
Just last week, I received a call that my grandfather had passed away. This news hit me very hard, especially because my grandfather and I were so close. His funeral will take place at the end of this week, but today, all who were involved in his life, are to meet and go over his will. Once I arrive at the meeting, it is clear that everyone's hearts are heavy with sorrow, including mine. We sit. We wait. No one speaks. After what seems like an eternity, an older gentleman enters the room, with a briefcase. Inside this briefcase is my grandfathers will. I cant help but to think, " here goes nothing."

The man starts by saying how sorry he is for our loss and proceeds to get to the point. " I leave my home, to my daughter Lorelai Johnson-Smith, I do not wish for this property to be sold, and to be kept within the family." I was surprised to see at this point, that no one had begun to argue over this. Considering the fact that my mother and my uncle do not agree on many things, and that they both had wanted his house since they were children. I understand this completely. His house played many roles. It was a place to gather for holidays, it was slumber parties with my cousins, it was a castle that was guarded by a ferocious dragon to hold the beautiful princess inside, it was our home away from home. The man goes on to say "I wish for my savings to be divided evenly between my five grandchildren, Sarah Johnson-Smith(myself), Bradley Smith, Savanah Smith, Emily Smith, and Joshua Smith." As you could imagine, my cousins and I were very grateful for this, as we are all struggling to pay for college and housing, and I know my grandfather probably thought of this when he was creating his will. "I leave my farm animals and all machinery, to my son, Luke Smith." "Lastly, I leave my parrot Noel(named such because she was born on Christmas), to my granddaughter, Sarah Johnson-Smith." Once hearing this I was unsure if I would be able to handle such a responsibility. I am grateful that he had faith in me to care for his beloved pet, however, I am afraid I may not be prepared. Once the meeting was over, my mother, uncle, and cousins met outside a talked. It was a wholesome conversation. We reminisced about the past and shared a few laughs. My mom and my uncle shared stories from their childhood I had never heard of, and shared stories about my grandfather and the funny things he used to do. They told us of a time that my grandfather was building them a tire swing as a summer activity to encourage them to spend more time outside. Once he had thought the job was done he called them over to try it out, and my mom and uncle were unsure if it was stable enough, so my grandfather being the person he was, wanted to prove to them that it worked fine, little did he know, it didnt, and he fell right off the swing, and everyone laughed. I found myself imagining the situation and I began to laugh also, as if I had shared the moment with them when it happened. Once our conversation had settled, we departed with a hug, and agreed we would see each other at the funeral.

It is the next day and I am to go pick up Noel. Last night, I went to the pet store to buy as many supplies that I may need to care for her, but then again, I do not have the most knowledge on how to care for a bird, so I am hoping I got a proper abundance of necessities. I arrive to my grandfathers house. It still smells the way I always remembered. There is an essence of him here that lingers, it is peaceful. As I enter through the front door, I hear Noel mimicking a song my grandfather always loved, Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley. She sings it in bits and pieces, but its still enough to get the point across. I stand and listen for a moment, and I soon realize I have begun to sing along. "Me: I'll have a blue, Noel: oooOOOooo, Me: Christmas without you..." This behavior humors me, and makes me laugh for the first time since our loss. Perhaps bringing her home won't be so bad after all.

It has been a week now since I have brought Noel home. All is going well. She is calm and highly intelligent. Not to mention, every time she sings Blue Christmas, it reminds me of my grandfather, and I'm quite okay with that. Who would have thought that a bird could be such great company. It is almost as if my grandfather is Noel. Although I know she just picked up on a lot of the things he did. After all, she did spend fifteen years with him. She has inherited his personality and character, especially his quirkiness.

The day the meeting took place, I was given a letter that was written by my grandfather. I hadn't had the strength to open it to read until this moment. The letter said " Sarah, I am sorry that I have left you. Please do not worry, I am in a better place, and always there to protect you and listen when you need me. Words cannot explain how much I love you sweetheart. You have a special place in my heart, especially since you are my first grandchild. Always know that pappy loves you, and I am always with you."

P.s "I have very clearly left Noel in your care. Be good to her, and she will be good to you."

P.p.s "Say your name to her, she has a special message to say back. A message from me."

After wiping away my tears and taking a deep breath, I walk into my living room where Noel inhabits. I rub her head and giver her a kiss. I then say my name. She responds.... "I love you."

December 20, 2020 04:15

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