Bedtime Christian Coming of Age

Rumi the world famous Persian writer says "There’s nothing left of me. I’m like a ruby held up to the sunrise.

Is it still a stone, or a world

made of redness? It has no resistance

to sunlight."

It has red color stone on my finger, faceted surface, which is geometric cut with gold mounting it. You've guessed it; it's my Sunrise Ruby Ring!

Rarely have i reminded red eye person more of the toenails of a Persian Seagal. His legs are as flawless as an exemplary, charming nails, which has been writing accidentally in a dull sunrise sky.

Naturally, it has all the glory of a ring. There is nothing like a ring that once worn by rumi the great poet agreeably.

Lest not forget the arrogant, aggressive ambiance of an ashamed over eating gluttony and lust.

In England they say Truth is stranger than fiction, in America we say we like fiction better! I like her green eyes but the sensational Rumi liked sloth.

That's Rumi the world famous writer, but i was thinking about Betty Plumb!

The sunrise again reminded me of the sunrise ruby that day - what a day for Greenland i said.

Alex could actually hear Betty's body shatter into 7 pieces. Then the barbie Angel like girl ran away into the distance.

I panicked, my fear reflected in the eyes of a school Headmaster and a friend.

But then we saw it - a reflecting Mirror.the school Headmaster smiled. An abandoned lake, a sunrise ruby and a red moon - the Pearl seemed like the answer to my prayers.

Betty was a clumsy Angel like girl with scrawny eyes and chubby hands.

I walked over to the window and reflected on his industrial surroundings. Alex England had always loved beautiful Greenland with its big, bright sunset time beaches. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel anxious.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a clumsy figure of Betty Moonstone.

I gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a clever, adorable, hot tea drinker with dark eyes and soft hands. His friends saw him as a Strong, Contemporary Writer. Once, he had even rescued a baby bird from a burning building.

But not even a clever person who had once rescued a vulnerable baby bird from a burning building, was prepared for what he will be feeling tonight watching the moon at lake.

I walked over to the lake this time and reflected on my pretty surroundings. I had always loved crowded lake with its sneezing, sturdy swamps. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel cross.

A friend looked at the Alex and boated cheerfully. Alex was reflecting agreeably, conveyed similar sentiments.

A sense of anticipation ran through my feet, heating busily.

Alex admired the Ruby's like Sunrise Sky the lake, breath held tight.

The Sunrise teased like partying Seagal, making Alex delighted. I grabbed a Pearly moon orb that had been strewn nearby; i massaged it with my fingers.

As I stepped outside and Betty came closer, he could see the glint in her eye.the world was filled with red light from the moon in green land. Alex studied Betty's handsome arms and beautiful lips. Eventually, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," began Alex in apologetic tones, "but I don't feel the same way, and I never will. I just don't love you Betty."

"I am here because I want my story back ," Betty bellowed, in a vile tone. She slammed her fist against Alex's chest, with the force of 7777 penetration. "I frigging hate you, Alex England."

With help from Alex England, the Sunrise Ruby saved the world once again from the evil of Alcoholism and Rumi of course.

I discovered as a Persian writer there are 2 rumies !

a real one who lived one time in the far east and a fake one who still lived in far east! they were twin brothers , identical brothers one went towards west and another to Constantinople in the ottoman empire and diead there, the one in the wild west was an artist.

They fought each other looked at each other with terrible feelings on separation, like two cloudy, concerned crows swimming at a very cowardly Valentine, which had rumi music playing in the background and two scheming uncles rampaging to the beat.

Alex looked back and remembered rumi quote "Your light is more magnificent than sunrise or sunset" .Alex England was thinking about Betty Plumb again. Betty was a deranged gamer with fat arms and red lip stickled lips.Then i saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a deranged figure of Betty in the lake.

Alex could actually hear his emotions shatter into 777777 pieces. Then the deranged gamer hurried away into the distance. it was another nightmare for the past 777 days! another 777 days past but I was informed about the red blood moon delighted and still fingering the sunrise Ruby jewel in my pocket. "Betty, get out of my house," he replied.

They looked at each other with sad feelings, like two big, broken Seagal's laughing at a very thoughtless Sunrise, which had Rumi music playing in the background.

The Sunset teased like blood red Seagals, making me less confident. I wore my surise Ruby Ring that had been strewn in my backpack; i massaged it with my nails.

the two rumis looked at each other with irritable feelings, like two poisonous snakes dating at a very fast on Valentine's Day , which had rumi music playing in the background when they met again.

I studied Betty's red eyes and chubby hands. Eventually, i took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you the relationship you want," he explained, in calm tones.

Betty looked worried, her body raw like a narrow, naughty Seagal .Betty looked delighted, her emotions raw like a ripe, robust lake.

Not even a drink of hot tea would calm Alex England 's nerves for him watching the moon reflecting off the lake tonight.

November 21, 2020 17:08

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Love your story! :D


Alex E
19:19 Nov 21, 2020



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