Adventure Science Fiction

Nestled within the mountains of Colorado was a quaint village. Elliot had grown familiar with the area, but still yearned for adventure. Intrigued by what lay ahead, he ventured deeper into the forest than most people would. A fruit, resembling a plum, emerged on an ancient tree, radiating a purple iridescent glow that illuminated its surroundings. Knowing he went out for a daring adventure he almost felt it was necessary to take a bite from the mysterious fruit bestowed upon him. He decided he'd take the risk, and stole a fresh one from a stem hanging eye-level. At first, he didn't feel a thing, the bitter tase overwhelming his mouth was his main concern. But within seconds he began to feel faint, dizzy, almost as if everything was slowly spinning and fading away. Elliot found himself back in the village, but something felt odd. The streets were less crowded, nearly empty. The houses recently built and the farmers market were gone, like they were never there. He found someone a few miles down the road and approached him trying to decide what to ask first:

"Sir, I live here, but I don't think I've seen you around, what is your name?" The man looked at him with a dazed face. 

"I do not reside here, I am visiting for a ceremony deep in the mountains. We gather every couple of years to hold a traditional celestial ceremony. I am an elder, one of that last remaining leaders of our group. Tell me, where did you go? You were supposed to attend at sunset and never showed."

“Sir, I was traveling past my village into the forest and came across an opening with a single ancient tree within the middle. There was a fruit, almost resembling a plum and I apologize, but I was feeling adventurous and decided to eat it. I don't understand how do you know me?” 

“You’re the last remaining elder, from another universe. The fruit you ingested took you back in time on another universe’s path. Forgive me, but nobody has touched those fruits in years, I must warn you the dangers that come with them…” 

His eyes widened. His mind was racing, wondering if he’ll every get back to his other life, if everything will just be okay and if the dangers are as bad as this elder is saying they are. 

“We haven’t learned everything there is to know about these mysterious fruits, you’re bold for deciding to eat one. The most we have discovered is the risk of never returning to your destined life path in your universe. But, I must mention a benefit. You will learn quickly that you never age, you never die, you're truly invincible. We used to guard the fruits to keep people from getting a hold of them. But many would eat them, disappear, and use their powers to terrorize other towns. They would travel with the fruits and jump from town to town, destroying rituals, ceremonies, homes, and much more. There was never a reason, and they are never caught. They can't be caught at least not easily due to their abilities. Just be careful, you never know what will happen, and I can’t assume it will be worth the risk of never returning to your destined home. And, to be honest you never realize how living forever can be a sin wrapped in a blessing.” 

“Thank you for the advice, but I’d like to try and go back to my village now. Is there anything at all we can try to get me where I should be?” he pleaded desperately. “Please tell me there’s something!” 

“Well, it’s risky, nobody has tried it before, but there’s a standing myth about our waterfall. If you make it through the treacherous expedition, it is said that it will douse you with water and take you to your destined path. You may keep your new inhuman powers, but you have a high chance at making it back to your village.” 

“Thank you, I’ll do it. If it means getting me home I’ll do it. It’s been wonderful meeting you and learning this amazing alternate path, but I should go now.” 

He leaves the elder to attend to his ceremony, and soon realizes the journey he is about to travel on. No food, no supplies, and a path nobody has ever travelled through, yet all the time it takes to get there to think about his choices. About the elder, and the people he hadn't been introduced to. To think about their lives, what they've been through and such.


He discovered more travelers on the way, none of which seemed to be going with him to this waterfall. He kept pushing, even through som of the most difficult struggles. Not only did it snow, but it became dangerously cold in the evenings which he was far from prepared for. Pushing and pushing, he found a cave to reside in temporarily to stay warm. After a few hours, he continued his travels.


After 3 days, 2 near-death experiences, and some rest later he arrives. In front of him was this waterfall, beautiful, glowing while many plants and animals thrived around it. It was eye-catching, not anything like he expected. But he began to feel this odd pressure in his chest, almost like guilt. He wondered about the elder, his life story, if he would be okay or if he was meant to meet in this universe. What if this is the right path? What if I'm making a mistake and regret going back then can never return? He'd never felt so conflicted, especially over a guy he knew for maybe a few minutes, but something about him called back out. This was his chance, his hope. He could follow his new path, meet new people, see the universe from a different side. But the question remains, does he take the chance of going back home without knowing the possibilities, or does he fulfill his new path as an elder in his new village? 

December 14, 2023 04:01

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Tori Winterrose
13:59 Dec 18, 2023

This was a fun story Raven! I could really envision the world you built in just a few paragraphs, and I liked the ending. One thing I noticed was the verb tense changed from past to present in this sentence: "He leaves the elder to attend to his ceremony, and soon realizes..." Looking forward to reading more of your stories!


Raven Michelle
17:31 Dec 18, 2023

Thank you! And yes, I probably should have wrote something along the lines of "as he was leaving,,,"


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