High School Sad Friendship

“Remember, it's always better to tell the truth than to lie about anything, okay Jack.” My mom would always tell me anytime I would even think about lying, it's like she could read my mind.

I would always give her the same dreadful answer. “Yes ma’am.”

Yes, I have lost friends over that rule of my moms, but she would always tell me “A friend that is not honest is always a fake friend.” That also stuck with me, and ever since she died, I couldn’t, well… wouldn’t, tell a lie.

Sure, people have taken advantage of me for it, but I’ve learned how to avoid it. Instead of doing things that people could get me for, I did things that I would probably get credit for. I know it's a bit selfish, but it's worth it.

“Hey, truth teller, what's the worst thing you've ever done?” That was my bully, Andrew, no meat on his bones, blonde hair, blue eyes, every girl in school had some sort of a crush on him. He likes to call me names like “Truth Teller”, or “Mama's Little Ball of Truth”, which I punched him for.

“Punch someone for makin’ fun of my mama, you wanna be next?” Okay, maybe not something worth credit, but not the worst threat I’ve given.

I could hear all the boys in the back say things like “ooh” and one of the boys started “fight, fight, fight…” 

I wasn't going to start a fight, another one of my moms rules “If you ever find yourself in a fight, never throw the first hand.” So I just stood there, wondering if Andrew had the guts to start the fight.

“So what's it going to be, mama's little truth teller?” He had me going, but I held back, last thing I needed was Principal Walker finding out I started a fight. Again, I just stood there. Then he finally punched me right in the cheek, so the fight had started.

I kicked his foot out, and he fell.

He got up and punched my stomach, but not hard enough to bring me down.

I went for a punch, but missed.

He got me in a headlock, pinned me down, and started punching my face.

I somehow got back up, and kicked his stomach.

He was about to punch me when all the boys scattered, Principal Walker had been watching us this whole time on the cameras. “BOYS, THIS IS A HIGHSCHOOL, NOT SOME FIGHTING AREA!!! Come see me in my office, both of you. There I was, face all bloody, and next to me was Andrew with bloody knuckles, and then there was the bloody floor.

“Tell me exactly what happened. Andrew you first.”

“Okay, well, Jack and I were talking, and then I made a little joke about him, and he punched me, so I defended myself.” Andrew knew how to lie because he’s had to do it before when he started other fights.

“Okay, now Jack your turn.”

“Well, he was making fun of me, and then the boys started chanting ‘fight…’ he asked me if I wanted to throw the first hand, I said no, so he did. He punched my face, I kicked his foot out, he punched my stomach, after I missed a punch, he pinned me down and, well did this (I pointed to my face), I kicked his stomach, then you came. That's how everything went down.” 

Principal Walker knows that I don’t lie, but he still needs to act like he cares about Andrew’s side of the story. “Mhm, Interesting. Andrew, why did you lie to me? You do know that I watched the fight through the camera, right? Do you think Im stupid?” I knew that Andrew was in trouble now.

“No, Principal Walker, he really did start the fight.” It was too late now.

“Okay, that’s enough, Andrew you get 2 weeks detention, plus this Saturday detention. Jack, you get one week of detention for engaging in the fight. Now you may leave boys. Jack, go to the nurses office. Andrew, if your teacher sends you back in here, give her this.” It was a note with his signature on it.

Later that day, I went home and stayed in my room and spent all my time studying for the big test that was the next day. My dad got home around 1:00 in the morning and told me to get some rest.

At school, it was the big day for the test, and my friend and I have the same class for 1st period. We both took our seats next to each other and started the test as instructed. I noticed Mark, my friend, looking around anxiously and slowly taking out a cheat sheet. I needed to hold it in, for Mark, but it hurt me to not say something. I eventually forgot about it throughout the day and thought nothing of it. But the next day, someone found the cheat sheet and turned it in.

“Listen, that cheat sheet is mine.” He told me, not knowing that I already knew. “I need you to lie for me, I know that it's hard, but please, for me.”

“I can’t do that.” I said plainly.

“Okay, well what if you don’t lie what if you just don’t tell the full truth?” He was being persuasive, ugh.

“Listen, even a little white lie is wrong, I just can’t.”

“But it’s not lying unless you tell them you don’t know who it is, or that it's someone else, anything else is not a lie, just not everything you know.”

“I mean, I don’t know, it's still wrong, but I will try my best, deal?” I am going to try, for Mark.


“JACK PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE, PRINCIPAL WALKER WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU” the speaker boomed later that day. I gave Mark an assuring look and left to the office.

“Mr. Jack, do you know anything about this cheat sheet?” Principal Walker was so intimidating, I couldn’t hold it in.

“It's Mark’s.” I blurt out, not even thinking about what I was saying. “But please don’t tell him I told you, he cannot find out that I betrayed him.” I felt so bad, and I was worried about losing my friend.

“Betrayed him?” Principal Walker seemed confused.

“I made a deal, but I knew that I would break it. I saw him cheating in the classroom.” Again with all the truth just coming out of me.

“Ah, I see. Okay that's all!” The vice principal showed me out and that was that.

“MARK PLEASE COME TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE, WE WOULD LIKE A WORD WITH YOU” the speaker boomed again. Mark looked at me, kind of angry, kind of confused. He came back 10 minutes later, smiling and looked at me, so thankfully.

“I can’t believe you lied for me dude! That's, well amazing man. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh WOW!” He was so happy, but nodding would be lying, and I didn't want to be a fake friend, so I spilled the beans.

“Actually, Mark. I didn’t lie, I told them that it was you. They asked me if I knew anything about your cheat sheet, and any other response besides ‘Mark’ would’ve been lying. I’m sorry.” His happy face turned into his ‘I’m gonna kill you face’


How could you? After our deal? Wow, I honestly should’ve known. You know what it’s over, I can’t hang with you anymore.” He started walking away then turned around. “You know that I would never lie to you, but I would lie for you anytime.”

And that was the end of one of the greatest friendships I’ve ever had. Thanks mom.

January 11, 2021 21:52

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