled me to the core. I felt as though i was in horror movie about to be lured into a trap. "Can it wait till after school or the weekend? Period 6 is almost starting." I tried to reason with him but his still face had me feeling he was not going to let down. "It'll only take a minute." Ted handed me the camera shoving it into my chest. I turned the camera on and focused it on him. "Today I am conducting an experiment that could change... everything." I looked over annoyingly at the clock. Teds little experiment is about to cost get me a detention with Ms butterfield. Ted neared me, his pure crazy eyes caused me to stumble back waiting for the door to support my fall. Then it all went black.


Dear diary

I usually start my day in silk pajamas stripping off my eyemask in my cooled room. Today however, I woke up in torn jeans, on a carpet floor with an uneasy feeling rattling my stomach.

"Gasp!" My throat ached for water as my head thumped. As I layed on the vomit smelling floor my eyes searched for some familiarity. A dark figure drew my eyes to the labyrinth like walls curving around my insignificant almost lifeless body. The only thing lying next to me was the cursed camera Ted had 'gifted' to me. A screeching unlife like below came from near that sent a shock through me. As i leaped up I realised where I have recognised these endless walls from. "bu-but how?" My uneasy hands shook as I frantically picked up the camera, holding onto it as if it was a teddy bear and I'm a little kid who had a nightmare. As the hours went by I realised that staying here was probably not the best option with the screeches approaching my cradled body. With the adrenaline pumping through my veins I leaped up and started tracing my hand across the dusty, mud riddled walls. I picked up the camera and started looking through the footage of me sleeping. After a few more hours of watching the consistent fluorescent lights watch over me I noticed the lights flicker then my eyes shoot open. I sighed as I shut the camera off knowing everything that happens next. After 20 minutes of walking which felt like 3 hours the walls had a change of scenery, A small hole that could probably fit a child drew my eyes. My eyes darted around as i kneeled on the damp, mouldy floors. I shoved the camera in the hole and contorted by body in. The dark hole offered no light or mercy as it felt as though it was getting smaller. "What on eart-" my hands touched the splintered wood as i arrived in some kind of attic. I crawled along the floorboards avoiding the random holes that called my uncoordinated nature. in the far distance, a figure holding a balloon held eye contact. My heart dropped as the flashlight a few floor boards away started to flicker and spin. My elbows shook and wobbled as i stared at the entity and snached the flashlight. I looked down at the flashlight and banged it as it turned off. Thumping footsteps bellowed towards me with rapid speed. I let out a blood curdling scream and leapt towards another floorboard. My feet dangled over the edge into the abyss "Helppp!!! Pleaseee help me!" I cried as my weak core struggled to lift me up. In a quick life saving moment, i spotted a door. "Screw it..." I puffed and my burning thighs rolled onto the floorboards and ran on all fours and busted through the small door.


Dear diary,

Isn't it funny how one day your sitting in your pool baking in the sun snacking on fish and chips, laughing with all your girl friends. Next your skin has turned purple, whiteish and you've practically gone bald. At this point i've become used to all the entities, the dull humming lights and the endless walls. sometimes when I'm trying to sleep and I hear faint footsteps and lights flickering, I hum a song. It doesn't really have any significance just a song my mother would sing when I had a nightmare. "Time can't erase a feelin' this strong. No way you're never gonna shake me. Oh darlin' 'cause you'll always be my baby." Her tired sweet voice leaves me often in tears.

Its hard to believe I'm 25. When I was 14 I use to think I would be married with kids and a degree and everything I could have wanted.

While I was having my daily exploration, I fell tirelessly to the ground leaning solely against the wall. Suddenly I fell through the wall. My head banding to a different levels grassy floors. I felt something I had not felt in... a while you could say. I felt, safe. Something inside me gave me reassurance. i just layed there in the bare ground soaking up the sun. A bang seemed to explode my eardrums, I couldn't tell if i was screaming because the sound was so loud. A concluding sound ended all the noise like a tv turning off. My eyes opened to Teds grinning face peering over my petrified face.

"It worked!"

April 25, 2024 10:47

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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