Do not Turn Up the Heat

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Start or end your story with a heatwave announcement.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

"Due to the extreme heat forecasted for the next few days, cooling centres will be open across the city. Please visit our website for locations and hours of operation."

Tailed Flower, a girl, is studying for the Panhellenic exams to enter the university. The study started two years ago with private lessons and group lessons. In the mornings she was at school, in the evenings she was at the tutorial schools, and she was studying at night and noon. Two years and the only thing she could hear was: study, sleep, eat. the exams are always in June. It was a heatwave and she had to revise without an aircondition, the precious aircondition was not yet innovated. 

So the city orders the police to secure civilians and the homeless safe from the intensifying heat. The shock of the heatwave is paralyzing the city. Thousands of people die of heatstroke. People need to move close to the seaside. The help of the police should be astonishingly independent of civilian classification and gender! Middle-class civilians assume that racism withdraws in this kind of emergence, as they know since school all this fascinating history about racism, and fascism. 

-In 1977 American Revolutionary War addressed the issue of slavery.  

-At the Double V Campain during World War II people fought for victory against fascism and racial equality.

-The Women's Suffrage Movement to secure women's right to vote.

Tailed Flower, a girl roared "History is great, the present is a mystery!", "Indeed, they should not put racism, or/and gender above the individual, as it always leads to violence. I indeed enjoyed UEFA Euro 2004! Stunning game and the most friendly party afterwards!" 

Greece faced France in the quarter-finals of UEFA Euro 2004 on June 25 in Lisbon. Before the game started we were all strolling through the cobblestone paths of Lisbon joking around. French would stress how quickly they would kick out of the match the Greeks in the first quarter. 

It is habitual for the strong to diminish the minor, but the surprising was the after-the-game partying around the cobblestone streets. All fans, Portuguese, French, and Greeks were exchanging T-shirts mixing up nationalities with the teams' t-shirts and were cheering for the great game and lovely city. It was ecstatically delighted to drink around so many joyful, and friendly football fans. This girl, Tailed Flower was coming from a home country with a deep fascism in football games. After the games, the hospitals were full of beaten-up fans and the news with video evidence of fan violence and broken stadiums. It was depressing how violent fans were getting after a win or a loss. The area around the stadium is overturned with the residents locked in their houses fearful. 

Unfortunately, it is not only spreading fear but also misleading information and promoting fake points of view - propaganda - even for a nation or an individual. 

It is dreadful to cyberstalk a fashionable scientist and spread information about her nature, her work, her beliefs, her religion, and her culture. Even the truth makes someone vulnerable if that truth is not published without permission. Unknown people can take advantage of that truth to harm the victim. Either a lie or a truth, when illegally published is endangering the victim and her family or even her social circle. The victims get bullied, and mentally tired and easily a cyber-stalking can lead to digital exploitation. The perspective of people about the victim quickly changes and the victim struggles with the loss of her job, career, and personal life. 

Since the era of Facebook, there has been a problem with private blogging, which incidentally ended up cyberstalking fashionable people and their private lives. Those years stalking was not illegal. Three decades ago, magazines like the "OK" magazine were so fashionable for stalking celebrities and all the rebels were buying these magazines to find out all about the private lives of celebrities and all the shiny places they have been in their luxurious lives. All that information was translated into the private blogs of students with their victims the fashionable or pretty classmates/teachers at the universities. Today it is 2024, and cyberstalking is under criminal law, but how can we secure our everyday lives from being victims in private blogs of people who have known us from teaching, from work, from school or even from friends of friends and others? 

Tailed Flower was one of these pretty well-dressed girls in a lounge bar with her friends. A guy started a chitchat:

-"So what are you doing for a living?"

-"I am doing modelling!"

-"Oh you are so pretty, I can say that easily!!!"

-"Well, Mathematical Modelling with a scholarship from General Dynamics!"

-"This is modeller not modelling, sorry...Oh... my drink is already on the bar, ciao! "

-"She laughs and finally orders her drink!" She looks at her friends and says: "It always works when I mention the Maths word...!"

2008: She finally graduates from her PhD with a distinction to find out someone is cyberstalking and collects photos of her from work lunches and walks. She was terrified and quickly asked for advice from the legal department at her university. Unfortunately, the response was disappointing as no one could figure out where those pictures were going, so the legal office claimed: "Someone will tell you after it spreads around". Was it a PhD student? Was it a photographer stalker, and paid by whom? No one knew. It was the start of a nightmare and the police negligently handled stalking blaming the girls! Racism shines again! However, a rumour said it was a private website that started from the IP address of her office. Her office was open desk space and during the day and especially lunches the laptops were missing for lunch and coffee break leaving the IP addresses empty. Someone broke into the office to steal the IP address claiming she was cyberstalking herself.  

Nowadays, Social media platforms share creative content to promote and market what they love and adore, like the websites back of the old times. Everybody deeply loves writing and sharing content, so turn up the heat in the Social Media World. We live in an era of narcissism. Enjoy loving yourself and what you do!  

August 06, 2024 05:48

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Graham Kinross
20:08 Dec 25, 2024

You deal with a lot of hot topics here, racism, sexism and prejudice against women in STEM workplaces. It’s a great area to explore and to reveal the emotional impact and confront that.


Stefania Katz
21:18 Dec 25, 2024

Thank you very much for the comment!:)! My point of view is metaphors of heatwave in everyday life! Indeed hot topics that should not turn up the heat, as it usually gets unbearable!


Graham Kinross
06:01 Dec 26, 2024

You’re welcome Stefania.


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20:34 Aug 13, 2024

Really interesting format to this. It's kind of organic. Like a living thing with it's own haphazard thoughts....I kind of like it! :)


Stefania Katz
13:36 Aug 14, 2024

Thank you so much for the comment!


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Mary Bendickson
16:25 Aug 09, 2024

Your own experience. Just sounded like you have a lot of experience with social media etc. I don't Thanks for liking 'Summer Vacation Paradise'.


Stefania Katz
20:29 Aug 09, 2024

Thank you for this great comments ! Excuse me ? :) Could you please elaborate? :)


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Stefania Katz
20:55 Aug 09, 2024

My hobby is visual art and my social media accounts are private and mainly about my paintings! Twitter:Stefaniakatz - about my stories here on and paintings Instagram:taniastefaniakatzouraki - visual art Social Media is a great tool for inspiration about visual art and creative writing. Sometimes i use twitter's quotes and create my own life quotes. you should give it a try. There is writing community on tweeter #writingcommunity is very inspiring community!


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Stefania Katz
20:55 Aug 09, 2024

BTW thanks for liking my story! :)


Mary Bendickson
21:06 Aug 09, 2024

Thanks for the info.


Stefania Katz
21:31 Aug 09, 2024

You are very much welcome!


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