4:30 PM
Kyle: Tonights the night. I got the ring
4:36 PM
Liam: BRO!!! That’s awesome!! Keep me updated.
4:45 PM
Kyle: Am I supposed to be this nervous? How did
you feel before proposing to Maria?
4:51 PM
Liam: Oh yeah, I was a nervous wreck leading up to it.
But then I relaxed in the moment. You know she loves
you, she knows you love her. Try not to psych yourself out.
4:58 PM
Kyle: Ive rehearsed it all in my head, just afraid I’ll forget
in the moment.
5:03 PM
Liam: Man, don’t even worry about that shit. Everything I
rehearsed went out the fukkin window.
5:07 PM
Kyle: Lmfao. Thanks bro, I’ll let you know how it goes
5:15 PM
Hannah: Hey baby, just got off work. Gonna shower and get ready.
I’ll be at the restaurant at 7. Can’t wait to see you. <3
5:18 PM
Kyle: Hi Beautiful. Missed you today. See you at 7.
Got something I want to ask you
5:20 PM
Hannah: Ooooooh, okay. ;) You know how I love surprises…
5:22 PM
Kyle: This is a big one, honey. Thats it, thats all
Im giving you. Lol
5:28 PM
Hannah: Ugh, now I won’t be able to stop thinking about it
the whole shower…
5:31 PM
Kyle: Haha, good. That was the goal
5:32 PM
Hannah: I love you so much, baby. I don’t know
what my life would be like without you.
5:33 PM
Kyle: Well, lucky for you, you wont ever have to know, honey.
I love you more than you will ever know
6:15 PM
Kyle: Honey? You good?
6:22 PM
Kyle: Hannah? Im getting worried, do I need to come
6:45 PM
Kyle: Im getting in my car, headed over now
6:50 PM
Hannah: Hey Kye, sorry… Just finished throwing
up. Wont be making it to dinner… :(
6:50 PM
Kyle: Oh, honey Im sorry… I can still come over if you want
6:52 PM
Hannah: No no baby, It’s a mess here. I dont want you
getting sick :(
6:55 PM
Kyle: Well, ok…
6:57 PM
Kyle: Hey… Whyd you call me Kye? Nobodys called me
that since I was a kid
7:10 PM
Kyle: Hello? Hannah?
7:18 PM
Hannah: Sory Babe, Guess I just drifted off. Your mom
told me about your nickname <3
7:19 PM
Kyle: Oh… Ok…
7:21 PM
Kyle: Sorry, I guess I worry when you take a while to
respond. Youve had a lot of issues with your ex lately…
7:30 PM
Hannah: Oh, Yeah… Hes alright though. Hes harmless
7:35 PM
Kyle: Honey, he threatened you with a knife the last
time you saw him. You were too scared to leave your
house for two weeks
7:40 PM
Kyle: Hannah, Im not feeling right about this. Im coming
7:44 PM
Hannah: Well, ok honey. Its a mess here, you probably
wont like what you see
8:15 PM
Hannah: Kye? You coming or what?
8:24 PM
Kyle: No baby, I’m sorry. Started throwing up right before
I made it to my car. Maybe another night
8:30 PM
Hannah: Uhhhh… Ok…?
8:35 PM
Kyle: Look I’m sorry babe, I can’t help if I’m feeling sick
8:37 PM
Hannah: Oh fuck off! You didnt get sick! Youre always
doing this, getting women’s hopes up making them feel special
then backing the fuck out without fucking blinking!
8:40 PM
Kyle: Damn baby lmfao I think you’re overreacting…
8:49 PM
Hannah: No! Why dont you just admit that youre incapable
of any kind of commitment!!!
8:54 PM
Kyle: Stfu, all I said was I got sick. Dunno why you’re up
my ass about this
8:56 PM
Hannah: I dont know why youre talking to me this way! Youve
never talked to me like this the whole time we were together!
9:01 PM
Kyle: “Were” together? Are we not still together?
9:11 PM
Kyle: Hello?
9:16 PM
Hannah: Yes… we’re still together…
9:21 PM
Kyle: Well it sure dont fuckin feel like it. This isn’t the
Hannah I knew and loved…
9:30 PM
Hannah: “Knew and loved??”
9:36 PM
Kyle: Yeah… I meant you’re not acting the same as you
usually are…
9:37 PM
Hannah: I could say the same thing about you…
9:40 PM
Hannah: No more bullshit. Is this Kyle?
10:00 PM
Hannah: Youd better fucking answer me or I
will call the cops to go over to the house!
10:02 PM
Kyle: And tell them what? You’re texting Hannah’s
boyfriend using her phone and you don’t think the
boyfriend is the one texting?
10:08 PM
Hannah: Who said this isnt Hannah?
10:12 PM
Kyle: Word of advice. You should probably get to know
your victim a little more before you try to sound like them
over text
10:16 PM
Hannah: Lmao, youre one to talk. I got that this
wasnt Kyle pretty quick
10:24 PM
Kyle: Damn. Well, I tried. Lol. Guess I have more to worry
about getting rid of this phone…
10:30 PM
Hannah: What was your beef with Kyle?
10:33 PM
Kyle: mf took my girl. She can’t have nobody if she can’t
have me
10:34 PM
Kyle: Wbu, what was your problem with Hannah
10:37 PM
Hannah: Same as you. Bitch took my man.
10:40 PM
Kyle: Seems that we both did each other a favor then
10:43 PM
Hannah: I guess you can say that. ;)
10:48 PM
Kyle: Wyd
10:54 PM
Hannah: Just trying to set the scene. Love the art of
deception. Wbu?
10:56 PM
Kyle: Same
11:07 PM
Hannah: Hey… What are you doing later?
11:10 PM
Kyle: Well, I’ve got this real fucking nice engagement
ring, might pay for a one way trip to Mexico… Gonna
need to get outta here ASAP
11:12 PM
Kyle: Would be nice to have some company…
11:15 PM
Hannah: I wouldnt mind a little road trip ;)
11:16 PM
Kyle: I’ll come pick you up in 15?
11:18 PM
Hannah: I’ll be out front waiting babe ;* Cant wait to
meet you.
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