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Adventure American Contemporary

Marcus was getting antsy. He had completed every aspect of MEPS, Military Entrance Processing Station, required by the Marine Corps. To include swearing in and being placed in the delayed entry program. Which meant that he was in limbo as to a departure date. His recruiter had told him that a slot could open as early as next month. Or it could be several months depending on the needs of the Marine Corps. Regardless, he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Because he had so much free time on his hands the recruiter had told him to “lay low” while waiting. Which meant keeping out of trouble both physically and on paper. Because any glitch from here on out could jeopardize everything as far as his enlistment stood.

It was just after 10pm on a Friday night. Which was a tough time period, as Marcus wasn’t sleepy, but it was too late to do anything fun. And barely being 18 years of age, it wasn’t like he could go out clubbing or anything. Therefore, the only thing left to do was lay out his workout gear for the morning. He was now up to running a sub-20-minute 3-mile pace at the track. A distinction he was very proud of.  But Marcus knew he needed to get it under 18 minutes before leaving for Parris Island. Because along with performing 20 dead-hang pullups and 80 sit-ups in 2 minutes. He only then had a chance to score a 300 on his physical fitness test. Which could help him get meritoriously promoted along with a few other distinctions.

While he had no idea what he wanted to do with the rest of my life. He just knew he had to get out of the Washington D.C. area for a while. And the military seemed like an immediate solution to that need. It was also clear that his friends were content simply with working, drinking, and playing video games. But Marcus felt like there was a whole big world outside just waiting to embrace him.  

Searching the room for his running shoes which he seemed to have misplaced. He heard a sharp “ping” against the glass of his room window. “Damn”, he thought to himself. Knowing this couldn’t be good. It had to be one of his friends looking for him to come outside and hang. Or maybe go to a party or something? Because what else could it be at this time of night? Should he just ghost them and not respond? On second thought, they had probably seen his shadow lurking about the room so it wouldn’t work.

Opening the bedroom window Marcus saw Kirk standing there at the side of the house looking frazzled. He was dressed slovenly in blue jeans, a dingy looking white T-shirt, and a beat-up pair of tennis shoes. “What’s up”? Marcus asked. Trying to appear as If I hadn’t seen his gear or demeanor. “I need a ride to Melissa’s house”! Kirk said in a desperate and demanding tone. Kirk was one of the neighborhood crew members. But they weren’t close. So, if he was asking Marcus for a favor it had to be important. Pausing for a second, Marcus tried to think of all the reasons to respond both yes and no!  Understanding that he was Kirk’s only hope. As no one else in their group was going to be able to get hold of a set of wheels at this hour. “This might work”, Marcus thought to himself selfishly. Because he wasn’t sleepy and could drop Kirk off at Melissa’s before continuing through the city. Maybe stopping somewhere to grab a bite to eat. And hopefully by then he’d be ready to go home and fall asleep. “Meet me by the car in 5”, he replied in a low voice before closing the bedroom window.

Changing into shorts, Marcus wore a dark blue sweatsuit with a pair of white high-tops. Stopping in his tracks before exiting the room. He quickly concocted a story in his mind before heading downstairs. He hated lying to his mother, but he felt there was no other way. Pausing outside his mom’s bedroom door, Marcus felt a tinge of guilt regarding the lie he was about to tell. “Knock. Knock, knock”, he firmly but gently made his presence known. “Come in”, his mother immediately responded in a caring voice. Cracking the door open before leaning inside. He could see his mother was comfortably curled up in her bed with the reading light on. But he couldn’t make-out the title of the book in her hand. No worries he thought, as it was probably above his reading comprehension level anyway.

“They started the all-night basketball league at the recreation center this month. And while I wasn’t going to go, I changed my mind. And I was wondering if I could use the car to get there”? Marcus asked. Without questioning, his mother reached to the side of the bed for her purse. She fished out the car keys and held them out for me to come and grab.  Marcus’s guilt immediately heightened the closer he got to the keys after witnessing his mother’s trust. “Drive safe”, she called out as Marcus closed the door. “Yes ma’am”, he replied. Reminding himself to drive carefully because any tickets for traffic violations would bring his deception to light.

“It’s open”, Marcus called out to Kirk clicking the key fog while making his way to the vehicle. The car started up nicely, purring quietly as most newer model vehicles do. “We got to hurry”, Kirk exclaimed, sliding into the car passenger seat. “Hurry”? “I can’t afford any tickets”, Marcus shot back. With the sole intention of evening the interaction. Because he knew from experience. If he let Kirk start calling the shots. They would never stop coming in.

The car rounded the corner onto the main drag. Which was now bustling with both vehicles and pedestrians. Marcus’s demeanor lightened up when he saw all the activity of this busy night. For it signified, he would have to do something outlandish to get pulled over and cited. Reassuring him that his lie could plausibly stay a secret.

