Submitted to: Contest #49

When waiting turns enjoyable

Written in response to: "Write a story that takes place in a waiting room."

Holiday Kids

The chilling breeze of December had struck the city. The vision was pale and smoke rose from every building. Even the fingers could not seek shelter inside the gloves as the frost easily penetrated. “When will our turn come, Mother?” Karen lifted up her head and faced a woman with red cheeks and shining eyes. She was equal of height when compared to her daughter, Karen and she reflected gentleness and sweetness. As she answered, mist blew out from her mouth, “Don’t know” and rubbed her hand across her daughter’s head. They both sat, quivering in the cold, on a blue painted plastic bench. All around, the patio was filled with humans, chatting and laughing. The benches stood at one corner, bare of any shade above. Security was tight and armed men were scattered at the edges. In front of the benches rested a rectangular building, dipped in white and red colors. A translucent sheet glazed the windows and tall flag poles reached the top of the mass structure.

Suddenly, the door of the building screeched and a person appeared. “Send ten more people in!” he yelled at the security guard who stood nearest. With Karen and her Mother being one of the ten, they walked inside. Relief came upon their expressions as the hall was warm and pleasant. However, they were requested once again to sit at any of the available chairs inside. Karen’s Mother grabbed the token paper and read their turn’s number. It read: ‘6128’ and she glanced at the screen which showed the current number which, to her dissatisfaction, was: ‘5986’. As soon as they seated themselves, they felt the energy of the room. The walls were neatly decorated with pictures of German attractions, from Brandenburg gate to Berlin TV Tower, Kölner Dom and Oktoberfest. Announcements buzzed the area and the clicking of pens and stapling of papers danced in their ears. Uniformed beings moved here and there and an air freshener repetitively sprayed fragrance. “German Embassy is nice” Karen said looking at her Mother. “Yes, it sure is” she replied. “So, what do we do until our turn comes?” Karen asked pulling out her hands from inside the gloves. “I do not even have my mobile, it is not allowed here, you know” her Mother looked at Karen and forced a smile, “Should I bring a magazine or something you would like to read?”, “Maybe, because staring people is increasing the boredom” she replied with a lethargic tone.

 Her Mother got up, dared not to stretch in front of a crowd, and silently walked over a desk to get any magazine. As she searched across the many papers, her lips turned downwards and she returned. “There are just visa forms and other documents” she spoke as she balanced herself back at her seat. In the nick of time were their attention diverted, diverted to a woman slim and tall. She was covered in white pants and collared blouse with a match of white heels and a clutch. Her hair fell like an uninterrupted waterfall. Both the Mother and daughter tried to eavesdrop and to their luck, they heard some of the chunks. “My visa request would be accepted, right?” the lady spoke and her question was answered by a female embassy worker, “It depends on the visa issuer”. “Do not say that” the white lady returned. “However, your case is strong, contradiction is unlikely” the worker spoke and the white lady gathered her documents and walked away. She sat next to Karen’s Mother. Posture erect and hands on the lap, the lady swirled and twirled her eyeballs.

“Mother, I am seriously tired” Karen whispered impatiently. “Sweetie, I am bored as well” the white lady politely spoke. Both Mother and daughter seemed unnerved and Karen’s Mother, with a quick turn, smiled genially at her. “Waiting is the most annoying part” she spoke again and Karen’s Mother nodded and said, “Agreed”, “My name is Smithsonia” the white lady introduced herself. Karen’s Mother greeted back, “I am Stephanie”. From behind her Mother, Karen eyed both the ladies and sensed a wave of happiness in that plain room. “What are you doing here Miss Smithsonia?” her Mother, who now is identified as Stephanie, asked. “I am here to get Germany’s visa” she answered, “I am going there for work purposes”, “That is interesting” Stephanie replied examining Smithsonia up and down. “Life has become so unexpected” Smithsonia spoke with her eyes angled 90 degrees, “I would have never imagined leaving my birth place”. Stephanie and Karen sat, listening to her, still and silently. “Don’t you think settling in an alien land is equal to moving a mountain?” she asked narrowing her eyes at Stephanie. “It is, but why are you leaving?” Stephanie asked. “Problems you know, they force you to change your lifestyle” she answered, “I am sorry if I am being a bit frank so early”, “Oh it is okay, I never mind it” Stephanie smiled. “Father used to be strong and brave and he could manage multiple tasks at the same time” Smithsonia continued turning her face away from the Mother-daughter. They could feel that Smithsonia was not present at the moment, she was far away in her thoughts and it mattered not to her that to whom she spoke. “It is the uncanny nature of man who is greedy for money and their own well-being forgetting the importance of everybody else. This type of boss, unfortunately, my father came into contact with who squeezed the energy out of him. I never knew people could be so devilish.” And she tightened her fingers which both Karen and Stephanie spotted. “Now, he is at bed, his health destroyed and conditions worse, I cannot watch him like that, can I?” and she looked back at them with sharp and wide eyes which seemed gloomy and watery. “No one can bear that sight” Stephanie spoke hoping to console her newly met friend. “Mum has turned so bleak” she continued, “That is why I have taken this initiative, being the only child, to support my family. I have applied for a job in a beauty parlor as a hair dresser. Few months later would I invite my parents and leave behind my memories in this city.” at last did her teeth appear for she felt delighted. “If someone helps their parents, they indeed receive success” and Stephanie threw her left hand over Smithsonia’s. “Thank you……oh I forgot, why are you both here?” Smithsonia asked. “My daughter Karen has been gifted a scholarship of two weeks in Germany and we are here for her visa” Stephanie proudly put her shoulder over Karen, “She will be travelling all alone”, “Oh my! This girl! That is such a splendid news” Smithsonia erupted in a joyous manner. Karen blushed at receiving praises and only looked below.

