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Drama Friendship Happy

Alia and zain are married on the day of the marriage the priest shows them the stars in the sky when the sunsets and the moon rises. The biological parents are dead for both of them raised siblings of mother side with love affection . The alia is a cute talkative and attractive girl and allowance for sister will come for dowry they want to sell the house for the bridegroom jobs so she wants to speak with the person why they asked for money for his job so she leaves before marriage promises to come back soon but she fails . The sun will be rising she will be locked in the room by the owner of the company because she had spoiled the event and name so to seek revenge she will look in the room . She will be seen by brother in law of that owner and he will fall for her even though he was married. Break of the day everyone starts suspecting something fishing and starts talking gossiping without knowing the reality the marriage of her sister stopped . All starts blaming her but her parents take a stand for her during the break of the day.

Bother in the law of zain eyes her owes her to be hers plots all the nasty thing and make her father paralyzed even though she was stubborn not going to get married to that time . One during new year they both go out these two people land in one room .during sunsets the zain sees Alia face and start moving towards her she starts stepping back and she compares her with sunsets rays both have a romantic look and starts fighting why my face is so bad He confesses that he loves her by mistake.During this period zain's brother and Alia's sister fell in love but they didn't confess feeling for her so Alia and zain plot to bring them together and confess feelings. And land up confessing them and both fell for each other unknowingly. silly fights happen between them romantic moments like liplock stuck in elevator tea sharing through tea on the face of each other for silly reasons. Landed up working together. He assumes she was cheating with her brother-in-law for his sister's sake he starts hurting her. land up in contract marriage if she won't marry him he will break up her sister marriages. But he had feelings for her those he will showing but attacking her weriedly recollecting that she had affair final check he will know the truth and starts liking her. After all finally, they will get married that night they will see the sky with starts they will assume their parents are happy and intimate after that night during the break of day she will come out from the washroom removes curtain from the window sunrays falls on her and few rays on him she kisses his forehead ask him to wake up he will take the promise that daily she has to wake him up daily during the break of the day, and put his arms around her waist and pushes her and romantic moments takes places Due to his brother in law came back to the house because his sister falls sick so she got him he will kick her out with anger all the family will feel sad every one misses her while he wakes up next morning he misses the rays drop of water on his face and kiss . Every elder people misses her handmade tea . Elder females miss her pooja and her sister misses her a lot because they use to cook chant go to the temple together. Everyone suggests bring her back but he had a doubt that his brother-in-law had feelings for her .so he will be thinking after all events his brother-in-law make a plot to kill him because he wants Alia and property he want to rule. It didn't happen till now. The reality check she knows the truth he will be kicked completely He will plot to kill the entire family going to picnic early in the morning all are enjoying the trip they will get down to see the sunrise waterfall bomb blasts occurs all r alive Alia faints then they will rush to the hospital they found she was pregnant of a 2-month-old baby all r happy . Happiness in the family they all visit the temple where the sun will be rising they will comment that our family had got good days and break of the day had brought good to us . Those two couples sit at the corner and will be enjoying the beauty of the break of the day and memorizing all incidents that happen how they fell in love . Alia's sister faints she was also 2 months old pregnant there are no bounds of happiness double dhamaka. Break of dawn is good to our family god had saved us . Tonight's party let's enjoy love blooms All are happening both sisters are pregnant together they don't have bound for joy. They will be seeing the sky and the star will be failing to pray for the health of the kid. Husbands feel bad because they can't touch the wife till the kids born but will make a way how to touch themAfter nine-month around 4 pm Alia will get pain and start screaming zain will wake up and rushes to the hospital they will have a baby boy. He will tease her that he was saying that he wants his sister r brother to play. she will be smiling sun rays fall on the kid they name him as Alin together they smile he also smiles.

After they had more kid And her sister give birth to a girl and a boy

Everyone leaves happily together on the day they will reconcile the events and they will happen .by listening to birds sounds sunrises movement he will comparing the facial signs and shades of sunrises to her and recites a poem on her they both laugh she keeps her head on his shoulder and hold hands spend for sometime

June 19, 2021 11:29

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1 comment

Rosie 95
17:44 Jul 02, 2021

Hi, Lakshimi! This is a wonderful story! I noticed that you forgot some punctuation, as well as capitalizing names. Here is a example from your story: "Alia and zain are married on the day of the marriage the priest shows them the stars in the sky when the sunsets and the moon rises. " The name "Zian" should be capitalized, and there should be and period or coma between "Day of the marriage", and "The priest shows."


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