Fantasy Mystery

Lillian had been working the closing shift at the Huntington grounds library for 25 years, but this night there seem to be something lurking in the air, a darkness she had never noticed.

It was time to skedaddle everyone out the front door. “Good night, Ms. Lillian”said Nancy, who was a regular here at the library , a very sweet girl.

“ Catch you later, Ms. L.” That was Stan, he was the high school football star. He only hung out at the library to check out Nancy, who wanted nothing to do with him. Lillian found it funny, to chase something and never catch it. Lillian knew Stan was wasting his time.

Lillian locked the doors and made her way back to the front desk to start putting books away, when she caught a figure out of the corner of her eye. Thinking it was a student that missed the final call, she yelled out, “We are closed, you have to leave. “Lillian waited for a response . When there was no response, Lillian started walking towards the area where she had seen the figure. As she got closer, she heard what she thought was a cat meowing. The meowing became louder as she got closer. “ Her Kitty Kitty,” Lillian called. Suddenly books started falling off the shelves in the Syfy section. Here “Kitty Kitty, come on dumb cat. I don’t have time for this and how in the heck did you get in here.” Lillian was getting frustrated. As Lillian rounder the corner of the bookshelf quickly, nothing. “ Okay, where did you go? Lillian called out again “Here, Kitty Kitty.” “MEOW,” This time it came from the other side of the library and was very loud. Lillian couldn’t understand how the cat got in and how it moved so fast. “Come on, where are you?” “Okay,” Lillian said “I am going to finish my work, you do, what you want.” Lillian started putting her books away when she heard, “MEOW,” but this time it sounded more aggressive, and it gave Lillian an uneasy feeling. “Okay get mad, but you don’t want my help,” said Lillian.

“Lillian, are you talking to yourself?” It was Charlie, the night janitor. “Oh , Charlie, I thought you had the night off?”asked Lillian, who looked relieved to see him. “No, that’s Thursday. Two more nights to go. You look upset, are you okay?” Charlie asked. “ No, I am okay. It’s just that somehow a cat managed to get itself trapped in here, did you hear it?” “ No, I didn’t hear anything. Are you sure you’re okay?” Charlie was looking at Lillian and started laughing. “You’re not letting the night shift get to you after all these years, are you?” Lillian gave Charlie “the” look and he knew what it meant. “ I get that same look from my wife when she wants me to move on. I’m leaving.” “No!” Lillian couldn’t believe she yelled it out. “No Charlie, please don’t go. Finish your floors and I will take care of these books.” Lillian had an unsure smile on her face.

As Lillian entered the sci-fi section of the library, she once again heard a loud meow. “ did you hear that?” Lillian yelled over to Charlie, who was mopping the floor. Charlie looked up, removed his headphones from his ears and said, “did you say something?” “No, just checking to see if you were still here,” Lillian said. “Okay,” said Charlie as he replaced his headphones and went back to work. As Lillian turned, she thought she saw a large cat, “LOOK!” She yelled to Charlie.

”CHARLIE!” Charlie dropped his headphones looked at Lillian and ask “Lillian, what is going on with you tonight?” “ I just saw a large cat move towards the legion section over there.” Lillian looked scared, and Charlie could tell. “Lillian I will go take a look for you. “Lillian, there is nothing over here.” Charlie started walking towards Lillian, “I promise you, there is nothing here.”

”Charlie, I swear I heard and saw a large cat.” Lillian was truly scared. So Charlie suggested that she leave early and finish the books in the morning. “No, I’m okay, I will just finish this section and head out. Thanks Charlie.”

Charlie couldn’t help himself and said, “you might have just encountered the Forest Cat , you know the “Goblin Cat.” “ Stop it!” Lillian yelled, “That’s not funny!” Charlie continued to tease, “ You better watch out , the goblin cat’s gonna get you!” “ You know that I never believed in Norwegian folklore, now you just stop!” Lillian sighed. “ You better watch out.” Charlie started repeating over and over again. “STOP IT!” Lillian couldn’t help herself, the night events had gotten to her. “ I’m sorry Charlie, it’s been a rough night. I am sorry.” “That’s okay, I’m the one sorry. I’ll just get back to work.” Charlie put on his headphones and resumed working.

Lillian walked slowly down each aisle, placing each book in its place. She moved carefully, looking around. Lillian stopped as she came closer to the Syfy section of legions and folklore, her mind kept repeating what Charlie said, “The goblin cat gonna get you!” “Stop it girl, Lillian said to herself, as she entered the aisle. Charlie had finished mopping the floor and he suddenly had a strange feeling. He slowly took off his headphones, looked over to the last place he remembered seeing Lillian and said “Lillian, where are you? Are you okay? Lillian, answer me.”

Charlie slowly walked over and saw Lillian’s cart of books turned over and lying on the floor. “LILLIAN, WHERE ARE YOU!” Charlie was starting to panic. “LILLIAN, ANSWER ME! Charlie slowly headed for the back door, calling out to Lillian the whole way. “Please answer me, where are you?” Suddenly, Charlie heard what he thought was a cat. That can’t be, no way. Then as Charlie’s hand reached for the doorknob, “MEOW” Charlie grabbed his chest as he turned around he saw it was Lillian, laughing and pointing at Charlie, and saying how she couldn’t resist. She knew how much he was into the local folklore. Lillian walked away laughing. Then Charlie started laughing too and said, “You, of all people, got me.

August 13, 2023 23:39

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