Sunset remind me of you sweetie: my ephemeral love

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Begin your story with somebody watching the sunrise, or sunset.... view prompt


High School Romance Teens & Young Adult

I stare out at the sunset I remember how much this symbolizes for ourselves, even more for you. When we gave our sweetest first kiss and our last. I just took advantage of the fact that you were close to me. You looked as radiant as the brilliant red and purple colors of the sunset. Along with your charming smile that could stun anyone. Besides, at the same time it can bring you a magical feeling for a lifetime. Indeed, it was the perfect timing and setting for both of us. Nevertheless, we were too young to handle a long relationship yet, even harder if it’s in a boarding school and you were about finishing and me just starting the journey of baccalaureate. Whenever you read these words, perhaps you should think that I am a traitor for not keeping the promises that I have told you one day. However, as I told you before, every part of you caught my attention, especially your passion in every little thing you did. I know it well, due to my immaturity, I probably lost you forever, I was an idiot and I do not regret it enough. Our convictions aligned perfectly with our souls; unfortunately, it didn't last as long as we wanted.

. I know you deserve somebody who always will be by your side; otherwise, I ain’t honorable of supporting you; whenever you are feeling down. That is why I had decided to remove you from all my social networks to lie to myself and I already know that I am a coward when I say that if you are happier with another person, and even with a close friend, it is totally fine. However, I emphasize it because I noticed when I looked into your coffee eyes shining when you used to talk with him in front of me. It was even very evident the last day of high school and I couldn't say goodbye to you or try to fix it a bit I broke down, getting all the hate from your friends, I noticed that I screwed it up but the pain is done, I can't go back in time. I’ll stay single for a long time, and approach one of our interests, especially biology. As you once told me, you had chosen visual arts, because of someone you loved in your first grade of baccalaureate. Now I can say I’m doing the same. Although my interest in physics is strong. Because of you, I found out my passion in genetics, and biology, you transcended my life and I cherish having met you and stay with you at least for a short time. This was one of the writings that he was never able to send her.

She always was considered as a like-minded person, clever, gorgeous and empathetic, as well as a bit of rudeness and cold. If you take into account her romantic side with people. Regardless of that aspect, she felt loved by a boy who ultimately hurt her later, simply because of his actions that didn't match her words. So the rule of thumb, never to trust so much in a person who shows up unexpectedly and becomes rapidly special because will probably disappoint you. You cannot live a fairytale or to feel like the romantic songs including all its lyrics says, otherwise likely would turn into a melancholic story. Then, the destiny don't wanna to stay together by now or maybe in a year or two I’ll take care of you, everlasting whenever you wanna honey.

Coming back to the present; she is staring at the beautiful sunset and then look up the calendar on her cell phone and it is June 21, 2021, and remind her of some facts that happened before the high school graduation.

She said: "It has been a long time, exactly two years ago, I had decided to allow my heart to gain over me and I got disappointed. Fortunately, I am no longer that immature girl who thought that a prince charming would rescue me in the worst moments, at least if the person who can help me is my true friend, brother or sister without necessarily being blood-linked relatives. Sometimes I keep living those experiences in my head for a while. Happily, not in the idealistic way I used to think."

Then she walked through the main streets of the small town where she lives and she used to frequent alongside him, breathing the fresh air of the coming season then. She decided to go back to read her diary and to forget the past because she has already forgiven. 

After reading, what she fell on the same day in which butterflies was flying in her stomach. She thought again, and when ring marked the same hour she used to hang out with him likely at 6:30pm and suddenly overthought realizing one thing in particular.

 I was glancing at each colorful sunset always reminds me of that time when it was our first date. I lied to my parents to go to the movies with you for the first time, with someone special to me; my friends accompanied me in this madness as usual. I remember that day as if it were yesterday, but especially when it was getting dark, but we still observe the beauty of the sunset, that day 21 brought me back two years ago, but life goes on darling, I'm letting you go. I was achieving it both in my head and in my heart. Although sometimes every person I've met over the years reminds me of something about your personality. I'm not going down again, you decided to lose me forever, without regrets and tried to seem interested in that girl who made me feel somewhat insecure.

 I never understood the way you treated me when you were about to break up with me. Even if I felt that, you loved me in that instant, it’s still tearing me up but I’m healing. You hurt me so much, when I was learning to love, when I thought you were the one. I set aside a space in my heart, your dazzling presence petrified it and turned into such mellifluous one. I think of you with tears in my eyes. I’m proud to say that I’m vulnerable in that aspect because of you, as well as being stronger than ever. I thought you were the love of my life and even if you were, I discovered that not always the love of your life would stay with you because not everything will last forever. My close friend witnessed how much I always wanted to get back to you, but I’m not the typical person who misses his ex and roll back to the past, because I keep going; otherwise, I couldn’t accomplish many things. I can only say that the best description of our relationship is the way the shimmering sunset lasted, that is, how ephemeral as our relationship was. Currently I am blooming like a flower in the spring season, thanks to the support of my close friends, especially the person who supported me the most when you ran away from my life. I'm not ready to love again the way I did but what I really want is to stay with the ones whose lift me up from my burdens and appreciate the beauty of the sunset.

June 26, 2021 02:06

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Calista Carine
08:58 Jul 01, 2021

Very heartfelt! I can feel it's heavy with so many emotions. Almost like I am reading a diary. I was a bit confused when reading who and where and what. And how the letter got into her hands in the beginning if he never gave it. Very interesting story.


Valeria Zambrano
17:03 Jul 03, 2021

Thank you so much I really appreciate your sincere opinion. Well, indeed I had decided to use the 2 narrators, the omniscient 3rd person, and the girl in 1st person. That's why I think it's a bit confuse, because in some parts of the story I changed the narrator without mention it literally.


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