
I'm going to be late!

I can't miss this interview, I remind myself. It has good pay and a schedule I can work with.

That's enough to drag me off the couch and turn off the TV. I sigh, dreading getting ready. That's always the hardest part. I have to look my best but not too eager. What does that even mean?


I look at myself in the mirror and grab my keys. I look good enough. My engine spurts to life and I drive off. When I reach the school I quickly rush inside.

"Hi! I'm here for the job interview." I say, smiling at the man behind the desk. He's wearing a suit and has a brief case in his hand. I'm assuming he's Mr.Diaz, the principal.

He looks up from his phone, startling me with his deep blue eyes. "So am I." he says. Wait, what? He's here for the interview, too? I nod and awkwardly stand next to him. So...he's the competition. I glance at him again, sizing him up. He looks very professional, but so do I. Right? I look down at my button down shirt and pencil skirt. Yeah, professional.

I glance at him again, only to realize that he's watching me. His blue eyes rake over my body and then to my face, when he notices he's been caught he smirks. When I blush, his smirk grows into a smile. A deep chuckle rumbles through him as I look away, blushing even harder.

Clearing my throat, I grab one of the magazines and flip through it. It's something about healthy recipes, maybe I should read this. I think, remembering the pizza and chicken I had last night. My eyes are watching him over the page, as he runs his hand through his hair and adjusts his jacket. He notices, and I shove my head deeper into the magazine. I smile, amused by the weird interaction.

Then I remember what I left my soft couch for, the interview. I check the clock. It's past eleven. Where's the principle? He said he'd meet me in the office. Is this not the office? I look around, seems office-like to me. It has plastic chairs, magazines, and a receptionist desk.

"Um, is he late?" I ask. He looks up and then glances at the clock. I was told to be here before eleven. "No. Were just early."

"But my email said that it was at eleven." I say, confused. I pull out my phone and check the date and calendar. "Yeah, I even have the date set."

"You didn't get the new email?" he asks. His lips twitch and I can tell he's finding me mad, a funny thing. I kinda have to admit, I am a little odd when I'm mad.

My brows furrow."No, I didn't get a new-" I'm interrupted as my phone lets out a ping. I open the email. Yup, rescheduled interview. I look up and see his brow lifted. Oh so now he's taunting me? I level his stare and roll my eyes when he chuckles.

How come he got the email before I did? And then I notice he's here early too. "Why are you early?" I ask.

"Same reason. I didn't get the email until I was here, so I just decided to wait." he says. I nod.

"So, why do you wanna be a preschool teacher?" I blurt out, unable to contain my curiosity. He smiles, giving me a good view of his pearly whites. "Um...I like kids." he answers, redness spreading over his cheeks. Wait...is he...blushing? I giggle a little and then clear my throat. "Don't you think were both a little overdressed for this kind of job?" I ask. We both look as if we work with major companies and not toddlers.

He chuckles, shaking his head. I can tell he finds this amusing as well. "I guess so."

"You know" he starts, looking at me with a curious gaze,"I feel like we've met before. Have we?"

I shake my head. I would've remembered baby blue eyes like his. "Unless you were at the interview for the school across the street, I don't think so."

"Greetings Ms.Tanner and Mr. Jeffery." I hear a voice say. I turn around to find a short man with curly hair, staring at us. "I'm Mr.Diaz, the school principal. Before we do interviews lets meet the preschoolers, shall we?"

We nod and follow him down the hall. He stops at a door and looks back at us. "Today we had Janice White as a substitute teacher. She knows that we will be stopping by."

As soon as we step into the classroom, everyone stops and looks at us. Oh my god. It's a mess! There are rocks in the sink and on the floor, the kids are jumping on tables, and there are frogs jumping around. Frogs!

WE look around for Ms.White, only to find her on the bathroom tied up with jump ropes. The poor old lady is crying! "Now, onto interviews!" Mr.Diaz says, unfazed by the mess. We all stare at him. Does he not see whats going on?

"Um, you can have the job." we both say to each other. His blue eyes widen as I close mine, holding back laughter. Turning to Mr.Diaz I shake his hand and walk out the door, waving. The other guy follows me until we get to the parking lot. As soon as we make eye contact we burst out laughing. "Can you believe that? He thought one of us would actually take the job!" he says, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

I'm laughing way too hard to say anything so I just nod. When we finally stop laughing he shakes my hand, passing me a card. "I'm Marcus." he says. "Dina."

"Well...bye for now, Dina." he says, winking at me as he gets into the car and drives off. I look at the card and shake my head, he left his number.

I got to admit it, Marcus. That was smooth. Really smooth.

July 07, 2020 03:01

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