Report: D 1.20.24 (File Corrupted, Raw Output)

Submitted into Contest #234 in response to: Write a story about someone whose time is running out.... view prompt



Hello Commissioner,

The team has started on the document recovery process for the Springhill vault. Here is the report for D 1.20.24. The file for this report was corrupted. The team did its best to recover what we could. The report is rather strangely and poorly written and I am not sure how much of the information is truth or factual and at times even what it even is. What follows is the raw output of what we were able to recover. 

Report D 1.20.24:

I wipe the sweat from my brow. Whether it was the poison running through my veins or the murderous mission I was on, I could not tell. The only purpose left in my heart was to avenge my fallen brothers so that their souls could sleep soundly.

It was only a few days ago that it all happened. I remember…

I remember…

I stop my stride down the long empty hall way shaking my head. My thoughts barely coming to me. The poison doing its work on my brain.

“I have to make it. I have to. I can’t let the man who killed my brothers get away with it.” I told myself.

I started striding again.

I remember.

I remember how cold it was.


Ice and snow.

We were after the Te Wo rebels.

We were fighting in the Wasp Mountains.

I breath in, I breath out.

There was a cave.

The main battle had taken place in the cave that the rebels had made a base out of.

A cave of Ice and snow.

We had to clear the cave. Remove the rebels.

The job was done with efficiency. The rebels put up a good fight downing more men than they should have but they were simple ranchers vs trained hardened soldier of the revolution.

After the fighting there were the bodies to get rid off. 

Me and my brothers had to do that task. Clear them out of the caves.

Bury them in a grave.

I stop.

I breath in, I breath out.

I start striding.

We had to cut a path through the snow from the cave to the grave. I remember Jess saying we need to go back to base before night fall when it become colder and the animals would start to prowl attracted to the blood of the bodies.

I remember looking down at my gloves covered in the blood of the body I had just tossed. 

I wiped it on my pants.

Jeff said if they/we leave without completing the mission it would bring shame on the revolution and that was treason and you would hang for it. It was only a little cold and so what a few critters came.

Jeff died first.

He was away from the group when it happened.

The night had fallen.

The wind pickup up snow and throwing it around.

We were placing the last of the bodies in the grave when it happened, when they jumped them.

There was five of them.

Jeff was by a ridge a little ways away from us.

Two of the mountain Kanagroos jumped from the what 50 ft ridge above landing if not on top of him then besides him.

We only heard a scream.

They ripped into the body with their teeth.

Everyone raised weapons.

We fired.

We emptied our magazines.

The two Kanagroos were dead.

We didn’t notice the three others bounding down the ridge. Their black and white patterning hiding them in the snow and dark rock of the ridge that they came down from.

One came from our right, two to our left.

The one to our right got Jess.

The two to our left got Patt.

The three Kangaroos blocked any path to escape. I ran into the grave that we had dug into the side of a hill while Avid and Clar quickly put new magazines in their guns.

Clar got the one on the right but one of the ones to the left in blinding speed slammed into him knocking on the ground and stomped him into the snow below.

Avid didn’t even have time to put a magazine in his own gun before the other one got to him balancing on its hind tail and kicking with both of its hind legs into his chest. I could hear the sounds of his ribs cracking from ten yards away.

They take a moment to fill their mouths with the flesh of my brothers as if forgetting me.

I fumble for my own magazine.

Getting it set into place I take aim and remove the Kangaroos tearing into Avid’s body from existence. 

The one on Clar’s body jumps up and starts to bound quickly after me.

I manage to land a few shots on it as it jumps at me.

I lunge to the side as it is in mid air nicking me with its poisoned talons on its feet.

I must have it it because it fell into the bodies of the grave limp and did not move.

I take breath in, breath out.

I have reached the entrance to the base.

I open the door. Unexpectedly there was Stacy there.

“Reed” She said from her desk.

“Hello Stacy. I didn’t expect to see you here.” I said.

“The general is meeting with the captain. I got pushed out to outer desks.” She said.

“I didn’t know that the general would be visiting today.” I said.

“Surprise visit. That is how the leaders like to roll.” She said.

I nodded.

“How are your brothers?” she asked.

“They are alright.” I lied.

With that I stroke through the room, exiting, and making me further into the command center. 

I passed the infirmary. There was no one in there. To get treatment you had to finish your mission successfully and still worth saving. Even if you were deemed worthy of the cost of bandages your rations would be cut in half for months. Few ever even tried.

I get to the command room. 

I see the captain.

I pull out my pistol.

I shoot the two attendants to the captain.

The captain is fast. He had me pinned against the wall before I could blink.

We struggled for the gun in my hands.

I lashed out with my boot kicking him with force but it is not enough.

Then a shot range out.

The captain releases his grip on me.

He looks down to his chest where a hole was through his chest.

He turns around to the general holding a smoking gun in his hand.

The captain asks in confusion “why?”

The general said “You failed the revolution.”

“I am sorry.” Said the captain. “Long live the revolution.” Were his last words.

They were the last words that I heard as I looked at my own chest with the bullet going through my own heart.

January 20, 2024 15:13

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Robert Hart
06:40 Feb 01, 2024

Interesting story although I am left in the dark about so much surrounding the story - which is, I know, a writing choice. I did find the repetitive use of 'I' a bit grating - and better proofreading would help (something we all struggle with).


Re La
19:50 Feb 05, 2024

Thank you for the feed back. A lot of the battle for me was just trying to come up with a story within a week to submit. See if I can do any better moving forward.


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Stuart Stockwell
12:15 Jan 29, 2024

I enjoyed the pacing you created in the piece. It really captures the essence of the battle. I was also tickled by the idea of poisonous kangaroos!


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