My New Year Resolutions 2023 : A (mostly coherent) letter to future me from current me

Written in response to: "Write a story in the form of a list of New Year's resolutions."


1. Go do volunteering at the library. It’s falling apart, it’s closed half the time, it’s a mess. If just someone gives it a bit of love, it could be rescued. Remember when you were a little kid and Mom would take you and your sisters to it after work? You’d check out thirteen books in total, Mom and your sisters telling you to get a move on because you just couldn’t decide what to take. There was just so much to read, so much to discover, so much to learn.

The librarians were always so friendly. The library had a certain smell to it, that rare combination of old and new book smells mingling with ink and air conditioning. It was the best place in the world. You’d be immersed in that book on the ride home, reading word for word in the fleeting blaps of light of the streetlamps. Your nose would be in it for the rest of the evening, having to put it down for bath and dinner time was an immense chore that required too much effort.

That library was your safe space, your happy place, your escape. You’ve got to make it special for someone else again.  

2. Delete the word ‘’nice’’ from your vocabulary. It’s such a very meh word, you can do so much better. As an aspiring author you really ought to. It’s your authorly duty to use interesting words, fun language, become Shakespeare (but like, better) and make up words. Here’s a list of words and sayings I made for you for future reference:



Funky/ funk


A business of mongoose

Don’t squat with your spurs on

As the prophecy foretold.

Elementary, dear Watson

Engage/ make it so (must be said in your best imitation of Captain Picard’s voice)

This is foreshadowing. (you’ll know when this is relevant)

3. Limit the screentime. Seriously. Most of the time spent on your phone should be spent texting or virtually actually interacting with other people. Cut out the random scrolling. Stop taking your phone to the bathroom. Don’t check your phone every free second you get. Allow yourself to breathe. Delete the app, block that number, unfollow the account. Let yourself live.

Stop looking at pictures and videos online and wishing you could be like that. Go do stuff. Your own stuff. You’re never going to be those people on Pinterest. This is your own life. You get to have your own wacky hangouts and you don’t need photos or videos for it to count.

4. Read eighty books this year. You spectacularly failed last year’s one hundred book challenge and only made it to sixty-seven, but that’s okay. This year, we are setting a more realistic goal that will let you do other things and grown in other areas of your life, apart your already exceptionally large vocabulary and inspiration-mind- scrapbook. Here is a list of a few books you should read in 2023, based on internet scrolling, previous reads, and recommendations from friends:

1. Fable by Addrienne Young (yes, we are re-reading it)

2. PAX by Sara Pennypacker (it was painful, it was beautiful. Re-read at least three hundred more times)

3. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (she wrote it at nineteen! C’mon!)

5. See Ya, Simon by David Hill (blurb already makes me want to break down and sob. Added to cart)

6. See You yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon (Stuck in time? Impossible odds? Possibility of one escaping their fate and the other forever remaining stuck and now the person is free they can’t do anything about it and uncontrollable sobbing?? It’s a yes from me)

5. Keep a happy moments jar. A jar that you write a happy moment you had on a colorful sticky note so you can go through it on the last day of the year. It is basically de-constructed diary, but with only the good parts. This way you can read it, reminisce, have a laugh with who ever is with you at that moment and see that maybe the year wasn’t so horrible after all, and there is hope for next year. Just remember to skip over the illegal stuff you did when reading with your family, as this could lead to conflict. You can do this by folding the notes stiffly in your hand and subtly either feeding it to the dog or burning it with sparklers.

6. Learn how to play ukulele decently. You know exactly why. You lied on your ensign form for Bible study groups at school that you ‘’know the basics’’ of playing ukulele when all you do know about it (after borrowing an angry birds merchandise mini form of a ukulele from your friend) is that it’s actually not that easy to play. Before school starts and everyone finds out about your horrible lie, you must learn at least two songs so it can seem you didn’t, in fact, lie. To get into Bible study group.

7. Learn how to play bass guitar. Mom and dad said maybe you’ll be able to take lessons this year, if you really want to, so that problem takes care of itself. Your band still hasn’t written a song and it’s been three months. Sure you’ve gotten a single verse down, but it still needs… you know… a chorus, instruments to go with it, actual other verses, a line to scream loudly in your room when the rage of the entire world burns in your chest and you need it out and this song is just perfect for it… all the things that make a song a song.

8. Do your homework, do your homework, do the piking homework!! Do it in class if needed, just suck it up and do it. Finish projects when you know they exist. It’s going to save you so much stress, sleepless nights, impatience, anger, rage, arsonistic thoughts… you’ll seriously be better off if you just do the work you don’t want to do first.

You won’t have to record your speech in school uniform during a camp with your family, forget your shoes and have to film it in trainers, and waste hours because you can’t remember the words because you wrote them that morning. 

You won’t need your grandma helping you with research for a project on fungus for four hours in the backseat of the crowded bakkie on the way back from a camp in Punda Maria, two days before it’s due.

You won’t have to film your dance project on the grass with thorns and have a heck of a lot of trouble sending the video to the teacher because there is no signal and your phone just doesn’t have the storage.