“I can’t believe this “Broad” is trying to play me”, Kirk broke the silence. Slamming his fist into the vehicle’s dashboard. “Whoa, this is my mom’s car”, Marcus protested! Wanting Kirk to respect it like he should. But Kirke didn’t reply. Turning his head to the right to gaze out the window. Which didn’t feel right to Marcus on so many levels. Because it signified that he didn’t care. The two rode in silence for the next 5 minutes. Causing Marcus to fumble with the radio before finding something appropriate to listen to. Taking care of the awkward silence that was plaguing the car. Marcus knew the general area where Melissa lived, but not the exact house address. So, he figured they were about 10 minutes out and Kirk could guide them the rest of the way.

“Why is she treating me like this”? Kirk broke the silence. “Hanging out with that idiot DJ-kid Franz”, he continued. Now this was the first Marcus had heard anything like this. And he was about to tell Kirk that Melissa was only 20 years old and it was a free country. Besides, everybody knew Kirk had multiple girlfriends of his own. But just before speaking Marcus caught a glimpse of the red glimmer in Kirks eyes. Matching a set of what appeared to be invisible horns on his head. Which caused Marcus to do a double take at Kirk. Therefore, he thought twice, and stated that he had no clue. For the next few minutes Kirk carried on about how good he was to Melissa and how he cared for her. But his tone came across as if there was someone else speaking from within him.

“Look, you sure you want to go over there and deal with her tonight. You seem pretty upset right now. We can go hang out and let things cool down if you want”, Marcus offered. Although he wanted Kirk out of his mother’s car as quickly as possible. Kirk shot a stare back at Marcus that almost caused him to lose control of the steering wheel and crash the vehicle. “I’m not going there for her. I heard Franz’s voice in the background when we were on the phone so I’m going there to deal with him”, Kirk replied.

He seemed possessed! As Marcus had never seen this side of him before. And while he didn’t believe in devils or monsters, Kirk sure appeared to be one. The monotone in his voice coupled with the 100-yard stare which now held his eyes, was frightening to say the least.

“Okay, we’re getting close, but I don’t know exactly where she lives”, Marcus informed Kirk. “So, you’ll have to guide us in from here”, he continued. Kirk agreed, after shooting Marcus a look as if to say, “you shouldn’t know her exact address”!  

“Make a right and then a left turn”, Kirk interjected. Producing what appeared to be a steak knife from his person. “Dude, what the hell”, Marcus exclaimed shockingly. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch”, Kirk exclaimed. “I’m just going to talk some sense into the lad”, Kirk said holding up the knife.

Marcus knew they had come too far to begin lecturing! And there was no talking to Kirk anymore. Besides, he appeared to be possessed with some evil spirit or something. And Marcus needed to get away fast and forget tonight. Making the final left turn, Kirk hopped out of the front seat in the middle of the dark neighborhood. He didn’t even say thank you for the ride. But Marcus didn’t care. He just wanted to get as far away as quickly as possible. Watching Kirk disappear into the night.  Marcus swore he could still see the red horns outlining the back of his head. “Never again”, Marcus scolded himself. “You’re supposed to be laying low and staying away from drama,” he continued.

Turning back on the main road. Marcus pulled into the first 7-Eleven he came across and grabbed a quick Slurpee. He liked to mix all the flavors into a large cup. Something he had discovered as a child which had stuck with him until this day. While exiting the store, he saw 3 police cars whizzing past with lights and sirens blazing. And his heart sank. Because they were headed in the direction he’d just come from. “What to do now, what to do”? he questioned himself. As his heart rate quickened. “Head to the actual recreation center”, he thought.  Even though he knew it was closed, at least he could use it as an alibi if need be.

The next day one of Marcuse’s friends informed him that Kirk had been shot by county police. He wasn’t dead but was in the local hospital recovering. And when they had tried to give him a blood transfusion they were baffled as they had never come across anything like his blood type.  Marcus played ignorant as to the situation. But deep down inside it just solidified that Kirk wasn’t of this world.

Marcus stayed in the house for a solid week. Peeking out the window periodically assuming the detectives would show up to question him. But they never came.  

September 15, 2023 20:58

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1 comment

J.W. Kimmel
22:21 Sep 20, 2023

Cool story Michael! I liked how you described and built your characters, and foreshadowed the possession with all of Kirk's erratic and angry behavior. A couple quick tips for you. When quoting someone I believe the punctuation at the end should be inside the quotation marks. Like: "Never again," Marcus scolded himself. Rather than: "Never again", Marcus scolded himself. Also you start a lot of sentences with 'and', 'or', and 'because'. I think this is fine some of the time but in some places I don't think the sentences need those words ...


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