'Twas a Different Hallowe'en

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt

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Fiction Happy Sad

It 'twas the first Hallowe'en night for Ginjer. Well, of course, it isn't her first-ever Hallowe'en night, but it's her first Hallowe'en night as a ghost. Wait, let me go back a little.

Ginjer died just under a year ago. She was 16 and got into a horrible car accident and was terrified when she found herself slightly floating off the ground in a graveyard. She never had much of a social life or a family life, which is why there wasn't even a single flower on her grave. She was sad when she realized she was dead but was also a bit excited to explore the world without anybody seeing her. However, she didn't realize, until she tried to leave, that 'you couldn't leave the graveyard except on very special, personal days' said some ghost. To Ginger, there were only two days in the year that were special to her. One was Hallowe'en because it was the only day she could dress up and be somebody else. The second day was October 1st because it was her birthday and she always got herself a cupcake and lit a candle and stayed up late watching movies. Every day felt gloomy to Ginjer because she was always alone. There were other ghosts too, but they were always by themselves or with whom they were buried. As each day passed, Ginjer felt sadder and sadder. She felt more alone than ever. Eventually, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and finally, it was October 1st, her birthday. Ginjer spent her time watching kids running by holding their breath or daring others to go in. Ginjer knew she could leave, but she felt like she shouldn't. Like she had to stay. She was counting the seconds till the night was over when a teenage boy entered the graveyard. It was really unexpected because almost every kid avoided the graveyard when it was late. He walked calmly over to where Gingjer's grave was. He stopped at the recent grave beside Ginjer's and bent down onto his knees and whispered words barely audible. Ginjer bent down close to him to try and hear what he was saying.

"... Micheal will be fine, I'll take care of him. I promise mother." He whispered. His hair was a fine chocolate brown and his eyes were the blue of the ocean after a storm. He got up and looked beside him where Ginjer was, but couldn't see her. She wanted him to see her so badly but just couldn't make herself visible. Of course, I won't be able to make him see me, she thought, I'm dead. Just like everybody else in this stupid graveyard. The boy walked out of the graveyard and was soon consumed by the darkness.

The next day the boy was there again. And again, Ginjer sat beside him. He was there the next day. And the next. He was there every day and everyday Ginjer tried so hard to become visible but knew it was impossible.

One day Ginjer wanted to know so badly if she could actually become visible that she went to one of the older ghosts who has been there a while.

"Of course you can. It ain't easy though, believe me sister," Abigal Wersly told Ginjer.

"Can you teach me how Mis Wersly?" Ginjer asked full of hope that she might be able to talk to the boy.

"I can try but it ain't go be no fun," Was the reply. Ginjer was so happy that she tried to hug Abigal but fell making them both laugh. Every day that the boy was there, Ginjer was with Abigal trying to become visible.

Soon it had been a week since Ginjer was trying to become visible but to no avail. Ginjer kept trying and kept failing, making her have more doubts.

Then it was Halowe'en, Ginjer's first Hallowe'en as a ghost! Ginjer thought the boy wouldn't be there so she was planning to leave. She was at the gate but then the boy walked in, but he seemed sadder than Ginjer has seemed him before. The boy sat down at his mother's grave on to his knees and Ginjer joined him.

" 'Clear your mind of can't' that's what you always said," The boy whispered, louder than usual.

"You always said that if you believe you can't do it, you just won't do it. That's what Micheal thinks, he thinks he can't do it so he won't. I just don't know what to do. He won't listen," His eyes closed. Ginjer felt so bad she could think of nothing else but wanting to help.

"Remind him of what your mom said, he might start to listen," Ginjer whispered, unsure why knowing he can't hear her. His eyes popped open. He looked around.

"Who said that?" He asked a bit worried. Ginjer was extremely surprised that he heard her.

"I-I did," Ginjer replied, her voice shaking.

"Where are you?" He asked looking around again.

"Beside you," She told him, hoping she was visible. He looked at where she was.

"I don't see you."

"I'm, I'm a ghost," Ginjer almost started to cry. Tears of happiness and of sadness. Happy he could hear her but sad he couldn't see her.

"Who are you?" He asked, shocked ghosts were real and he was talking to one.

"I'm Ginjer, you?"

"I'm James, how did you, um, die?" James asked and hoped that Ginjer wouldn't be offended at the question.

"I was in a car accident, just under a year ago. What happened to your mom?" Ginjer was always curious about what happened to Jame's mom.

"Uh, she had cancer, lung cancer," James shed a tear but held back all the others.

"I'm sorry to hear. My cousin had lung cancer too. He was brave and always believed he would survive, but, he didn't," Ginjer shed a tear because her cousin was very dear to her. James saw a drop of water land beside him.

"Are you crying?"

"No, just a tear."

"I saw it, your tear."

"Really?" Ginjer smiled.

"Yes." They were silent for a while.

"I'm leaving town tomorrow, I'm sorry I just met you now," James said, now sad that he was going to leave.

"It's alright," Although Ginjer wasn't actually that happy about that idea.

"I have to go now too. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I hope I'll see you again some time."

"I hope so too. I'll try and come back next year>"

"Okay, that'd be wonderful. I'll be waiting." James stood up and slowly walked to the gate with Ginjer following. When James got to the gate he turned around and saw a faint silhouette of a girl.

"I kind of see you."


"Yes." James looked at her for a second.

"Goodbye Ginjer, I'll try to come back."

"Okay, I'll be waiting. Bye," Ginger waved goodbye and James turned back around and walked through the gates and down the road until he was out of sight.

Ginjer waited and waited. She waited for days, then months. Then years. Five years have gone by and James has still not returned. Ginjer was sad but understood that he just might've thought she was a dream. But then she saw an older boy walking up the street. Toward the graveyard with a sad and happy smile on his face.

October 31, 2020 02:57

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Grace Sigurdson
15:38 Nov 03, 2020

I wrote this in a couple of hours so I know it's not that good.


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