Fiction Fantasy

This story is inspired by Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard, and my siblings.


After breakfast, Max showed me to each class we had. We walked through our schedule for the next day, and every other day. Our schedules looked something like this:

Environmental Science (Room 49): 8:45-9:30

Precalculus (Room 33): 9:33-10:51

Greek Mythology and Legends (Room 22): 10:54-11:39

Lunch (Cafeteria): 11:40-12:00

Literature (Room 3): 12:03-12:48

Talent Session (Gym): 12:51-

Study Hall (Room 13): -2:30

I had a few questions about the classes picked for me, but Max was heading outside. I ran to catch up, as he was heading towards the lake.

β€œIf you’re going to stay here, I need to introduce you to some people. They usually hang around here and train or gossip.” Max explained. He brought me to a few people who glanced at me, said a few words, and went back to whatever they were doing.

All of the sudden, I was hit from behind and fell forward into the grass.

β€œNice catch, Farty!” There was some laughter.

β€œWell! This here looks like the catch of the day!” The person who knocked me down answered.

I grunted and pushed him off of me. This guy was an idiot already, and I didn’t like him from that moment on. I got up and angrily brushed off my pants, trying not to punch the guy in the face. Max led me away, and he tried to calm me down, and was successful.

β€œDon’t mind him, he’s an imbecile. His real name is Fogarty, and his main man is named Aeson, but they call him ACE.” Max explained to me while leading me away. β€œI think that’s enough introductions for today.”

I nodded and wondered what I was going to do today. Explore, make friends, hide in my dorm, and find something else were currently my options. Max left me at my dorm, and I decided to look up information on Camp Sparta. Max had told me earlier that there were computers in the library, so I used the map and walked there with minimal problems.

I turned on the monitor and logged in using the username and password written on the sticky note that was pasted to the corner of the computer. I started typing in the URL box, β€œWho is Momus?”

The cursor blinked for a second before I hit enter on the keyboard. The screen rolled down a list of options, all saying things like, β€œGreek god of satire,” β€œmocked these people,” β€œcriticized this,” and more results along those lines.

One website, though, said, β€œClick here for your destiny at Felicia’s Fortunes Today!” It looked suspicious, and it looked like it was placed there for me. I snuck a look around the library, and no one was there, so I clicked on it.

There was one button that read, β€œGet your fortune for Felicia!” Only after clicking on it did I realize that it was a bad idea. The screen went black, and blood-red letters scrolled like old-fashioned credits up the screen. It read:

Child of grain,

you will feel remorse and pain

keep yourself sane

for you will be slain

at the hands of the Impaler

with much valor

Your name on the bead

will plant a seed

for a new hero

to come from zero

You are part of the beginning

but the Fates will keep spinning

their thread

they snip for the dead

Be not scared

because you are now prepared

Dear Quackenbush

you must push


those who lied

for your trial

will put you in denial

And Percy

will show your soul mercy

even though he

cannot save thee

from your fate

that carries the weight

of all those who await

the writing on the slate

that can get them through the gate

through which you create

a new consciousness

of commonness

where your name

is the same

where no fame

can claim

their flame

I was a little creeped out, so I moved to a different computer. As soon as I sat down, the words scrolled over again. I moved from computer to computer, but each computer showed the same words in the same drippy red font. I ran out of the room at top speed, and didn’t stop until I ran into Azazel.

She had been walking down the hallway, until I had smacked into her. We were speechless for a moment as we caught our breath.

β€œWhat was that for, Felicia? Y’know, the teachers will BUST you if you run in the hallways. Are you late for class or something? OH! Wait! It’s Sunday! I forgot!” She grinned mischievously. β€œSo, why WERE you RUNNING in the HALLWAY?”

I stammered a response as I tried to get the menacing words out of my head. β€œI-I, t-there’s… I just got… spooked b-back t-there. It’s nothing, I assure you. J-just something fell, I assumeβ€”I mean… assure you.”

Azazel raised an eyebrow in disbelief. β€œUh-huh. SURE. I’ll go get Max while you wait in your room. Okay?” She walked off, giving me almost no choice but to go to my dorm and be alone in my crazy state, which, by the way, did NOTHING for my sanity.

After 4 minutes that seemed like hours, I got up from my bed and paced my dorm, practically wearing holes into the carpet and tile. I stopped, thinking that baking would calm my nerves. I turned to the microwave, and it had scrolling letters on it. I squinted and tried to read the letters, dread settling in my gut like a heavy stone in water.

keep yourself sane

for you will be slain

at the hands of the Impaler

with much valor

I screeched, covering my eyes and running out onto the balcony. I couldn’t take it anymore.

Your name on the bead

will plant a seed

for a new hero

to come from zero

The prophecy felt so real, I could almost hear it. And then I did.

β€œHello, little Quackenbush!” A menacing voice called to me and I jumped off.


February 22, 2021 23:19

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AntMan 🐜
23:22 Feb 22, 2021

Don't worry everyone! Felicia WILL come back! Just you wait, Just you wait! (Yes, that was a Hamilton reference, for those of you wondering.) Also, the Percy in the prophecy DOES refer to Percy Jackson. I hope you all enjoyed and are ready for more fun from Felicia!


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AntMan 🐜
14:39 Mar 12, 2021

I know! those parts were just for all you PJO fans! 😁 I'm also a fan, and I felt that I had to put that in there! πŸ˜‚


AntMan 🐜
14:57 Mar 12, 2021

Me too! I'm close to submitting chapter 10, and soon to be chapter 11 and maybe 12! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“


AntMan 🐜
15:20 Mar 12, 2021

I'm trying to leave chapter 10 on the perfect cliffhanger, too! πŸ˜†πŸ˜† (For more suspense, of courseπŸ˜‚)


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AntMan 🐜
02:21 Feb 23, 2021

Also, if you guys have any suggestions on how to make this sound like it is set in London, please let me know!


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