Coming of Age Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

"WAIT Lila!" screams out Jillian, my friend. She is rushing towards me, panting like no other. She finally catches up and we start walking home from school, we talk about our day. I tell her about classes, I like most of them except for history. I've never liked history. Today in history we were talking about Christopher Columbus and his adventures to America. We get to my house and both head in, we sit down for a snack, and she tells me about her day. "I just wish I could go there back in those days, I bet that would be so cool meeting Indians and then I'd definitely understand what my history teacher was saying" I said to Jillian.

POOF! Everything goes up in smoke, then now it feels like the

whole world is spinning, not slowing down, then all of a sudden it stops. I'm

on a boat from 1492. This looks like Christopher Columbus's boat. I walk around

and explore, where am I, how did I get here? I head up top and I look around,

this is definitely not Provo Utah where I live. I'm on a boat which is on the

ocean. Panicking, I start running to a ramp leading off the boat, then I bump

into someone and we both fall.

"What in the world, who are you?" A muscular man's

voice says. I look over, it's Christopher in person. I ask him " can you

help me, what year is this?" He tells me 1492 and asks me who I am again.

I answer him with "Lila Morgan, I don't know how I got here". He

starts yelling at me angrily about me stowing away on his ship, then he yells at

me to follow him. He leads me to a house and he tells me to stay there and that

he’d take care of me, angrily though.

         This is going to be easy, they don’t have school, which I struggle with, no bullies, and all they do is easy stuff, no challenges. Although I’m freezing, I grabbed a blanket and cover myself. He returns and tells me to come outside, “if you’re going to be here, you’re going to work,” he says as he gives me an ax to cut down a tree for firewood. I start hacking away, over and over. It’s been an hour and I’ve gotten only half way. Christopher sees and comes and tell me to put some muscle into it and leaves again. I finally cut it down, now I have to cut it into small logs. That took an hour and it’s now very dark. Christopher returns and he tells me to bring it inside so I do, he tells me to light it in the fireplace. I ask him how, he gets frustrated, and asks how old I am, I replied with “16 years old”. He asks how I could not know how to do these things.

         A month passes, he had put me through a lot of hard labor, like chopping trees, feeding the horses, tending to plants, building huts, making meals. Quite a few people have died already because of this cold, people are getting sick. I’m always tired, always working. Trying to survive this cold, is harder than I could’ve imagined. I’m doing the easy work too. Every day I watch Christopher explore America, dealing with Indians, trying to colonize America. I have learned so much and I understand what my teacher was saying now. I also don’t think this era of time is easy anymore. I will never complain about ever having to go to school.

         We now have to travel inland and start exploring, so we all pack up and start walking. We just keep walking and walking and walking. It’s taking forever, my feet are in so much pain, my shoes are almost disintegrated and we are walking through rough terrain because there are no roads. It takes another month to get to where Christopher wanted to go. I have no clue where we are. Everything looks different without our cities and road and everything. My shoes are no longer in existence. I’ve had to learn how to make my own clothes, which is harder than I thought, like everything else.

         I miss stores with new clothes, I miss good shoes, I miss being able to relax, I miss cars to get places, I miss all of my stuff. I didn’t know how lucky I was. It has been cool exploring America in Christopher Columbus’s time but I want to be home, this has been challenging, One would think it’d get easier, it’s not, only harder. Christopher Columbus has been struggling being governor, the people even had him arrested for a time. Everyone had considered him as a failure.

Despite all of that Christopher has been shaping America, and exploring. He is the navigator anyways, he has been navigating people throughout to explore and to colonize. He has caused the founding of America, I have learned this isn’t North America but it is because of him it has been found, He shaped Canada and Mexico and South America. He has been working hard navigating everyone in finding land for Spain.

         I better pass my history class after living through all this personally. I think, I want to be home. I wish I could go back to my time. Poof, smoke everywhere again, and then I’m sitting in my own kitchen again. Jillian, goes on talking about school, I interrupt her “Woah, what is today?” She replies with “October 10th, 2022, how’d you forget?” I shrug her question off and she goes on talking. I’m so excited, it’s like I’ve never left, my shoes are still god, I have my regular clothes on, and it’s like the 4 and a half months I was there never happened.

         The next day we go to school, I head to history class and we have our test. I read the questions, and I automatically know them because I was there, I ended up getting a hundred percent on it. I’ll never think the past was easier, I’m glad for my day in age. 

September 10, 2022 04:21

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