Traditions(Ctrl) and Dreams(Alt+Delete)

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone breaking a long family tradition.... view prompt



The fate of Mira’s life was decided even before she was born. Her parents hailed from a small town of Saharanpur. Their family was a very orthodox and traditional one where the length of the veils and skirts was a matter of family honour and pride. It was a joint family consisting of three brothers, their docile wives and four kids all boys. Mira's parents were eagerly waiting for her arrival who was due next month.

The brothers owned a family business of bathroom fittings and hardware supplies which was giving them good returns. Everyday while going to work her father crossed the renowned missionary school in the cantonment area. “This is where my child will study” he reminded himself religiously. The thought of his child speaking fluent English delighted him every single day.

Soon Mira arrived, a tiny and delicate bundle of joy. Her parent's love and happiness knew no bounds. But it disappointed other family members. The thought of an impending dowry creased their foreheads.The search for a suitable groom in the community will be challenging. The cost of education was also on the rise.

But Mira was a blessing to her parents. They did what was best for her. Her initial years went off like a breeze everyone warming to her innocence. Soon it was time to go to school. The dream which her father had cherished for so long was about to come true. His daughter would go to the best school in town,converse in English and match the steps with the world.But Little did he know that his dreams would be reprimanded by getting ousted from the family and the business as soon as he demanded an equal status for her girl as the rest of male cousins. "You will pay for breaking the family traditions." said one of his brother. "Girls are better off at home. Why to spend so much on their education when they have to ultimately cook food and look after the house" retorted another.

With the little help he received from his father in law he set up a small general store, toiled day and night to make both ends meet.Their love and support gave Mira courage to dream,but her uncles kept a check that she did not go too far even in her dreams. There was a bible of rules which the females of the family had to follow.same was expected from Mira as well. But she was the one who questioned the patriarchy, asking for logic and reasons. Sometimes her doubts were answered but most of them were silenced with a reply "A girl is family's honor. Do as it had been done since generations."

The year she cleared her graduation, the search for the perfect groom started. She wanted to study economics and complete her masters.. She wanted to work. She wanted to be financially independent. But a girl from her stature should not dream.According to her uncles she was running out of time to get married. "This is what happens when you give high education to your girl. Now who will marry such an educated girl. You failed to inculcate any morals and values in her." Her uncles were not good at mincing their words and made it very clear that the traditions had to be followed by everyone. These were the frequent sarcasms her parents had to face but their love and faith in Mira was much stronger to pull them down.

"Papa,please allow me to do further studies. I want to work ,be independent."

" Child, what will the family and the society say. You know your uncles. I cant go against them any longer. You have to get married some day ."

" I will do as you all say. You can start the search but in the meanwhile let me complete my studies. I will make you proud one day papa, please."

The doting father couldn't refuse an earnest request. At least he can support his daughter in her endeavours. He realized there was so much in life apart from getting marriage and having babies. But nothing comes free in life. As Mira geared up for her studies, there was pressure on her to be the perfect daughter in law who should be well versed in knitting, stitching and cooking. It might sound ridiculous but that's the ordeal girls have to go through. Mira was no exception. " If that gives some happiness to my family , I am in it" .The brave Mira took everything Life gave her with a pinch of salt and sugar. But never gave up.

Her dowry trunk was getting stuffed with hand painted sarees and embroidered bedsheets. Two large canvas paintings she made to decorate the unknown house. At least this kept the family members mum for some time. She never forgot what she yearned for,the higher purpose of life, taking everything in stride as it came. Eventually she cleared her masters degree in economics with the highest score making the parents extremely proud and others extremely envious. Finally her hard work has paid. She kept appearing for interviews secretly to find a dream job she had been looking for. The problem was according to the family tradition she should have got married by now but she had already brought enough shame to family's reputed name by outshining in the exams and now a job. Too much she has asked for.

The time had come to take the plunge. She hd been offered a position as a chief analyst in one of the leading MNC based in Gurgaon. It would have been difficult but having her parents by her side who believed in her dreams. The angry uncles and family pacified and finally bowed to her. The long standing traditions of the family was finally put to peace as Mira entered into a 2 year contract with the company, all set for a dream come true. The painted sarees and the emboidered bedsheets are busy biting the dust in the trunk.

September 04, 2020 18:52

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