Suspense Crime Fiction

There it was. I could see the gun in his hand. The trigger was about to be pressed. This would be my end. It is my end. It’s time to say goodbye. Just because of my error, Jack and I got into a fight. How the hell did he bring his gun to school? Why am I even asking? This is Jack we’re talking about. Jack the Ripper, as some may say in my class. He’s ruthless, brutal, and his personality has everything else you wouldn’t want the person holding a gun to your face. He was strangling me, but I tried to hold out my hand to push away the gun, but I didn’t have any energy. I heard the bang, and the bullet was reaching me. It was definitely over.

But something happened as soon as I reached out with my hand.

A bright light emitted, together with a strong energy. Everything was slowly warping. As if time was going slower. No, that wasn’t it. Time wasn’t going slower. It was going backwards. I saw how Jack pulled out the gun, then he was walking backwards, slowly out the door. Now I was all alone in the bathroom, and there weren’t any marks on my neck. After that, the bell rang, as if recess just begun. Even though it’s been 15 minutes since.

What just happened? That wasn’t everything though. Because of the shock, my hand was still reached out, and so time was still going backwards and backwards. I could see people walk past me in the bathroom. Some were washing themselves, some were fighting. I tried to walk out of the bathroom while still holding out my hand in the air. The same feeling was still there. It didn’t stop when I started walking. I was out of the bathroom, and I could see through the windows of the second floor, that it was nighttime. It was literally pitch black, even though it’s supposed to be 9 AM. What was actually going on? Slowly, the day came back, and the sun was out. I could see hundreds of students walk in and out of the classes. It was very bizarre. But it was real, I was feeling it, seeing it, and actually controlling it. Remembering my reached out hand, I pulled it back. Immediately, everything started happening like usual. Time was back in its original state. Well, almost a whole day back, but still. A second felt like a second, and everyone was moving in their intended ways. I checked the time on my phone, and it was actually 5 minutes before class would start. How did I time that so perfectly? I’d have to rush now, because my first class is in the upper floor.

After reaching the classroom, I went inside, and sat on my seat. Just like I would do every single day. Each and every student started walking in like normally as well. A normal school day, right?

No, if I actually rewound time by 24 hours, that would mean, that Jack will do the same thing as before. He will try to find me, and potentially kill me. I’d have to do something against it.

Before I do that though, I should explain why he was intending on killing me. Jack is the standard jock type. Or so you would think at first. But he’s much more than that. More so a psycho. He has weapons carried on him every time. He doesn’t use his brawn to scare other students, but with his mental sickness, and the knives and guns he owns. Nobody does anything against it, because the school is owned by his father, who is also sick. You shouldn’t get close to these people. Luckily no one was killed before, because his father doesn’t want to rupture his title that badly. The reason that Jack is behind me, is that him and I aren’t on good terms.

I always try to defend everyone that Jack wants to disturb. That’s why he hates me. At least I don’t stand quiet. He chased me back to the bathrooms, because I found out about his secret place for his weapons, and even drugs. I was also monitoring his actions on the computer, which might be illegal, but I wanted to see what he was up to. He and his dad were planning terrible things. Things that shouldn’t be accepted. This school is just a facade. They were hiding something. Having that info in my possession could put him at risk. I could take them to the police, but even his father doesn’t want him to continue using his stuff at school or let others find out about this. Some things about his behavior were on the news, and his dad hates if someone talks and looks at his son or him in a bad way. He’s sick, but at least he has some standards. Jack doesn’t listen to his father.

So, I found out about the secret stash, and even got to take some data from his USB flash drive. He was done. I had the upper hand this time. But this is Jack we’re talking about. Before I could act, he found out about this. When class was over, and I was walking down the hallways, I heard him shouting my name in the back, so I tried to move quickly and the bathroom was right in front of me. What great timing, or so I thought. I should’ve just ran outside instead. He then walked into the bathroom himself.

There it was. The same scene that happened before. It was like déjà vu, but stronger. Because I wasn’t feeling that I have lived through the situation before. I have actually lived this through.

He was walking slowly towards me. Also reaching for the gun. Me, being unable to act, couldn’t stop his hand, ready to strangle me. The muzzle of the gun was facing my forehead. I quickly reached out my hand again, like last time, to try and rewind time.

It didn’t work. I was panicking. What’s going to happen now? Then I heard the gunshot.

It was too late.

April 10, 2021 17:41

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