All for a transcript

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Suspense

Evie was grateful she remained employed at the library. The head librarian kept his employees. Instead of checking out books for the public, making the over due phone calls and returning books to their rightful place he had them deep clean and reorganize.

Evie and her younger co-workers met for coffee before shift and agreed on taking their time performing the new duties.

While dressing for the first morning of working behind locked doors she wondered what she ought to wear. Usually she tied her thick fire red hair back in a low pony tail with any old tie she could fine laying around her bathroom vanity. Lightly running a similar shade of lip stick across her lips added enough color to her face leaving no need for eye or cheek color. Her black rimmed glasses that without she could not see more than a few inches in front of her were the same shade as her leggings and various pull over collared shirts hung carelessly in her closet. Her comfort conscious shoes never made it to the closet mixing with her obsession for heels she never wore. As frumpy as Evie's outer wear was she often chuckled to herself thinking what Jessica, the girl she was training would think if she knew about the many shades of purple thongs and matching lace padded brasiers she wore .

The conversations they would have Evie knew Jessica looked up to her, as well as thinking she was lonely woman. Jessica was talkative always asking questions that had nothing to do with the training. She wanted to know what it was like to live alone, not have a boyfriend or husband, not even a roommate. Jessica would tell Evie how sad it must be to eat alone, to watch TV alone especially to sleep alone. Every once in a while she would ask a sort of work related question like how she could afford a car and apartment. Evie was not as talkative and would give one word answers. She often just smiled an answer. Which of course caused Jessica's imagination to run wild.

Jessica, Taylor and Mike were the trainees and friends outside of the library. They took the job because it looked good on their college transcripts and they couldn't believe there was openings for all 3 of them. Harry the head librarian, would have never hired them if he knew they were as close as they were. But each proved to be an asset to the library.

While not at work Evie was usually the topic of their gossip. Jessica thought she was like the cat ladies everyone talk about. Taylor thought she must have gone through a terrible break up, making her a loner. Mike thought if she would just dress different to show off her curves, even show a little cleavage maybe put a little effort onto doing her hair and wore something other than red lip stick she might turn a head or two. All 3 agreed that she must have some secret life acknowledging the bright yellow Jeep Wrangler she drove with bright painted purple flowers on it revealed there was something she was hiding.

Evie never gave the library a second thought after hours.

Before starting the hum of the jeep motor she kicked off her sensible shoes and slip on heels, ripped her pony tail tie out and set the CD player to blast Janis Joplins "Get It While You Can" from her 1971 Pearl album. She preferred music from her parents error than hers. She also inherited her mothers love for cooking yet hated shopping, so she took advantage of her error and ordered fresh meals to be cooked weekly to her door step. She was anything but a cat lady, Jennie her mini dachshund greeted her each evening.

After taking Jennie on a 5 mile run she showered then dressed a night with Albert. He had an uncanny ability of bringing wine that pared perfectly with dinner. Before the shut down they enjoyed hopping around to listen to live music at local bars, now they settled for youtube videos streamed to the smart TV. They couldn't enjoy company until their circle of friends were tested, secretly Albert preferred the evening be just the 2 of them. Jennie hated when they were behind closed doors and voiced her opinion. She hated it even more when she was put in the yard.

Evie rummaged through her dresser draws and decided on sweat pants and a T-shirt. She had to change from a white shirt into a darker shade, annoyed that her brasier shown through. She loved how her matte purple pumps looked with the grey sweat pants but instead tied up her running sneakers. She woke a little later than usual and had no time to tame her fiery hair, a low pony tail would have never worked, a messy bun had to suffice. She glanced at herself in the mirror while brushing her teeth pleased her fake eyelashes remained and not a trace of running eyeliner present. She didn't even have time for coffee, decided she would door dash with Jessica, Taylor and Mike.

Harry gave them time to enjoy their order then printed work orders for the day before leaving them behind locked doors.

As they were checking off the work order Taylor asked the group if anyone aspired to be a writer. No one answered. Taylor went on to state she would love to see her poems on the shelves and would keel over with excitement every time her work was checked out. Mike was there first to speak up admitting he was there just for the transcript, adding that he in fact hated even reading. Jessica chimed in with the annoyance of having so many papers to hand in for her bachelors degree that after graduating she would never even write one more sentence. Evie remained silent.

The 3 others continued summering about school and plans after. Evie continued checking off the orders for the day. She stood in front of the romance fiction shelves silently counting how many of the books she has read. Mike walked towards her to ask what was next on the work order, standing beside her he felt heat rush through his body as he noticed the curves he was sure she had.

He reached over her taking a book from the shelf randomly opened to a page and began reading out loud.

" But even as he smiled, he felt the hot fluid between her legs for the first time, the real fluid which had not come before with her innocent blood, "That's it, that's it, my darling" he said. "And you mustn't resist your Lord and master, hmmmm?"

Evie immediately knew the words were from The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy written by Anne Rice.

The book fell out of Mike's hands as he stood there stunned in amazement with his mouth gapped open. Evie leaned in close as she gently lifted his chin closing his mouth whispering I have but only one Lord and Master. His body quivered yearning for her touch.

Taylor yelled from the far end of the library asking who was ready for a break. Evie announced she just wanted to finish the area she was working in then would take a break. Mike stood where he was still quivering. Jessica asked Evie if she wouldn't mind she and Taylor step out a moment and run to a store. The 2 left, Evie locked the door behind them.

Mike knew he and Evie where there alone and he could make a move on her. He bent down and picked the book up and swaggered towards Evie. She knew what his intent was which amused her. She allowed him to get as close to her as he wanted and try his best move. He stumbled on his words and didn't quite know what to do with his hands. When he leaned in with eyes close towards her lips is when she stopped him. She could see the mortification take over his bodying felt no remorse. She all but scolded him for acting a fool.

When the girls returned she let their knocks continue for an unnecessary amount of time. Mike asked her for the key but she refused. Finally she yelled through the door telling them that she somehow lost the keys. She continued shouting that she messaged Harry and he would soon be there adding that they may as well go home for the day. Mike now quivered with fear wondering why she would want to be alone with him. He began shouting for the girls to not dar leave him there. Soon as the girls heard they could leave for the day they disappeared not hearing Mike'e plea.

Evie continued to check off tasks from the work order as Mike banged at the locked door. Every now and again anger took the place of fear and he demanded her to open the door. His last anger out burst she stopped doping her task and just stared into his eyes. Evie sashayed towards him, each step forward she took he took backwards. She remained silent as she circled him keeping her eyes upon his. She spoke in a breathy whisper telling him he nothing to fear, he just needed to be calm and obedient.

Mike lost control of emotion, he was fearful, angry and turned on all at once, which manifested in tears streaming over his cheeks defying every effort to hold back. He looked at her smaller than his stature convinced her could knock her off her feet. He tried to sweep her legs from under her intended to subdue her and force the keys from her hands. In an instant she had him pinned against the door slamming her palms firmly on the door on either side of his waist pressing her body against his. She was pleased when she felt his firmness. He noticed he heard her hands hit the door and no sounds of keys clanking. He cleared his throat as to not sound as scared as he was asking where the key was. She remained silent still staring into his eyes. When more tears welled up she could not help but to feel sorrow. She backed up smirking ng at him telling him she was not lying when she told the girls she lost them and Harry was on his way.

Mike slid down onto his bottom curling his knees to his chest dropping his head into them. He started begging her to just open the door and stop whatever she was planning, telling her that the girls knew he was in there with her and she would never get away with her plans. Evie went back to the work order ignoring Mike.

When just about the last task was checked off and Mike could no longer hold urine back Harry was trying to open the door.

Mike started babbling something about the place not worth any transcript. Harry having no idea how the day went asked Evie to enter into the computer any work not done so he could fill another order for the following day. Evie smirked and told him her work was done for the day. As she dug for her jeep keys through her purse she asked Mike if he needed a lift. Only the girls showed up for work the next day.

April 26, 2021 23:36

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