“This little girl is flying to Germany all alone!” suddenly a voice came from their front. The three turned their attention towards it and saw a man, near to his fifties. Broad of shoulder and tall of height, he wore a dark blue suit with a magician’s hat over his head. Stephanie, confused at the addition of a person in their chatting, replied, “Yes she is”. “Girl” the man pointed at Karen, “You have no idea how much luck you have brought to your family” Karen listened with interest and felt the joy building inside her. “I would applause, for you have received scholarship at such a young age” and he raised his palms to produce a gentle clap. “By the way, she is Karen and I am Stephanie” her Mother introduced, “and she, being a recent friend, is Smithsonia”. She, Smithsonia, exchanged a smile. “I am Richard” the man spoke. “Why are you going to Germany, Sir Richard?” Stephanie asked, liking the situation of meeting new faces, “If you wish to tell”, “Ah yes!” he exclaimed, “I am a textile mill owner going to present my cloth at an exhibition which is held at Germany”. “Nice…I would like to give that exhibition a visit” Smithsonia broke in. “Do try it Madam, I always enjoy at events like that, being praised and honored” he moved his hands here and there, “I have won awards and have participated in thousands of events”. The three were amazed to hear and their mouths opened in astonishment. He flipped the pages of his passport and spoke, “I have traveled to every country for the marketing of my cloth”. Karen glanced at her passport which was scarce of visa stamps and a sigh came from her. “At this time, Adidas, Nike, Zara and many more buy my cloth” he told and Smithsonia exclaimed, “Now that is called success!”, “If I tell, this journey was not easy. It was a constant ride of loss and gain. I hit the ground often but rose again. Certain situations made me leave the business but I dragged myself till I climbed to the top” and he finished. “That is truly an amazing story” Stephanie spoke.

 In the blink of an eye, the hall drowned by a woman’s scream. Fear developed in one’s heart as Karen slowly lifted from the seat scanning the direction of the scream. Suddenly she caught a woman fell on the floor. The crowd rushed towards her. “Oh I feel dizzy…sugar level is compressing” the woman moaned. Karen heard her words. Her vision fell on her pocket and she took out a chocolate bar. Though she brought it for hunger, but in this situation, she went to the woman. Pushing away the crowd, she knelt beside her and handed the chocolate bar. The woman nibbled the chocolate and fainted. “Quickly get her to a chair!” Karen shouted at the staff. The woman was lifted to Karen’s seat and the emergency teams came to inject in her the sugars. Not lately did the woman gained back her consciousness. Blinking her eyes gradually, she stared at Karen and wrapped her fingers around Karen’s arm. In a fright Karen turned to her and the woman spoke, at a snails speed, “You are a graceful lady.” and Karen laughed, “Am I?” Stephanie gave a smirk to her daughter. 

While smiling at her Mother, Karen heard “Ticket number 6…1…2…8 please proceed to counter number 2” and she jumped, “Oh Mother! It is our number being called out. Our turn has arrived”, “Then let’s go” Stephanie got up, “Good bye people, have a nice day” and both Smithsonia and Richard waved back both saying, “Good bye, wish you luck”. “Sometimes it feels so good to hear the stories of different human beings, how they live, what do they do; it helps you look at yourselves as well” Stephanie spoke while walking towards the counter and Karen saw her Mother understanding her words.

Posted Jul 09, 2020

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16 likes 4 comments

Corey Melin
22:30 Jul 10, 2020

Enjoyed the read. Kept you captivated to the end.


Faleha Hakim
12:25 Jul 11, 2020

Thank you so much!!


Ansh Jain
19:25 Mar 24, 2021

Great imagination and wonderful writing skills..!!!


Faleha Hakim
19:28 Mar 24, 2021

Thank you so so much!!!


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