Breaking the rules

Submitted into Contest #116 in response to: Write about a character breaking a rule, but for good reason.... view prompt

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Adventure Drama Fiction

Breaking the rules

Sitting in room 202 Amelia. She is the sweetest girl ever known and NEVER EVER broke a rule. But one day after all room 202 left for summer break she saw something that had a red tablecloth on it. She walked over to it and touched it and it barked . She jumped back from fear and walked back to it. She lifted the tablecloth and it was a PUPPY!!! She jumped up in excitement.Then she noticed that it had been here without food or water. she took him out. I am going to name you butterscotch. Amelia put butterscotch in her backpack with a hole so he can breathe. Amelia walked out the class room when she saw some old black shoes oh no she said Billy the hall monitor OH NO, IS RIGHT WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE SCHOOL SO LATE MISSY.I hated being called missy Amelia said in her head UM EXCUSE ME ARE YOU LISTENING said Billy. Yes and I was not doing nothing I was just saving this guy she said pulling the dog out here backpack I found it in room 202 under a bright red tablecloth; I DON’T CARE WERE YOU FOUND THAT DUMB DOG YOU GIVE ME THAT DOG said billy. NO I ran up and down the steps And as Billy was chasing me I tripped over my shoe string and fell lucky butterscotch was okay then I looked up and saw some old black shoes I knew it was Billy the hall monitor. He grabbed me by my collar and walked me to the office and the principal called my mom. Hi mom, I said nervously. WHY ARE YOU GET CALLED HOME ON SUMMER BREAK WHY EVEN ARE YOU AT SCHOOL ? because mom I was saving a dog. WHY A DOG. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS WHEN YOU GET HOME I GUESS . Amelia’s mom said as she hung up. Bye I guess I took my backpack and turned to the principal. Well, can I still keep the dog? GO WITH THE DUMB DOG said billy. Ok me and butterscotch walked home as we were walking home I stopped and saw the most cutest thing ever it was this rose gold limited edition dog collar with a leash I ran straight inside and it was 12.99 I have some babysitting money left over I piad click click said the lady puting my cash in then I  left then Amelia looked at here watch it was 3:30 I started running because my curfew is at 4:30 but tonight yeah that's probably 4:30 by the time I got home it was 4:00.Hi mom said nervously why was you at school today on summer break. Saving this guy Amelia said pulling butterscotch out of her backpack she showed her mom fingers crossed she felt sad for the dog and un-ground me she said in her head. Aww, wait your not getting out of this Amelia why do you have a dog. See mom I found this dog with no food no water no owner just nothing so I brought him with me. No I am taking that dog back to the school, said mom but I did it for a good reason. Why was taking a dog a good reason. Because they could have taken him to the pound or he could have died or somebody might have tried to kill him. Fine you can keep him but it’s late so tomorrow we are putting up flyers for the lost dog. OK I said as I ran up the steps in excitement with butterscotch. Then I had to pick out his outfit to sleep in duh so then I got out this blue bin and opened it. It was my sewing kit from Christmas that my grandma got me I took out the sewing machine and started it up then I got some red and black fabric out and made this cute black and red checkered pj's it was C-U-T-E then Amelia put the dog pj’s on and set up a bed with some old pillow’s then she went down stairs and grabbed a bowl of water and then some food. Here butterscotch I got some left over dog food form when I used to have my dog coca she was my last dog but guess what butterscotch by tomorrow you will be my dog we just have to make sure that happens so let’s go to bed and wake up at sunrise and go to town and then when we go to town we are going to go to the middle and see this big old black book of rul- (Amelia's Mom interrupted); Amelia go get ready for bed said mom Ok I grabbed my bathrobe and went to the bathroom then I heard my mom coming up the stairs then I heard her go in my room and she said this: Listen Butterscotch I used to have a dog that look just like you oh you have a name tag on wait your name is Melia my old dog name was Melia I name her that because of my daughter. I turned the water off and got out of the shower. Oh well looks like she is out of the shower bye butterscotch she left and went to her room. I got out of the shower and got my pj's that matched the dog’s and put them on. Then I went to my moms room and asked Mom do you know who butterscotch is maybe Melia because of my name Amelia said Let me talk to you Amelia listen butterscotch was not for you to find I got that dog a long time ago when you were 10 now your 12 and when you were 10 I was going to school there for my after class and I brought the dog and I got him took away and never to see again said mom . That means I broke a rule said Amelia but you did break a rule but for a good reason.

The End 

October 21, 2021 02:15

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1 comment

Howard Seeley
03:36 Oct 28, 2021

Nice story, as told by a child. Watch the spelling , quotation marks and punctuation.


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