Friendship Romance Sad

Elle was riding her bicycle she was carrying some eggs suddenly she hit the max bike coming from other side , she fell down from her cycle and all the eggs were broken she started crying and shouted at Max. (Max was Elle's business rival in bakery)

Elle- what did you did you broke all my eggs now how I will place my order and I don't have enough money to purchase the eggs again.

Max - It was not my fault you were in hurry and you hit my bike

Elle - now you are going to replace my eggs.

Max- I am not going to do so , do what ever you want and max went from there.

Elle returned back to her bakery and appolizes for not placing the order then then order was placed by max bakery. Elle's bakery was very small but Elle works hard for her bakery she was running the bakery with her father.

Elle saw max with a bucket of milk he kept the milk in the bakery and was busy in his work Elle bring one cat and send it to the Max bakery so that the cat drink all the milk. The cat drank all the milk in the bucket Max knew that Elle did this. he came out from bakery and shouted at Elle but Elle smiled and get inside to her bakery. Everyday Max and Elle use to fight as they were the business rival. Sandy was Elle's childhood friend and wanted to marry her but Elle don't love him but she treats Sandy as his best friend. Sandy was good in studies and wanted to go out from the town for his higher studies. Sandy went out for his studies , One day Elle's father was very ill and fell down in the bakery every one helped Elle to take his father to the doctor. Doctor said Elle that his father is suffering from brain tumor and need rest and she need lots of money for the treatment.

Elle started working hard for her fathers treatment Max found Elle was very tensed and sad and he came to knew about his father he felt very sad about Elle and he decided to help her without knowing her. He stared replacing his order to Elle so that she could earn money for her fathers treatment. 2 years past Max was in love with Elle he wanted to express his love to Elle and decided to propose Elle on Christmas Eve. Elle came to know how Max helped him she felt petty for him and she went to Max and appolizes and thanked him but with that her heart beat was beating fast Max also felt the same his heart was also beating fast they both saw each other, but Elle went away. Elle also stared liking Max. Tomorrow was Christmas eve Sandy called Elle

Sandy- hello Elle Tomorrow I am coming and I want to say you something important.

Elle - wao! I was missing you Sandy and even I also want to say you something important.

Sandy wanted to propose Elle on Christmas Eve ,Elle was very happy she decide to propose Max on Christmas Eve and she want to say about Max to Sandy. Today is Christmas Elle wore a very beautiful dress and she was looking very preety but she was in hurry Sandy was waiting in the Station she wanted to tell Sandy everything she feel about Max. Max also wore a nice suit and was looking very handsome. Elle was riding her cycle she purchased some flowers and wrote a note I LOVE YOU, but suddenly a truck hit her cycle and she faced an accident. Sandy was waiting for Elle but Elle was in the hospital. Sandy came to hospital he saw the flowers and the note Max also came to know about Elle's accident he ran to the hospital but he stayed away when he saw sandy. Elle's mother told sandy that Elle was coming to him and Sandy was holding the love note he thought that note was for him Max saw the note in Sandy's hand and thought that Elle love Sandy, Doctor came in the room and said Elle is paralyzed. Max felt very sad he went back to bakery.

After a month Elle was sitting on her wheel chair she cant move or speak she was only staring at Max. Max heart beat was beating fast Elle's heart was also beating very fast. Sandy came to Elle and said " I am sorry Elle I know you love me you were coming to propose me and this happened but when you will get well we will marry, Elle was trying to say something she point her finger to Max but no one understood what she wanted to say. Elle was looking at Max and Max was looking at Elle. Max went away from that town. Elle was looking Max he was going but Elle was helpless she cant even say Max to stop tears were rolling down from the eyes of Max and Elle and both heart beat was beating fast. Max mother and brother was running the bakery. 10 years passed Max never came in these years, Today is Christmas Max came back he saw sandy was playing with a small boy and that boy was calling Sandy his dad Max knew that Sandy and Elle both got married and that boy is there son. Suddenly one lady came to Sandy and said honey lets go , that was not Elle Max was confused it means Sandy marred to other lady, Max heart started beating fast and Elle was sitting in her room her heart stared beating fast she ran out of her room . Elle saw Max she ran towards him hugged him and said I LOVE YOU Max. Max cried and kissed Elle and said I LOVE YOU too Elle.

Elle - where you went the day I faced the accident it was you to whom I wanted to propose not Sandy.

Max - I am sorry Elle

Sandy - Max it was you never me 5 years ago when Elle get well she said everything to me she was waiting for you.

Both hugged each other and heartbeat kept beating.

December 10, 2020 09:49

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