Brian was a 5’9”, dark-haired, lightly muscled human janitor at the local university. He cleaned the university for a significant sum, plus free tuition to earn his advanced physics and chemistry degrees. He was a registered Genius and was close to getting his degrees and getting advanced to the science bureau, where he could help advance society as he wished. He had been cleaning the building for fifteen years, working hard to get his certifications in his field and advance to the Science Bureau. He had a wife and 7 kids, whom each were grown and had achieved vast greatness in their utopian society.
Brian’s Earth had discovered 50 years previously that their planet was doomed if they did not change the way they progressed and thus began a transformation into a bustling united humanity, the likes of which had never before been seen. As part of the functional restructuring, they had erased all borders and instead zoned the various regions of the world to one type of resource needed for humanity to thrive. Most of Russia had been rezoned to a vast scientific collective where any and all experiments were authorized, as long as they progressed humanity’s scientific and eco-friendly technology. The region became known as the Scientific Bureau. All food was grown in Europe and eastern Asia. North America became the manufacturing center, with the capital of this new world government becoming a specialized floating city constructed of parts manufactured in every country on the planet. It was also owned by no people imparticular and was floating in international waters so no one people could forcefully take it. All world militaries were rolled together and trained in Africa, with its vast variety of environments. South America became a hub for people and the middle east was turned into the logistics hub for the entire planet with all goods routed there before they were sent out to their final destination. All in all, the world was jiving well in this new system and everyone had a part to play to prepare the world for its next phase of society, intergalactic empire building.
Brian had just finished his final shift before he took his tests for completion of his education programs, when he had heard a strange noise coming for behind the door he had just closed. He was still debating whether he should open it, when it flew open and he was sucked into a portal, which, as he flew in, he noticed broke every law of physics he had come to see as unbreakable. “BOY,” he thought, “ If I survive this, I will be able to advance our technology by leaps and bounds.” This was his final thought before everything went black and he lost consciousness.
Brian was sure this had to be a dream. How else could he explain the giant T-rex with a top hat and monocle standing in front of him, telling him they had to rush if they were going to get to their seats before the big fight.
Brian decided to just go along with it and follow his new friend, Rupert Cornelius Sharptooth III, a local big wig with many political connections in the city they found themselves in. The city, Comustejesus, was a standalone city-state on the world of Dinoria. According to Rupert, Brian was the Chief of State for Comustejesus, and Rupert was his best friend. Brian and Rupert were rushing to catch a train across the city to the big fight. Rupert wanted to get there early enough to place bets on the winner. As the Chief of state, Brian could not place any bets, so he would head up to the presidential suite and find his seat.
After 40 minutes on the train, they made it to the venue in time for Rupert to place several bets before he joined Brian in the suite to watch the fight. While Brian waits for his friend, he thinks about the guy he thought he was and reason he now thought he was in a dream.
Rupert and Brian were heavily engaged by the fight going on. They were on the third fight of the evening and the first two had been major upsets, with the fight heavily swinging towards one fighter until their opponents got that one lucky jab that absolutely turned the tide and the favored fighters were never able to recover. This particular fight was important because it was the championship belt, of which the winner would have to face Brian in a duel of brains, policy, and strength to get the Chief of State position. Brian was looking forward to retirement, if the champion could actually beat him in the Chief of State Trials. Rupert told Brian he had bet all his money for that particular event on Brian, not believing this new challenger to be a real threat to Brians powerbase. The new contender was a strange looking fellow, having no feathers, scales, or fur upon his weird bipedal form. Brian studied this new creature closely, wondering how it had gotten this far in the tournament. I did not look especially tough or strong, yet it had consistently outwitted and outperformed every opponent it had been matched up against. It was currently facing Brians arch nemesis, Clyde Rusticus, a raptor who was in the Dino Mafias pocket. It was well known that Clyde would sell out the entire city to the dino crime families if he secured the chief of state position. Brian was not worried about Clyde, as he was also about to be swept up in a giant bust of the crime families. This bust was due in large part to their jumping the gun and acting like Clyde had already won, committing multiple crimes across the city already. There was chatter they would continue this crime wave for the next couple months. Brian intended to stop them in their tracks, before they could really hurt the city and its citizens.
The strange new contender was kicking Clyde’s butt up and down the ring. Brian looked closer at the Jumbotron, and saw a close up of the creature as he delivered the winning blow. The creature looked exactly like the human form Brian had as a janitor. To say Brian was shocked would be an understatement. He was floored. Brian looked down and realized he was actually a T-Rex.
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1 comment
This is crazy in a great way. If feels like a lost script from Rick and Morty. And it reminds me of the episode where the dinosaurs return from it: