Hobby Less-Ness Activities Of Me And My Friends

Submitted into Contest #78 in response to: Write about someone who keeps picking up different hobbies but never manages to stick with them.... view prompt


Contemporary Desi Friendship

I’ve been friends with Abbas and Shoaib for a long time. We all live together in the same apartment. We all have one thing in common that we can’t stick to a particular hobby. I am gonna tell you about some events where we and my other friends picked different hobbies but couldn’t manage to stick to them.

              Let’s start with Abbas, first I am going to tell you little bit about Abbas, he is a very shy person like he didn’t even use to take part in school’s extracurricular activities or not in any other plays etc. so beginning with his hobbies, he was very interested in article writing, so he told us that he wanted to do article writing so we both supported him with that we said it is an excellent activity to do, so he started writing articles about ‘Human behavior’ and other topics like ‘Todays Generation’ , etc. He completed them very fast and the material was worth reading but something happened then and he left writing them further more. After more than a week, he started to learn about psychology only just facts because psychology is a very interesting and wide field as you know, so he somehow managed to learn that for a week and after that he left it because he didn’t find it interesting then. A bit later he started to do adult coloring, it was the activity which we all used to do it together. We took images from the internet and then printed them so we can save money as well rather than buying three different books. It was very fun when used to do it together but then all that because of coronavirus we couldn’t do it together so, it didn’t remain that much fun by doing alone, so we left it as well.

Now coming to Shoaib first I will tell you about him also, so Shoaib is a kind of person who is very confident and excited all the time and he is very much into games. So talking about him, what happens is that one day Shoaib brought up an idea to play this online multiplayer game called 'Human Fall Flat', which we started playing it at night for an hour daily. But after playing for two to three weeks we were bored with it, so we tried another game called 'Minecraft' but we only played that for 4 days. We tried many other online games but they didn’t were so much good.

When the lockdown started, we started playing board games e.g. Ludo, UNO, Carrom, etc., we were very interested in the beginning but then because of continuous playing it became very boring.

Before lockdown Abbas was very interested in playing cricket and football but he couldn’t manage to make it a permanent hobby, he also tried to play other games but they were not so entertaining.

Concerned that my hobby less-ness might be a me problem, I got in touch with a professor of kinesiology and human development, whose research is focused on motivation and behavioral interventions. The good news: It’s not just me and my friends.

 “I think it’s hard for everybody to fit new things into their lives, because it’s a zero-sum game, where in order to create time for a new activity, you have to take that time away from doing something else,” says the professor. Most people are already living a pretty precarious balance between work, family, and other responsibilities, says the professor, so it’s important to acknowledge that anyone hoping to introduce (and maintain) a new hobby is “swimming against the tide.”

               Now, let me tell you some of my hobby leaving experiences, so about a month ago I heard about coding that it is a brilliant activity to make it a hobby, so I checked for free online coding courses and I found many of them but one of them was in easy understandable language so I started learning it from that website. Abbas and Shoaib also started it, Abbas had learned very much than us, Shoaib chose a shortcut way to do it through word press but me and Abbas continued it do to in long way because it was very interesting in the long way.

My one of the favorite hobby was to learn piano so I started to learn it online. I learned few of it only because after a week whenever I used to play it became very annoying due to fact that it takes months or even years to completely master it.

               Learning Photoshop has always been my wish but I never had such free time to learn it but this lockdown gave me a chance to experience it also, so I started learning Photoshop online, I learned very much of it but I couldn’t manage to complete the whole course unfortunately, so I left it in the middle. Likewise I also started learning animation online but it was not much fun as it appeared to be in the beginning.

               I always have been curious to learn a new language, so I started learning German language in the starting of 2020, I just learned some of its words but later it became too boring to stick to it.    

               One of my friends’ had a keen interest in reading books, novels and other stuff. He was very much into this, he bought some books and downloaded some from internet. He managed his time for reading books but after reading five to six books he got bored from it and left it and after that he started writing novels but this time he lasted a little longer than the previous one.

               Let me tell you about my college fellow, she is a gossipmonger and she is a typical girl like she is very much into cooking things, cleaning things and making her place well and clean. She never thought about makeup things and this is really surprising because she is a girl and she is not into makeup but then from God knows where she got little interest in makeup and started watching makeup tutorials from internet and she became makeup pro, like her makeup skills were so much good that mean it was amazing, she even made and uploaded makeup tutorials of her own, but with the passage of time she showed less interest in it, so at the end she left it and now she does little makeup things only.

               It would be really great if now I could tell you about the hobby I’ve become devoted to over the last month, but I still don’t have one. What I do have is less guilt about my hobby less-ness, and a determination to stop buying supplies for hobbies I’ve never made work before. Wanting to like something and actually liking it are two different things, and I am waiting for the latter.

January 26, 2021 17:38

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