Some people just get wet, some feel the rain...

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



There are some scents that make your whole body come to life. The freshly-baked muffins in the morning, the smell of soap when you sleep in clean sheets, the coffee after a long day of work, and definitely the smell of rain on the dirt that makes you breathe better. I love the rain! Some people think it brings sadness or even melancholy, but to me is a new source of energy that brings me back to life.

Today is raining, and I am inside my apartment. This is day 11 of my quarantine because of the Coronavirus that spread around the world recently and I can’t go out. 

Every time it rains, I either have to rush to go to work, so I can’t get wet and stay wet all day, or stay at home because ‘normal people don’t go out just to get wet’. Well, I want to get wet. I want to feel the rain wet my skin right now and give me the ‘so longed’ energy. But, I can’t… 

I feel like a caged bird at the moment. This, not because I can’t have my hot chocolate with my friends, or while going to work in my normal life. I want to feel the rain. I want it to get me wet and fill me with all the energy it could put in there. 

I move from the window to the balcony just to have a chance for the rain to catch me, but it can’t catch me.

Look at the rain right now, beautiful. It’s raining so slowly, with a monotone sound that it just brings back my calmness. Breathe in, breathe out. Shhhhh…. Breathe in, breathe out.

If you listen carefully you can hear the chirping of some birds in the park near my apartment building. The trees are drinking the water from this rain and you could see the buds starting to come out from the naked trees. 

 I love the rain! It gives energy to the nature surrounding me. It brings everything back to life and asks nothing in return. 

I love the rain! I always thought that I was probably born on a rainy day, being a child born in November. I even asked my mum once but she doesn’t remember, probably was too tired by the labour to remember silliness like this.

There is no wind today and the weather is getting warmer. I put my arm out of the balcony, in the hope to feel some of the droplets fall on my hand but I still can’t. 

We build all these buildings and houses, and shelters for what? Just to cover ourselves from what nature has to give to us. We surround ourselves with walls and covers and technology to communicate with everyone around the world, but we forget to communicate with mother nature. Or worse, we forget to communicate with our inner self. Little Klodi in me is screaming to go out, break all the rules and just run in the streets to enjoy the gift mother nature is giving us today. She is begging to sit barefooted on the ground, maybe while hugging a tree with the rain falling slowly from the sky. 

I close my eyes imagining the scene and living the moment in my head, while I am still caged in this damn apartment, with my walls ‘protecting’ me and my technology to connect me to everyone.

I can feel the rain on my skin. I can smell it when it goes down on the dirt and when it cleans the city and me. I can feel the roughness of the tree against my palms and the sensation the dirt gives to my bare feet. I feel alive for the first time in forever. 

I can hear the rain becoming heavier now and it only makes me happier. I feel some droplets fall on my face and I open my eyes immediately. It’s coming to me. The rain heard my internal wish and it’s coming to me. 

Breathe in, breathe out. Shhhhh… Take it all in. everything mother nature has to give to you, you take it all in. Enjoy, Klodi. Breathe in, breathe out. 

Don’t think about the problems in your life. Don’t think about the last big fight you had with your husband. Don’t think how you feel the world against you every single day. Breathe in, breathe out. 

Everyone is complaining about this quarantine because they can’t meet the people they love, or maybe can’t have that first coffee in the morning. Not me though. All I want to do is enjoy this rain. Clear my mind of everything that went wrong with my life, or what wrong things I did for my life. I want the rain to clean it all. I want it to do a reset of my brain and feelings and bring me back to the times when I was not a corrupted being.

Nature can give you that, you know? It can give you all. We just need to listen. We just need to give nature time and a voice loud enough to overcome the hustle and bustle of our overloaded cities, and our overloaded lived… 

This is my 11th day of quarantine and I’m loving every second of it. I don’t mind that I am getting wet now. I don’t mind that there is a bit of wind that will make my skin get goosebumps. I just need to breathe in and breathe out. I need to let the magic work a little longer.

A sense of warmness awakes me from my trance and when I open my eyes again, I see the sun coming out. Now the picture is perfect. All elements of nature are here.

In the distance, I see the rays of the sun spreading between the dark clouds. It brings warmth to it. It’s like mother nature is telling me it’s done. You’re new again. Go out in the world and love everything like a newborn child again. 

I look around contemplating the new scenery and I see a beautiful rainbow ending somewhere in a field nearby. Now I know everything will be alright.

March 24, 2020 00:10

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