You won’t have to spend hours crying over math and feeling embarrassed because you’re the only one in class who still doesn’t get it.

Those were dark times. This year will be different. Just. Do. The. Homework.

9. Put effort into your writing project. Have fun with it, make playlists, brainstorm characters, write scenes that won’t make the final cut, make memes, fangirl about it, get excited about it. Don’t censor anything, don’t let ANYONE read the first draft, just write what’s on your heart and the plot will come. Make mind maps, make mood boards, reference musicals and movies, write pages and pages and pages and pages. Write with your favorite pen. Write in the night with a candle and hot chocolate as it rains. Write in the day as Non-Stop from Hamilton plays in the background and your hand is getting cramps from the flood of ideas as the pen flies across the page just when they start singing HOW DO WRITE LIKE TOMORROW WON’T ARRIVE. Write, and love it.



(PS: Remember, humanity has stopped evolving. And that’s good, because evolution is survival of the fittest, right? But now, you don’t have to be strong to survive. Which means it’s never been a better time in history to be loser! So, own it! Why try to be cool when you could be making obscure references to musicals no one listens to in a barely coherent short story no one will read on a website almost no one uses?) 

Posted Jan 06, 2023

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4 likes 4 comments

Zack Powell
07:21 Jan 16, 2023

I was not surprised when I finished this story and saw in the comments that you said these resolutions are based in reality. There's an honest tone about the whole piece that screamed Creative Nonfiction before I was halfway through, and it made me wonder whether or not these were someone's legitimate resolutions. Which is cool. I think it's tough for Creative Nonfiction stories to tell us reality in a way that sounds authentic, compelling, and convincing, but this story definitely doesn't struggle there. The narrator (I never know whether to say "the narrator" or "you" when I discuss these kinds of stories, so forgive me) has a great sense of voice, which plays nicely into the resolutions and the overall narrative (lying about playing an instrument to get into a Bible study group, of all things, LOL - now there's an interesting story).

Craft-wise, I appreciate 2nd person POV here. Obviously that's what makes the most sense in a letter to oneself, but the "You" stuff can sometimes be hard to juggle. I thought it was handled well here, had a good purpose, and made the story more personal, more intimate. Also, I really liked resolutions 3, 5, and 8, and I wish I could've told my younger self those things too. Life and learn, right?

Thanks for an interesting read, Mila. (And now I'm off to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack for the 1000th time.)

P.S. My favorite line was: "Sure you’ve gotten a single verse down, but it still needs… you know… a chorus, instruments to go with it, actual other verses, a line to scream loudly in your room when the rage of the entire world burns in your chest and you need it out and this song is just perfect for it… all the things that make a song a song." (I'm a sucker for good, long sentences, and the "rage of the entire world" bit was especially compelling.)


Saeda Rose
18:17 Jan 15, 2023

Oh man, this is great!
Authentic, charming, and genuinely funny?? Heck yeah.
I just really enjoy this kind of writing style in general. Also the 2nd person!! I love a good 2nd person POV. Definitely works here.
You've got a really good rhythm with your sentences here, between the shorter, stilted statements and longer, rambling thoughts. Feels like a stream-of-consciousness at times, which I actually really like. Your personality and voice really come through. Lots of good, specific details and references that don't feel forced in (Non-Stop is totally the perfect song to frantically write to, speaking from experience haha).
As this is very much your own thoughts and memories and resolutions, I'm curious to see how you'd handle writing other characters and fiction in general. I think I'll check out some more works from your page!

(Side-note: also curious about these book you mention. Except for Frankenstein, I've never read or heard of any of them. Gotta look them up now.)


Michał Przywara
21:57 Jan 16, 2023

A letter-to-future-self is a good take on a list. It naturally allows for 2nd person, as the narrator speaks to themselves. The end result is curious, because while it is a list, the story is not so much about what's on the list, as it's *why* it's there, and also, what isn't on the list.

There's a spirit of being kind to yourself, of forgiveness, and of looking back and digging for lessons. A sense of self improvement. The reading goal is more realistic this year, the ukele is aspirational, and the memory jar focuses on the good things in life - as a counter to all the bad things it's all too easy to dwell on. I really like the "de-constructed diary" bit.

Striving to "just do" the homework is admirable, and it's true - getting it done can have huge impact in reducing stress, etc. But this is one of those things that's easier said than done, isn't it :) Goes well with the screentime reduction.

Edit wise, one minor thing I noticed is the list of books skips number 4.

Thanks for sharing!


Mila Van Niekerk
12:57 Jan 06, 2023

I'm back online, baby!

I actually wrote this in about two hours, based on my real own new years resolutions. So all of this is genuinely true for my life. The ukulele learning and why, things that have actually happened as a result of my procrastination of homework, my tbr, the library, all of it.
List making is my number one super power (besides obscure references to anything and everything)
I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this piece, and ask the questions:
1. Did you catch the references? If yes, do you have any musical recommendations?
2. Has anyone read PAX or Fable? If not, (or if yes) any other recommendations on books to read in 2023?

Have a lovely new year, folks. And remember: don't squat with ye spurs on!


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