Fiction Fantasy Romance

Eleanor’s POV

The heat slowly receded from my body as his lips found mine again. I was terrified before I felt the familiar feeling of electricity at his touch pulse through my body.

"I was so worried." He whispered against my lips.

"I'm ok Will." I said, pulling away.

"Yeah, but-" he stopped and his eyes traveled down. "Why were you naked?"

"I was hot." I said embarrassed.

 I heard what sounded like a low growl come from the back of his throat as his hands traveled down my sides until they made their way to my hips and he crushed his lips back to mine.

This kiss was different but so familiar. It was the same passionate 'I don't give a fuck' kiss we shared the night we met.

My arms went around his shoulders pulling him closer and his hands moved so they were inching towards my thighs.

The door opened and shut.

"Put some clothes on." Amethyst yelled from outside.

I groaned and reached with one hand into the closet till I found a light blue bathrobe, reluctantly slipping it on.

Will waited till I was covered before opening the door.

Amethyst, red-faced and panting, entered the room. “I know I told you to get some, but not right now.”

I blushed and smiled, “Just following your instructions.”

I looked to Will, he was smiling and winked at me.

“You need to get packed up real quick.” she told me, “We’re gonna smuggle you out with the rest of the wolves. If Opal wants all the wolves to leave, it won’t stop you from leaving either.”

I nodded and grabbed a gym duffle bag out of the closet and began putting a few dresses, books, and my new laptop into the bag.

I felt a small breeze behind me and turned to see Amethyst holding jean shorts and a dark blue t-shirt. “Change into these so you’ll blend in better. No wolf is wearing a bathrobe or a dress.”

I nodded and went into the bathroom to change. While I was changing I heard their conversation.

“I really appreciate your help.” Will said.

“I didn’t help you because I like you. I did it for her because I love her. Plus I promised her mother to look after her.”

"Were you close to her mother?"

"Sophia was my best friend."

I heard footsteps, "I'm concerned. You said she wanted to come back, but this Opal person wouldn't let her?"

"Yes, I understand why she would want Eleanor here, but at the same time, I don't understand. Why would she want to cut Eleanor from communicating with you?"

"Well, even though you're a witch since Eleanor trusts you, I will trust you as well."

"I appreciate that. We'll need to trust each other for something to work out with our species and Eleanor."

I was glad that at least one of my aunts and my mate were getting along. I left the robe in the bathroom and slung the duffle bag over my shoulder. I brought the other tank top and shorts with me, I'd have to wash them when I got back to the pack.

"You'll have to teach me that spell," I said stretching "they fit perfectly."

She smiled at me, "I’ll teach it to you, one day. But now you have to leave.”

She looked out the door, and when she confirmed that the hall was clear, we left. She led us down the hall and through a secret passage which, I hadn’t known was there. And, after a few more shortcuts, we emerged onto a hallway that had a mass of men heading in one direction.

“Get in the middle,” Amethyst whispered into my ear. “Get in the middle and just try to blend in.”

I turned to her and grabbed her hand, “Thank you, Ame. When will I see you again?”

She squeezed my hand, “I’ll get a message to you or maybe I’ll come to visit. My niece is a Luna ya know.”

I smiled then Will and I merged into the wolf traffic.

As we walked, his arm around my waist pulling me close and me hugging my bag, I heard voices over the bustle. Several were members of the Gemma coven, yelling instructions, but one main voice rose against the bustle of feet.

“How dare you storm into my house and breakthrough my defenses just to get to one of my girls!” Opal was pissed.

Just keep walking. I repeated to myself, Just keep walking.

“Alpha, you and your pack leave my castle at once and I never want to hear from you again! I want no more werewolves in my castle!”

I rolled my eyes as we continued walking.

I felt the cool air of the evening brush against my face as the pack was released. I didn’t see any members of my mother’s coven. Will began to lead me towards the Jeep full of women and a man.

“Alpha?” a woman with long white hair said looking around.

“We did what we came to do. Let's go.” Will said, having me sit on his lap in the front.

I felt a bit weird sitting on his lap in a car, but it turned out fine.

“When we get back I’m going to arrange a meeting with the Alpha of that pack to apologize,” Will whispered in my ear.

“I’d like to be there, it’s the least I can do.” I said looking at him.

He had one arm around my waist and the other holding my hand. His brown eyes locked on mine. Staring into each other’s eyes for most of the drive.

Amethyst’s POV

The whole of our coven was gathered in the meeting hall. Some were showing signs of fatigue from the battle and others looking thoroughly pissed.

I however was standing by the chairs smiling and waiting for all hell to break loose. I heard it as the last of the court members entered.

Opal’s scream was even more satisfying than I thought. It reverberated through the halls and rooms like a hurricane sweeping over the land and taking out everything in its path.

She was predictable, I could have set my watch by her daily habits. I smiled as she entered the room, her face red as a beat.

I loved it.

Opal walked angrily over to her chair and sat down. Then she was right back up again as if someone had put a tack on her chair.

“Someone,” she yelled, “tell me how she was able to just walk out of here, without anyone seeing her!”

I smiled even wider.

“Who was in charge of the doors? Who is the genius who rounded up the dogs? Who is the Einstein who didn’t check her room?”

She threw her hands to the side and a wave of energy blew out a huge hole in the wall.

“Christ mom, calm down.” Leo said brushing rubble out of his hair.

“Everyone get out!” She yelled.

Everyone filed out except for those of us in the court.

Diamond was holding Aqua in her arms. Sapphire and Emerald had their arms crossed and were glaring at Opal. Everyone else was staring at Opal in complete shock.

“What are you smiling about Amethyst?” Opal said, finally spotting my smile.

“I’m just glad she’s gone.” I said cooley. I knew the moment the words left my mouth the effect it would have.

Aqua looked up and Diamond glared at me. Opal got even redder than she’d been and I saw Leo look puzzled.

“I thought you were happy to be reunited with her.” Topaz said, just as confused as my other sisters.

“It was you.” Opal spat venomously, “You’re the one that snuck her past me in the crowd of dogs.”

“Well, yeah.” I said trying to sound calm, “I wasn’t about to agree with you keeping her prisoner. Especially when it was putting every one of my sister’s, and coven members in danger.”

“That was not your choice to make.” she started towards me, “It’s my decision to decide who leaves and who enters my territory.”

I stared her down, “Zircon wouldn’t have condoned it.”

I felt it before I saw it. Opal’s hand, made more deadly by the rings on almost every finger, swung and struck me across the face.

I heard gasps from my sisters and Leo in stunned silence.

“Zircon is dead.” She said sternly, “And I am the leader of this coven. You should have more respect for my choices.”

I turned my head back to stare my ‘leader’ in the face, “I usually do. But I love her, more than I fear you.”

William’s POV

I’d been raised to believe that I couldn’t trust a witch. I couldn’t trust someone who could kill me for looking at them. And though my mother had never, since her brother’s death, said a bad word about them, I internalized the lesson.

Then why did the goddess give me such a wonderful witch to love for my own? And why did one of the witches who I had assumed took my mate, bring me to her and help her to escape?

I let these thoughts breeze through my mind as the Jeep sped back to the safety that was our pack.

I couldn’t let go of Eleanor. I was afraid that she’d slip away from me, back into the clutches of that Opal. Though, as long as Amethyst was there, I felt I'd have an ally. Eleanor seemed to trust Amethyst so if my mate could trust her, so could I.

I felt the difference when we crossed the border into my territory. I knew El could tell too because she relaxed a bit into my arms.

It wasn’t very much time at all before we came to a stop and mom was on us.

“Oh thank the goddess you’re alright.” She said, hugging Eleanor.

I took the opportunity to thank the women and the only gay man in my pack for coming. After they expressed that they were happy to help and that their Luna was back safely, I took Eleanor’s hand and we walked back through the packhouse.

She was trying to keep up but I was in a hurry.

Once through the door of our room, I tossed her bag onto the couch and backed her against the wall. I needed her, I needed her now. We’d waited for four days too long and I knew that we both needed this.

August 04, 2021 03:26

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Keya J.
04:04 Aug 04, 2021

Hi Kir, It's rare to see a werewolf integrated story on Reedsy but you totally rocked it! Great Work :)


Kir Fowler
02:25 Aug 05, 2021

Thanks. I'm a big fan of the werewolf/shifter genre so I thought maybe someone might enjoy this too.


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