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Sad Romance Fiction

The night sky, littered with stars, never felt so vast and never appeared to shine so beautifully as it did tonight. Each star glistening against the endlessly dark backdrop. Not to mention, the moon was the brightest it has been in what seems like months. The sight as a whole was, for lack of better word, astronomically breathtaking.

“The sky is so beautiful to watch tonight, but why do I feel so small?” asked the young woman laying down on the soft red and white picnic blanket next to him. “Makes me think of how small we are in this universe….Do you ever think about how insignificant we are?” she questioned, turning to face the male beside her. A soft chuckle fell from his lips, as the wind rustled his light brown locks. 

“We are pretty insignificant, aren’t we?” he replied with a smile, gazing into her bright green eyes. Her hair perfectly framed her sweet face and his large sweater enveloped her small frame. She paused for a moment, before speaking up once more.

“Does it make you feel lonely?” she asked, watching his sweet smile slightly falter. He didn’t reply. Instead, he just looked back at the countless amount of stars that stared down at the pair on this large grassy hill. His eyes scanned the sky as she scanned his face. “Adrian? Does it?”

“Lonely?” he said softly, still gazing up above them. She nodded despite knowing he wasn’t looking in her direction. Who could blame him– the sky was mesmerizing. “Hm…rather than lonely, it makes me feel envious,” he replied, eyes locking onto the small bright lights that felt as if they were just a short distance away.

“Envious? What is there to be jealous of?”

“Well. First of all, they’re so bright. They have their own light to give off and others can see just how bright they are. Secondly, they are never alone. They’re always surrounded by other stars and planets and even moons, even if they are far apart. And thirdly, they have a place in the sky. No one can kick them out of their place or anything like that. Everything is just… perfectly harmonious.”

A small giggle filled the air, coming from the girl. Her laughter was sweet and lingered in the cold air for a moment. Adrian glanced at her, confusion written all over his face. “I think you’re lonely,” she said softly, moving closer to him. The heat from his body slowly seeped into their shared space. Warmth.

“Possibly. But then it would be your fault,” he joked, poking her nose. She pouted in return, wrapping an arm around his. The space between them closed as she held him close.

“Why is it my fault?” She questioned, bright green eyes looking deep into his. She leaned back, letting him go, and propped herself on her elbow.

“You’re the one who left me first,” he stated, a hint of melancholy in his voice. She paused for a moment before laying back down away from the boy, unable to reply. “You know I miss you,” he continued.

“Mm. But you’re strong. You can make it. I believe in you,” she said cheerfully. He couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

“You were always so positive,” he said, barely audible.

“Of course. Earth is a cruel place. Staying positive can help you keep sane and real,” she stated. “Although, I guess you could say that didn’t work too well for me…I mean...I had you keep me sane and real...but...I mean...I….” There was a pause. Crickets chirping in the distance filled the air. A chill brushing past their skin.

“Then why did you leave me?” He asked, stealing a glance at her. Neither were smiling any longer. “Why couldn’t I save you?”

“Adrian... darling… I’m sorry…” she replied, trying desperately to reach out to him, but not quite being able to touch. The boy retaliated by looking away.

“Why did you do it to yourself?! You could have stayed with me...,” he whispered, tears threatening to fall from his deep chocolate colored eyes.

“Darling, please. Don’t be sad,” she pleaded. “You can see me here every night,” she suggested. “Right with the stars.”

“Every night is not enough. I want to see your cute face when I wake up. I want to be able to hold you close and call you mine. I want to be able to walk into a home that smells like you and food. I want to be able to explore this world with you by my side. I want to-“

“Adrian,” said the woman sternly.

The movement of his lips seized.

“Adrian. Look at me,” she softly called out, gently urging him to give her his attention. The young man looked to his right and gently reached out to hold her cheek in his hand.

“How can I look at you when you’re no longer with me here on Earth?” Said the boy, tears finally falling from his eyes, staining his cheek as they fell. Her figure disappeared from his grasp as he was almost able to touch her face.

He had been hit by reality once more as he sat by her gravestone, gently caressing the cold stone. The softness of the fabric he was sitting on alone was the only source of comfort now. He looked back up at the dark sky.

“You had become my sky, my sun, my universe, when you were by my side” said he. “Now, you are my light when my days grow dark. You are my stars. And I am sorry I could not save you from your own pain.” Looking back down, he continued to gently caress the smooth stone that reminded the world and the stars that she too, had once existed.

 “Although we may be insignificant to the rest of the world, you mean everything to me,” he whispered. “You shine so brightly in the sky tonight, just like before,” said the boy, carefully tracing the letters on the dark gray stone. He took a glance at the night sky above him, littered with stars. It had never felt so vast and never appeared to shine so beautifully as it did tonight.

July 24, 2020 19:21

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1 comment

04:37 Jul 28, 2020

Beautiful story with a cleverly built- up twist.


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