High School


She was kind so I should be able to talk to her. I shouldn’t get nervous or stumble over my words with her.

β€œI like your name. It reminds me of peace for some reason which is odd I know but I just wanted to say your name is pretty.”

β€œCan you help me with this one thing from math? I understand it but not fully so if you don’t mind can you help me?”

β€œDo you remember when we used to talk almost every day?”

β€œHow does it feel to be popular?”

β€œDoes it ever get hard or bothersome to hear your name all the time?”


She was brave and wasn’t afraid of anything except getting into trouble.

β€œHi, Kamara I was wondering if you would get lunch with me.”

β€œDoes it feel good to not be so well known?”

β€œDo you wish you were more like Melody in the sense that she’s popular?”

β€œWhy do you fear getting in trouble? Is it the punishment you're scared of? Is it your parents?”


He was always in somebody’s business and was always around. Trouble seemed to follow him.

β€œHow are you always getting in trouble? Do your parents not care?”

β€œHow does it feel to know that everyone knows your name?”

β€œWere you ever a good kid?”

β€œDo you like getting into trouble? Do you like the punishment behind it? Do you want to be remembered?”

β€œAre you scared of being forgotten?”


Felix was Felix or at least that is what everyone says. He was just himself which was always a nice break from everyone pretending to be something else.

β€œI wish I had a personality like yours. How come you aren’t afraid to be yourself?”

β€œWould you say that you still put on an act even while being yourself?”

β€œIs this even your true self?”

β€œAre you in some way appealing to some people which is why you act the way you act?”


He was the smartest kid in school so he should talk to me.

β€œCan you help me with some of the homework?”

β€œDo you feel pressured to be the smart kid?”

β€œWas it ever hard to get the grades you have now?”

β€œWhat was the lowest grade you’ve ever gotten?”

β€œDo you get tired of people asking you for answers?”

β€œAre you tired of having such high expectations put on you?”


She was artsy and always seemed to be fun to talk to.

β€œWhat inspires most of your art?”

β€œDo you actually like art or was it something you do because you’re good at it?”

β€œFavorite thing to do besides art?”

β€œDo you think you’ll ever get anywhere with your creations?”

β€œIf you didn’t do art what would you do?”

β€œDo you feel lost without your art?”

β€œAll of the hobbies in the world and you chose art. Why?”


She was kind of like me but more talkative.Β 

β€œEven though you’re somewhat like me, do you fear being an exact copy of me?”

β€œAre you quiet by choice or circumstance?”

β€œWould you ever talk more? If so, how would you do it?”

β€œWould you consider yourself as forgotten?”

β€œHow would you describe yourself?”


He was known by his name nothing more nothing less.

β€œWould you ever consider changing your name? If so, what would your name be?”

β€œWhat would you rather be known for?”

β€œAre you trying to be known for something other than your name?”

β€œDo you like your name?”

β€œHow often does something like this happen?”

β€œHave you ever been known by something else? If so, what was it? Did you prefer being known for that or just your name?”

I wrote everything I wanted to say to people on paper so I wouldn’t forget. Still, with all of this written down, I never seemed to talk much. I’ve always had a lot of questions for people. I’ve always wanted to know more. I was constantly told that β€œCuriosity killed the cat,” but that didn’t stop me from asking a million questions. Something was always interesting to me.

I never actually talked to anyone but I liked having questions to ask. In a way, they were questions to myself rather than to other people. I usually ran the other way when it looked like someone would approach me. If I ever did have a conversation with someone it endly quickly. People would get annoyed with my short answers and walk away. Teachers told me I had to be more vocal and look at people while they spoke.

Eye contact was never really my strong suit. Neither was holding a conversation.

I was the quiet kid everyone would stare at in the halls. I was the smart kid that everyone knew always had the answers somehow. I was a nobody in everybody’s eyes. I was the kid you shouldn’t bother with because it was no use. I was the kid that had a fragile sticker across my forehead. I was to be treated as glass that could break at any moment in time. I was the kid that was easily forgotten in a crowd of people. I was the kid people occasionally messed with. I was the kid that was always there. I didn’t serve a purpose, I just existed.Β 

I wasn’t always like this though. One day everybody changed and I drifted into the shadows.

It was more like I became the shadows but only at school. It was like I had two different parts in a play. At home I was talkative and loud at school I morphed into something else. I didn’t mind playing either of these parts. I rather enjoyed being quiet. I wouldn’t have said that about a year ago but people change. I always feared changing but I was probably the person that had changed the most. It wasn’t my fault though or maybe it was. I ask people questions so I don’t have to answer my own. Well, I don’t ask but still.

January 10, 2021 09:39

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This is a very.....weird story any feedback is appreciated🀍 if you're confused (like i said this story is weird) the main character writes questions they have for people down but doesnt ask them because of something that happened (what happened exactly? i dont know) please let me know how you liked it and if there are any critiques that need to be made :)


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Up Voter
19:06 Jan 11, 2021

Fascinating story! The topic and events are really unique!! Let me know if you're being downvoted!!! Have a unique day :) Love, Upvoter


Up Voter
19:09 Jan 11, 2021

Of course <3


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Veronica Pena
17:52 Jan 11, 2021



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Cam Croz
20:19 Jan 10, 2021

very relatable tbh, (I have a feeling most stories from this prompt will be lol). THIs was a vefry interesting and unique read! πŸ˜„ great job! (also I read you bio and like same on the whole jade west thing πŸ™ƒ lmao)


thank you :) yeah it took me awhile to realize why i liked that scene so much but now i know


Cam Croz
20:24 Jan 10, 2021

np! lol same, the moment it hit me I was like... oooooooooh tHAtS WHy I LikE JAde...


Cam Croz
20:27 Jan 10, 2021

lol its just the facts. πŸ˜‚


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! (ik its on tues but in case i forget ;P) Also, you live in NYC? thats so rad! I live on the west coast and i have never been to new york


IM SO EXCITED!!!! ive never been to the west coast before (i havent been anywhere actually) the only places ive been to is pennsylvania and new jersey cus its close to new york


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Brooke Hazelip
21:30 Jan 20, 2021

When you're writing a story, it's sometimes ok to leave your reader out of the loop for a bit, but this pushed that envelope for me. As a reader, I was beyond confused. I didn't know if I was reading dialogue, an inner monologue of each named character, etc. I ended up skimming after the third person because I just wanted to make it make sense. To fix this, give the reader a quick heads up and let us know what we are reading. I would have been more interested had I not been so confused. It's the kind of thing that can cause a reader to put d...


Thank you for the feedback I'll work on that the next time I ever write a story like this!!! The story was basically where the main character writes down the things they want to say to people but they never get the chance because they're a nobody I just didn't know how to write it but really thank you for the feedback


Brooke Hazelip
23:33 Jan 20, 2021

You did a good job with the theme and the story is very good once you get past the confusion. So don’t feel discouraged and please continue writing!


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Brooke Hazelip
23:33 Jan 20, 2021

You did a good job with the theme and the story is very good once you get past the confusion. So don’t feel discouraged and please continue writing!


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